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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. On 10/15/2017 at 2:10 PM, bob said:

    Had a minor panic on Friday night when I thought I'd lost access to the half a Bitcoin I bought 4 years ago.

    Spent all evening trying to get it back, which I eventually did, but it was a bit scary.

    Holy crap! That's potentially a tidy profit! Congrats. What kind of wallet was it in? Hope you didn't cash out on Oct 15 :p

  2. This is a lovely game and a great entry for the series, but at the same time it's very straightforward, you just plow through moon collection without much brainpower. The biggest challenge is that damn purple insta-death goo which I fall victim to frequently just because I'm rushing. And it kinda feels more like an entry in the BK series than a Mario game, what with all the NPCs with their gibberish voices and jokes/riddles.

    Those are my only gripes though, it's a very fun experience. Doesn't do anything to topple Galaxy or SM64 as my fav 3D Marios, but a worthy outing and great use of the Switch visually/technically.

    • Like 2
  3. Tbh I thought this had been impossible for a long time simply because YT made it so the players don't work that way anymore. They were l literally just tiny Youtube videos that were so small you could only see the controls. They weren't really proper "audio" players, you were just loading the video.

    If you tried to make one now, it would just come out like this:


    • Like 1
  4. Talk about your memories of the game, waiting for it to arrive, where or when you played it. How much you anticipated it, whether it lived up to your expectations, if you ever beat it, if you've ever been back to it since. Many of these games you may have replayed on Virtual Console or remakes, but try and stick to your first experience of it.


    I never actually played this so I can't weigh in!

  5. If I understand rightly you've been self employed through your site for a long time right?

    It's much more difficult to convince a bank of your financial situation when you don't just have a basic paycheck. Even people who own companies can have problems if they don't pay themselves a wage normally. Freelancers can have a nightmare.

    • Like 1
  6. No time to write a blurb this week, but since it's just hitting many of your shelves in the form of the SNES Classic Mini, lets chat about this awesome game, with controls and complexities ahead of its time.


    Talk about your memories of the game, waiting for it to arrive, where or when you played it. How much you anticipated it, whether it lived up to your expectations, if you ever beat it, if you've ever been back to it since. Many of these games you may have replayed on Virtual Console or remakes, but try and stick to your first experience of it.




    • Thanks 1
  7. I've only watched the pilot and I thought it had potential, but lots of things really bugged me about it. Lens flare, filters, awkward close ups, weak CG (her head floating in that suit wasn't even lined up properly...) and angled shots everywhere.

    There's a bizarre disconnection between the captain and Number 1, despite saying they've been together seven years there's no sense of trust or understanding between them at all. Mutiny within minutes! Reminds me of Kirk breaking the Prime Directive within 30 seconds of the second new movie, it undermines Starfleet a lot. Unless something changes about this commander significantly soon I don't think I could possibly stand her as what I assume will be the frontrunner of the show.

    Some really dumb moments as well that never would've been in Star Trek before, like how would anybody not notice that you weren't walking in a circle if you did sharp 100 degree turns to draw an angled shape :blank: and what kind of radiation only starts affecting you after exactly 20 minutes of exposure to it?

    I did really like the designs of the new aliens though, and the look of the Klingons. That moment with the Klingon on the outside of the ship was pretty epic, or certainly could've been if delivered with a bit less orange glow.

  8. You'll be able to cancel that within 14 days if you want to use a price comparison site. You should've at least got a renewal letter, maybe it went to an old address? In which case, the policy will have the wrong address on it and be invalid anyway... Either that or you got email that you ignored/went to junk.

    • Like 1
  9. 16 hours ago, Deathjam said:

    I’ll be honest, I’m not sure I’m having fun doing the raid blind. Some bits yes, but usually when we finally figure it out and that’s after having sunk hours, literally. Im too old to be spending that amount of time with no progress lol.


    Yeah definitely, I like the style and idea behind this raid, but figuring out is nowhere near as fun, because each round (well, we've only seen two) is so quickly punishing. You don't get time to figure it out, you either figure it out or you wipe. That's nowhere near as fun as past raids. So far it's been more fun working out the in-between parts of the raid area.

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  10. Sorry, I'm going on holiday so I thought it would be best not to sign up in case we have to go back in over the course of the week. Also wasn't high enough PL anyway. I should be around next time!

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