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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. Yeah guys we're well aware of the issue so there's really no need to keep reporting cloudflare/page loading issues. Thanks anyway. Also the issue of content on the index not updating has nothing to do with your personal cache so no amount or variation of refreshing is going to help show up to date content.

  2. To be fair to you liquid gas is a real thing so it could be in freezers

    How is liquid gas a real thing? You might as well say solid gas. You might be thinking of liquified gas, like... a liquid that used to be a gas? Anyway all/most modern fridges and freezers need to be left after installing so the oil in it can settle back down because it might've leaked while transporting it.

  3. That's a funny way to refer to QTEs! :p I think they took off in Shenmue and gained notoriety from Resident Evil games more than anything. They are definitely the only offputting part of what otherwise looks very promising.

  4. I took a leaf out of @Daft 's book and did a lot of ranked placements as Reaper. Gold medals ahoy. Played an excellent game on Kings Row as well where I played Ana on attack and Mercy on defense and spent a lot of the game on fire. Also got the clutchest ending on defense ever where we basically let it get to 1m from the end in record time but then defended that last metre constantly despite everyone dying all the time. Even though I won 5, lost 5 I still ended up ranked higher than I finished last season. Platinum's in the bag, so may actually fight for diamond this season.


    Yesterday morning I was feeling pretty fed up with Overwatch but by the evening I completely turned that around. Despite my whole team quitting after we won attack on my last ranked game.



    1 is absolutely gash, if you want to get up to speed on its story, just Wikipedia it. AC2 was the peak of the series (at least in its time, not sure how it holds up now), and Ezio is by far and away the best main character the series ever had.


    Personally I think Brotherhood was the peak. It was still Ezio, a full wealth of content in the same time as 2, it introduced - but didn't overdo - the functionality of building a group of allies and a "creed" of your own. Rome was utterly incredible. It tightened up a lot of controls and movement, and it added that amazing multiplayer. At the time when I was getting sick of all the CoD games etc, it was such a refreshingly original online experience.


    Kind of redundant because if I remember rightly, they didn't put multiplayer in the remake, but still had to sing Brotherhood's praises.

  6. Glad you agree that the game is a masterpiece. Shame about the trophy but they built in a way to fix that issue.


    And thanks for the link. Unfortunately in my haste, I bought it as soon as it appeared on iTunes and now I realise I can only play it from my phone which refuses to push the music to my tv or ps4 which I can do with Spotify and I believe amazon prime. Grrrrrr.

    I thought iTunes was DRM free these days so you could just copy that music to wherever you like?

  7. Personally I really like vBulletin as forum software, I think the look of it is nice even if it's dated, I feel like that only adds to the aesthetic appeal overall. :)

    The look that you like is mostly our custom themes, with the exception of the new reply views etc.. We will definitely reskin any new board too, even if not immediately.


    What else is it you like about the vb software? It's not impossible to rebuild custom features on the new system, although how many of them really get used? When was the last time anyone embedded a wiki, kickstarter, flipnote, ign video or instagram post?


    Tbh I imagine if we went to vb5, we would hit the same issues as so many of the features are built in a dated way, they just can't be successfully ported.


    Wherever possible I will try to retain the individuality of this forum.


    Edit: I don't want to seem argumentative, the opinions of those who like vB a lot are those I'm most concerned with.

  8. As a side note, how much does all this cost? I would happily chip in if need be.

    The money we make from advertising has dropped off significantly over the years. However, I have been getting free hosting through work (quite low performance which accounts for a lot of the instability, but highly accessible as an admin) to cover that. The ad money we put aside can cover the initial license, then we only have to pay a small amount if we ever need to renew the license for updates in the future. I very much appreciate the offer but for now I hope that instead, we can build back up visitor numbers and cover costs ourselves.

  9. For a while now I've been thinking about, and testing/playing with, Invision Power Boards as an alternative to vBulletin. You can see their own Forums here as an example, if you're not familiar:




    Some advantages of the system:

    Responsive (mobile/tablet-friendly) design out of the box


    More stable, modern and secure

    Your accounts will be automatically transferred

    All existing threads and posts will be transferred

    Per-forum customisation

    Alternate login options (Facebook etc)

    Optional Question and Answer format for posts, allowing OP to vote for the best answer

    Other general improvements to browsing, searching, sharing and navigating


    Some possible disadvantages:

    Existing themes will be lost, although new ones can be made easier

    Some features/bbcodes will not perfectly port over, spoiler tags may break for example

    Read-only downtime while we transfer


    The reason I'm posting this here is because I don't want to be one of those admins that just decides what's best for you all and does a switch, that everyone ends up hating. Not only because of the risk of alienating users, but also the software is non-refundable :p


    This will also be the first step in a larger plan to generally speed up and improve stability on the site.


    So let us know your thoughts!

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