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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. It's funny but in many ways it feels like it's regressed to ME1. Planet scanning is really slow and irritating and the quests when you actually land on a planet are similar to those as well.

    ME2 and 3 made things a bit more linear and a bit more refined, but in a good way. ME:A sought to improve by revisiting original ideas, but vastly expanding the scope. However, IMO, they failed on that front. Ultimately with the feeling that they ran out of time or money, not so much out of laziness/poor design choices.

    It's still a good fun game, I bought it recently when the trial ended, but my interest waned quickly when I got into repetitive sidequests.

    So much of it, however, retains that Mass Effect quality. Especially the storytelling (if not the overall story itself, which could have been much more daring) and the voice acting.

  2. Persona Q was a lot of fun and my favourite revisiting to the Persona universe. Although despite that, somehow, I couldn't really stick with it. I guess the Etrian Oddysey/map drawing RPG world just isn't to my tastes. That's not a dig at the quality of it because that was fantastic, but it just didn't work for me.

    Agree with the above though. Now is the time for Switch. Or even both platforms, is that not reasonably straightforward?

  3. Super proud of turning this game around. The assault had been consistently useless, seemed like a cake walk for the enemy who was mostly just setting up bastion behind shields and mowing down my teammates who repeatedly ran in one at a time. Took it into my hands with baby D.va and 20 ish seconds on the clock :D


    • Like 6
  4. A few years ago I got into weights, probably chronicled most of it on here. A year ago when I moved, I put the bench and rack in the garage thinking that would be a great place to work out without taking up any space but... as it turns out, it really killed my motivation. Along with a bunch of other complications, I ended up just totally stopping, and generally getting out of shape again.

    But! Over the last couple of weekends I have spent a lot of time tidying my house, throwing things away and making space. Last night I cleaned everything and moved it back into the house, ready to start again. Did some fairly light reps that would pretty much have been initial warmups before, but it felt pretty good to get back into it :D

    • Like 2
  5. Feel like the quality took a turn for the better in episode 3 :) although I still feel like there are some very strained, weirdly directed dialogue scenes. The world just doesn't feel as real or as alive as it used to, either. I'm going to attribute it to saving budget for epic episodes incoming.

  6. Why do people keep breaking the price down as if that proves a point?

    It's only 13.6 pence a day guys! That's a really small amount!

    The fact is, it used to be free, it's not particularly fast or reliable, the quality of free games has plummeted instead of going up with the price, and a huge majority of games use P2P connections and only use servers for matchmaking etc. It doesn't really matter if it's not much per week because the price you're quoting is only true when paying for a year lump sum, and it's that amount that matters. And whether or not you in your cushy job can afford it isn't always the issue, what's the 13 year old budding gamer like yourself from [redacted] years ago gonna do when that annual sub rolls around?

    • Like 6
  7. Have you played Mystery Heroes? Most of the N-E group don't like it but I enjoy it, although you can end up unfortunate and against a stack of 3 Zarya's or something, I like being forced out of my comfort zone from time to time, or getting to play Widow/Hanzo without feeling bad about it (although if the team is close to winning and we already have a sniper, I may throw myself off the closest ledge)


    • Like 1
  8. 8 hours ago, Eddage said:

    I'm still not even sure if I'll bother picking it up at all, haven't played the any of the beta!

    I quit the first Destiny hard back at the end of November and don't really have any urge to dive back in :/

    We pretty much all did, but I think most of us will be back, too! All "Destiny 1.5" grievances aside, the strikes and raids and social aspect are still going to be top tier for me I'm sure.

    • Like 2
  9. Even if I enjoy D2, I don't think I'm going to have the same completionist drive I had in D1. That's because the mystery has gone, and nothing has changed from Destiny 1. You understand how the weapons drop from the outset, there's a fixed set of weapons and a fixed set of exotics. Unlocking the majority of them is going to be at the whim of RNG, and only a set few are going to be fun/worth having/worth using in PvE. Within a few months you will be scorned for using an exotic weapon you like on a raid boss because it's less efficient than a sniper rifle or whatever.

    I was kinda hoping they would change things up a bit and that playing would feel more like Diablo, where any purple drop gets you excited, but lets be honest, that stopped being the case for most people a long time ago with D1, and if they're not changing that, the feeling will simply continue.

    • Like 4
  10. This is a game I was looking forward to for so long, but when it arrived it didn't grab me at all. I guess the fact that  Transistor was a massive disappointment after Bastion didn't help :p

    Did you check out Xcom 2 at all though, Flink? Might be your cuppa tea.

  11. Mei wall on friendly spawn... this is just something idiot players do, you'll see it again many times no doubt :p There's always more than one way out of spawn though, just don't stand at the one Mei is waiting at if you expect idiocy (always expect idiocy). I have actually caught people hanging out with enemy players that are clearly friends, doing emotes and stuff though >.>

    • Like 1
  12. Spoiler

    Everyone's dissing Theon but he couldn't have done anything  anyway. Did people think he was going to somehow suddenly become a super soldier and win that fight despite the hostage situation? This is actually the only way they could both have come out alive. That said, I think it's kind of a shame that they reverted him back, feel like we've been through that story once already, taking a step backwards is just going to feel repetitive.

    Anyone else think the scene with Missandei and the Grey Worm was just... poor? It went on and on and there was something really off about it.

    Other than that it was decent, even if 95% of it was just conversation again.


  13. 30 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

    That guy is HUGE! Can't wait till they put Wailord in then. :grin:

    The game doesn't make things bigger or smaller depending on how far away the backdrop is does it? If you pointed that at the floor it would look 5cm tall.

  14. @Dcubed To be honest I forgot that board was live, thought it got merged. Not sure it was "popular" really, there were no posts in the last month it was live and then none through March and April!

    What do you think about just listing trades amongst the rest of the threads? Or maybe we could have a special sidebar block for it.

    @Sméagol I've found the best way to move quotes around is to put some linebreaks/text/spaces in where you want the quote to be, then drag the quote into that space.

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