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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. This doesn't add much but just to weigh in on the concept/tech, I've played several PS Now games (same idea) and they've all run brilliantly. When connection gets weak the stream quality dips and occasionally there's some noticeable input lag, but 99% of the time it runs very well.

    I do have very good broadband though and that connection was wired.

  2. On 5/13/2018 at 7:24 PM, Sméagol said:

    Ah, I bought some Uniqlo shirts recently, from that Kurakami Karacho line. Didn't know this was already available. There's nothing for me there, as I'm generally not interested in the Shonen Jump titels,


    It's a Shonen Jump 50th anniversary line, isn't it?

    I got the tshirt on the right of those two. Not that happy with it though really as the logo is too big, clearly not scaled for smaller shirt sizes.

  3. I tried watching the Persona 5 animation but eh... I don't really see the point of it. You take the game we've already played, take out a lot of the depth and complexity, give the main character a bland personality and there's really nothing else going for it. Better to just replay the game :p

    Correct me if I'm wrong and the anime explores anything differently.

    If there's anything I've always found a bit weak about Persona games, it's how your team always regards you as a great person and a leader, even though you don't really do anything that spectacular. If the anime wanted to do something right, it should go all-in with the main character, give them a lot of depth and motivation, rather than erring on the side of caution and worrying about upsetting the blank slate that the MC is expected to be.

  4. I've just popped into this thread to say damn, this game is good. Best single player game I've played in a long while, and gorgeous to boot. Maybe the first time I've really appreciated what my OLED TV can do. I stopped in awe at one point early on, because it looked like I was standing in a piece of amazing concept art. You know how concept art often just looks that much bigger and better than the final product, but in this case the game looked like the art. And all that on top of a game that's fun and challenging and thoughtful, and focussed enough not to tire me out like your average open-world game.... It's really something else.

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  5. Yknow what, I kinda take that for granted these days so it didn't even occur to me to bring it up. Yep, if you want to do a line break, as opposed to a new paragraph, it's shift+return.
    Like so!

    (Also works on Word :p)

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  6. Ok, you people seem to be skipping past the "not an option in this text editor" part while you all weigh it up.

    And Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are for posting little sentence long snippets, they're not forums, they're not for paragraphs and paragraphs of body text and discussion.

    Here are a handful of text editors from the first page of google, try them all out:








    Or better yet, open Microsoft Word...

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  7. I understand the difference and you're stating it right. However, a new paragraph on return is a standard these days. To be honest, it's not even an option on this text editor. If you want it to look right on the forum, you'll have to do one return and accept that it will look wrong on tapatalk.

    A couple of people may be against it here, but I think you're completely outstripped by the silent majority who simply use the forum with no problems and find no reason to enter this thread :p

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  8. Two line breaks and a paragraph are completely different things. If you want to restyle paragraphs and spacing later you can't do it if we're just putting linebreaks everywhere.

    This is the normal way for the majority of text editors, etc.. And I will never do anything ever whatsoever to adjust the way the forum works for tapatalk especially now the forums are totally responsive.

  9. On 11/04/2018 at 12:29 PM, S.C.G said:

    Well, I haven't played a Spider-Man game since The Amazing Spider-Man Vs The Kingpin on the Sega Mega-CD, I haven't watched a Spider-Man film since the original modern Spider-Man 2, I've never really properly read any of the comics since... a while ago; and I'm actually considering buying this game.

    Maybe not on release, but at some point, if it turns out to be the 9/10 excellent Spider-Man game that I think it will be. :D

    It's good that you stopped with the movies there :p If you want to catch up, skip the rest and watch Captain America: Civil War and then Spider-Man: Homecoming.

    And if you want to scour any retro (ish) games to keep you going til this comes out, Spider-Man 2 and Ultimate Spider-Man on the Gamecube and PS2 were great fun.

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  10. I've taken a break of basically years from weightlifting. Just didn't have the motivation for some reason. But now its back, and I'm getting back on it! Switched from from 5x5 to GSLP and I'm really going to try and stick with it this time. Can't believe what I could lift when I stopped, compared to what I'm doing now, a shame really. I wonder where I'd be at if I'd have kept it up? Well, this time we'll find out :)


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  11. 16 hours ago, killthenet said:

    I've never played a God Of War game but was really impressed by the reveal of this at E3 2016, glad it's garnered a lot of praise but pretty surprised it's getting such consistently high scores. I don't think I'll get it at launch but will definitely play it eventually. I was considering playing the earlier ones first but this seems like such a dramatic departure mechanically that playing this first probably wouldn't impact my subsequent enjoyment of its predecessors.

    They seem worlds apart, this could've been a whole new franchise and nobody would've said "isn't this God of War?"

    It looks great and it has my interest but... it's just nothing like its predecessors. Which is fine, as a series God of War had probably done everything it needed to. But these days there's less options for scratching the itch of button-mashing arcade style games, and I'll kind of miss the mindless action, unique camera angles and giant monster takedowns that God of War stood for before.

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