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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. 16 hours ago, Jonnas said:

    Phew, I go away for a couple of weeks, and one of my regular sites changes its entire aesthetic! It resembles that of this other forum I know (same software, surely), so I know it's practical. But no lie, I'm gonna miss the "Thanks" button :heh:


    Everyone was using Thanks like a Like here anyway, so it makes more sense as "Like" IMO!

    • Like 2
  2. 19 minutes ago, Charlie said:

    Hence the need for thousand separators! :)

    It's a bit hacky to change this, I'd rather not modify more templates than we need to, and the fix would need applying to every theme and future theme. Also I tried it and couldn't figure it out :p Any chance you can just like... never look at the post count? :blush:

    • Like 1
  3. I plowed through seasons one and two of iZombie, but man I just do not care any more in Season 3. It's repeating the same trope and it annoys me that it's one rule for one character and another for another. And there's too much CW love triangle crap. I haven't gotten past episode 3 or so, should I try again?

  4. 11 minutes ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

    I am serious. For me it's a little too close to the base colour. Plus quoting this post (at least in the quick reply thing) I can barely see your text at all because it be so dark.

    Ok. Both themes are grey so I thought you were referring to the lighter one. Paging @Cube re: any change requests regarding the Switch Dark Theme.

  5. 20 minutes ago, ipaul said:

    Got a preorder with Shopto...anyone know how reliable they are?

    Reliable for what? :p you say that as if they're not one of the biggest online games retailer in the UK. They're perfectly reliable, although they might not get you your stuff before streetdate like they used to.

  6. 35 minutes ago, nekunando said:

    I don't really know what to do about payment, though, as both ShopTo and Smyths lack a way for me to easily change billing/delivery address.. and we're moving house next month :blank:

    Just contact Smyths with their contact form and change the delivery address? Have it changed to a family member or something if you don't know what your next address will be.

  7. I had my brick driveway fully powerwashed and resanded and weeds are already coming back just a few weeks later, there's not a lot that can be done, buy a big container of weedkiller and have a spare knife handy....

    I've been thinking for a while that I might need to move, somewhere with a less high maintenance garden and nearer to my friends. I might sacrifice the bike and the garage to keep it in to get somewhere with a bigger spare room and simpler garden.

    However, the idea of going through the house buying thing again is a bit daunting to say the least, and now it'll be coupled with selling one too.

  8. On 6/24/2017 at 6:31 PM, Zell said:

    Got promoted to manager yesterday! Three years of long hours and personal sacrifices have now finally paid off. :yay:

    I just realised that I drunkenly stole your thunder when you were telling us that on OW the other evening. Congrats :blush::D

    • Like 1
  9. 15 hours ago, will' said:

    I'm not sure it would even be legal for Nintendo to dictate how retailers handle their stock. Granted it's been a while since I worked with retail but I'm pretty sure you have to just sell them the stock and let them get on with it.

    My suggestion was that with this one, very limited edition product, they should only sell it through their website. I never mentioned restricting retailers.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    Errr... yes? Ever wondered why console manufacturers don't tend to sell digital games from their eshop cheaper than RRP? It's so as to not piss of the retailers, keep them onside and get them to promote their stuff as much as possible.

    There's a big difference between a huge range of digital games with a literally limitless supply, and a single limited run, special edition item. Nintendo used to give away items via the Stars Catalogue, did that mean that GAME refused to stock the Wii?

  11. Just now, Happenstance said:

    Was it the Nintendo store that had the issues on release day with the Switch?

    Yes it had a meltdown with order tracking etc, although the majority of systems were delivered on time I think, including mine. I pretty much swore against using them again at the time however this is a very limited item that can wait so I'm not too bothered.

  12. Oh no, not uproar from retailers. Wouldn't want to upset those poor companies... What are they going to do about it, refuse to sell Nintendo products in the future?

    The responsibility to fans lies with Nintendo, not retailers.

  13. I still sort of agree with Jimbob. It's not about too little stock (they stated it's meant to be a limited edition item), it's about allowing third party retailers to sell as many as they like to whoever they like, meaning loads of people immediately bought 20 just to make a profit and screwing over the real fans.

    They should've just only sold it themselves.

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