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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. Yeah I went to backup and the funny thing was, I realised I don't really have a lot of important data these days :p not on my OS drive anyway.

    18 year old me would've been having a heart attack at all the work, music, writing, designs etc that could've been lost. But now it's like "eh, all my sites are on git, all my game saves are in the cloud" etc

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. So some total BS setting it up :p

    When I had it open to put the fan in, I also added in a USB PCI card. Two things came from this, one I realised that shitty fan can't do anything flashy with LEDs without an extra, £30 part (wtf corsair, and partly I'm obviously to blame for not researching properly). But much worse, when I started my PC back up, my SSD wasn't recognised. After checking and rechecking everything I gave up to the point I had filled out the warranty form for the SSD. Then, when going to boot ubuntu to see if anything could be salvaged off the disk, the SSD appeared again as a boot option and all was OK again :blank: two hours later mind you.

    On top of all that... the USB card doesn't work.

    The £5 strip of LEDs on the back of the TV went fine though :indeed:

  3. It's ongoing but it has a little bit of self-respect so unlike Naruto etc, it takes breaks between seasons when there isn't any content instead of descending into filler hell :p So there's only 53 or so episodes at the moment and when it finishes the current run it will take another break. It's very good, I think you'll like it off the back of something like Naruto.

    • Like 1
  4. Yeah Crunchyroll's apps are all trash. I gave up on the PS4 app after it just buffers constantly (despite a 200MB+ connection). I've cancelled my subscription as a result.

    Does Boruto get better? To me for 15-20 episodes it just felt like Naruto fillers. Then they started telling the in-between story from the Manga which was ok but since I'd already read it, I just stopped paying attention at that point.

    @Hero-of-Time have you watched My Hero Academia?

  5. Hard to beat the Sony Wireless Stereo Headset 2.0 IMO. It's not that cheap though and I've seen QC might not be great on the newer model without the hinge (the hinge can snap though so avoid those anyway). Just get a replacement if people say your mic is no good.

    • Thanks 1
  6. That actually looks good. I was a huge fan of Arrow and Flash at first and I put up with a lot of crap, but I really just fell out with them gradually and then, without even consciously trying, just stopped watching.

  7. 1. Majora's Mask
    2. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
    3. Super Mario Bros. 3
    4. Final Fantasy VII
    5. Metroid Prime
    6. Persona 4 Golden
    7. Pokemon Red/Blue
    8. Mass Effect
    9. Resident Evil 4
    10. Banjo Kazooie

    Honourable mentions to Destiny, City of Heroes, Minecraft, Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, Portal, Overwatch, Sonic 2, Mario 64 and Galaxy, Command and Conquer Red Alert, Perfect Dark, The Last of Us, Uncharted 2, Ocarina of Time, Link to the Past, Breath of the Wild, THPS2, Metal Gear Solid, Halo 3, Gears of War, Mass Effect 2, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, SSX 3, Arkham Asylum... could you make this a top 50?

    • Like 3
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  8. On 7/18/2018 at 12:31 PM, Jimbob said:

    Hello Games could have given up with No Man's Sky, but continued at it and have delivered all this content for no extra cost.  I still venture in and out of the universe, and this update will certainly pull me back in. 

    Yeah they could've given up... and had nobody ever trust them or give them a penny ever again and be done in the business forever.

  9. 46 minutes ago, Eenuh said:

    We are currently in the process of remortgaging. I am going to try to do it myself rather than using a broker, but we'll see if I can manage to do it or not. Not sure if I should go for a 2, 3 or 5 year fixed rate though! 5 years is more stability, but we would be paying a bit more. But then if we go for 2 or 3 years, the rates might have risen lots after that time. So yeah, fun times. :p

    I got a crazy good rate on a new 5 year fixed recently. I think you can do it without a broker just fine (not that I did, I have a broker I can use for free), it's the new lender's solicitors that manage the difficult parts anyway.

    My main interest was getting somewhere that lets you transfer that mortgage, cos I'm thinking of moving again soon ish!

  10. 14 hours ago, nightwolf said:


    Finally decided to grab one, I've been after one since last August.

    If you haven't already played it on PC or Xbox, grab Hollow Knight, what an amazing game. Then grab the recent physical release of Sonic Mania Plus. Then I guess if you have time, Breath of the Wild.

    • Like 1
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  11. Yeah I really don't like those kind. You either have to keep the book inside the slip cover, or the slip cover doesn't stay on right... On lesser games I've even been tempted to just throw the cover away.

    Ah but there's not going to be a better version, and there's never been a game I wanted to support more by buying another version. Maybe I'll get it for the Switch this time...

    • Like 1
  12. 18 hours ago, Cube said:

    Things are going pretty well for me, we're spending most nights together and are spending as much time together as possible. Got her playing lots of board games, video games and watch of films. We enjoy pretty much doing everything together.

    This is just a minor thing and ymmv greatly, but I have had more than one relationship where the girl early on made a lot of effort to be into the things I was into, and they were very convincing in their efforts, but ultimately it was just that. They did a good job of making me think they were sharing my interests, so I sat firmly in my comfort zone thinking "hey, all my hobbies are good enough for both of us, no need to branch out". Whereas really, you need to give as much as you get in this regard, and never take anything for granted. Keep looking for new things, make sure you ask about things they're into and absolutely try those too even if... especially if your first reaction is not to. Video games and movies are very easy, so you fall into the trap of suggesting just doing that again and again, you're happy indefinitely but you don't notice it getting tired for them.

    Like I said, this is very subjective, but I've seen it happen to others.

    #1 tip? Discover a healthy outdoor hobby that creates memories. Hiking, geocaching, climbing, heck - Pokemon Go. Video games and movies don't create memories, they turn into a big blur and before you know it a year has passed and you don't remember doing anything exciting.

    ...this may be advice for myself more than it is for you.

    • Like 2
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  13. I bought one set of rigid ink, a bit more pricey but definitely had some very nice quality from it. However, I'm not sure the quality is a big enough step up from surreal to justify the cost, so I think I'll go back to that for my next spool.

  14. 5 minutes ago, bob said:
    18 minutes ago, Shorty said:
    I'm so glad to get a voice of sanity here. I've got friends who normally hate anything that's a little badly made, but they love Luke Cage. I also can't get over how bad almost every bit-part and extra actor is. Like, are they not even real extras, just people off the street?
    I tried to get back into this and actually, there were a couple of episodes in the prison that weren't too bad. But then after that it goes back to the same tired crap. I've got long random drawn out scenes with Claire's side story that just doesn't go anywhere and nobody cares about. Talking goes on and on as if they think their dialogue is really thought-provoking and emotional when it's just boring. I just don't get what they're doing, it's a comic book story about an invincible guy with super strength, why is half of every episode just him talking to old guys in the hood...

    I don't think it's the actors, I think it's the script. You can tell because when some of the characters crossover into other shows you don't notice it as much. Luke Cage was great in Defenders, and Claire seems like a normal human being in Daredevil.

    I specifically mean small parts and extras. The chinese takeaway owner, a random shop visitor, goons, the people in the street who wanted Luke Cage to get their stuff back. All seriously dire. It's something that I have literally never noticed in a show before. But you could be right, it may be the dialogue even for them.

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