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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. On 9/15/2018 at 11:37 AM, Ronnie said:

    I'm enjoying this game a lot but at the same time some parts of it feel so incredibly dated. Like we've gone back to how openworld games used to be ten or fifteen years ago.

    Why are all the Fisk hideouts identical in design and gameplay? Why are the "towers" so ridiculously easy to get to/activate and why even bother to make them needing activation. Some of the collectibles like the backpacks are literally go here, press triangle, and others like the cat things are just boring and piss easy to find. NPCs at street level may as well not be there. You can't go into buildings etc etc

    I do like how they slowly reveal the various collectibles over time though, that's great and much better than inundating you with them at the start of the game.

    The combat is cool and fluid too and obv the traversal is fun. I also enjoyed the research stations a lot, though I did find it funny that literally every single one showed an imminent danger that had to be resolved within minutes or else....

    Really weird game, I am enjoying it a lot and plan on Platinuming it, but it really isn't anything special and it's certainly not a game that'll stand out or I'll remember in ten years time.

    Ah I'm glad someone else agreed! I was worried I was alone in this feeling. In a way though if there had just been fewer grindy sections I would've been much happier with its strange dated approach because there was something wonderfully simple and relaxing about it.

  2. I'm really enjoying playing this but at times I find myself questioning why I'm enjoying it. Apart from the webswinging, the visuals and the photo mode, the whole model is crazily dated. Clunky AI pedestrians and NPCs performing cardboard looking cutscenes and reactions in the street that look like they fell out of a Tony Hawk game in 2005... swinging through smog clouds, chasing pigeons, smashing barrels, feels really arcadey. There's a real disparity between the game trying to sound realistic with its science and tech, and the silly minigames you play. Not to mention the tone shift between the downtime fun and the frequently dark turns of the story.

    And yet I think that is, whether intentionally or not, part of the joy of it. It's just very simple and mindless. It's a tried and tested formula that's missing a little polish, but that helps keep it flowing so fast. The web swinging is so much fun, you can pick up so much speed and change direction instantaneously. It's forgiving in a way that makes you look like a pro in no time, but also takes skill to perfect.

    All the things to do on the map are a bit of a grind but there's a wide variety and I never feel like the next one will be a chore. I've also really enjoyed the challenge of starting on hard, made every level-up feel really worthwhile and useful.

    Combat is decent, if a bit samey. At first there's not much to do but hold-square, square square square, triangle, repeat x10. Unlocking gadgets basically turns the game into easy mode, as you get so many that recharge so fast you can just alternate between gadgets, a couple of manouvres and then just dole out near-unlimited auto-finishers. But again, the simplicity of it covered with some neat camera movements and slow-mo makes it fun enough to cover up any issues.

    For the last two nights I've played pretty much non-stop after work which is unheard of these days, so they've definitely done something right.

    Very much looking forward to this universe expanding a bit to include more favourite characters!

    • Like 4
  3. On 9/9/2018 at 8:03 PM, Ashley said:

    I hadn't thought of that cheers. Having a look as I've got an original PS4 I'll need a special screwdriver I don't have. Cleaned the dust around the edges for now, hopefully that'll help. 

    The screen keeps dimming as well, hoping it's related!

    Are you on a Pro? My PS4 fans also go kinda crazy playing any HDR game to be honest. I have not considered cleaning it, I'm just chalking it up to the intensive processes. I just put headphones on :p

    Might just try swapping the hdmi cable to see if the dimming problem goes away?

  4. 19 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:


    @Shorty did you get a steel case with yours? If not and you're after one you can have mine. I don't like having them on my shelf so if you want it then just PM me your address and I'll get it sent to you.

    Hey, that would be awesome, thanks! Pinging you my address.

  5. 3 hours ago, Ashley said:

    I'm not saying it's not shitty, but it's also not unique is it not? I seem to recall a number of games doing the same kind of thing, but maybe I'm getting confused or time is doing that Dali thing in my mind. 

    I think in part the thing is that they were giving such a good honest/transparent impression at first. They made a point that pre-order bonuses are not exclusives, that suits are not locked by microtransactions or loot boxes but are in-game rewards. All this felt quite refreshing. Then at the last minute to make it feel like some content was cut/paywalled is a bit disheartening. We shouldn't stop getting annoyed by bad practices just because they're becoming commonplace after all.

    • Like 1
  6. Good work proving my point about their marketing genius wrapping you around their little finger :indeed: turning it into a joke/back around on the people making the complaints was an absolute killer move and it's worked on you guys fully.

    Any visual downgrade didn't bother me much in the first place, it's really just their approach that has been uncool. Same with the DLC, I'll likely buy it, but I feel it's sudden and early arrival is a bit suspect.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Ronnie said:

    Most big AAA games get downgraded by release (though certain other publishers games' actually improve visually closer to release), it's just a fact of the industry. I don't think it's intentionally misleading the consumer, just the reality of having to ship a bug-free game with a decent performance. I'm obviously not a developer but I suspect it's much easier/makes more sense to aim high then dial back if need be.


    You might be missing the part where they are adamantly claiming nothing has changed? It's not the downgrade that's the major issue, it's the misleading/claims that they were showing us final graphics and that nothing's changed.


  8. On 8/31/2018 at 8:10 PM, GenericAperson said:


    (I jest of course, but that's what the reaction to the graphical downgrade seems to be like at the moment).

    I don't think the game not having as good as graphics as was earlier shown is going to affect the overall quality of the game, if there's anything that is going to affect the game it is going to be gameplay and story issues, not a graphical downgrade.

    It's clearly a significant graphical downgrade that a marketing genius has done an incredible job of spinning round so people are just making fun of others for complaining about puddles. Everything from lighting to the textures of Spidey himself look significantly worse, and that shouldn't be ignored/downplayed, especially on a game landing at £50 with DLC already being trailed.

    • Like 1
  9. The Definitive Edition came out yesterday and... saves don't carry over! This isn't a surprise for people who played the first on PC apparently, but I was shocked. It's basically just a big patch, not sure why they would roll it out like this.

    Not wanting to miss out though, we decided to take a leap and start our characters again. It's kinda fun doing the beginning with a little better understanding.

  10. I've played it a fair bit on PC. It's... tricky to get into even if you've played the first. It's a bit buggy and clunky and damned hard. It's a shame there's not a lot more and a lot better mods for it because I think it really needs an overhaul. Maybe the definitive edition will bring some polish to it.

    It's still a very good RPG and I'm enjoying playing through it. The story is decent and all the characters excellent. So many quests with so many twists and turns and different results, it's certainly a very deep game. The challenge can get frustrating in that typical tactical RPG bullshit way, (one very popular mod simply stops the enemies from being fucking psychics who relentlessly target any weakness even on normal mode) but in the same vein that makes it more gratifying when you do win.

    I feel like it also could've just been more dynamic in terms of world and NPC interaction. Let me look around the world from shoulder view. Give me a close up camera angle and make some of the NPCs feel alive by giving them more than the usual nod and wave during speech, close ups and cutscenes are something we've been taking for granted now for over ten years.

  11. I love Skyrim on Oculus, no idea how it is on PSVR because I use a lot of mods and ini tweaks to improve the experience and visuals. I use the control stick to move around which takes a little getting used to but if nobody's looking you can always walk on the spot and it helps

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