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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. Hm that's weird. The bottom link you quoted is just a normal text link, no surprise that works. The one at the top uses Patreon's js, just for styling the button I think. I assume you're getting some js error when that happens but without being able to recreate it, it's hard to say what. If anyone else reports it, maybe I'll just put a hardcoded link at the top, too. Thanks for the effort in sending the screencaps.

  2. Oh really! I’ve been adding my own supports all along as I’ve not typically found the software smart enough. Some even occasionally leaving impossible surfaces with no supports at all.

    Anyway here’s another successful print!


    And I’m now printing the most first world thing I could think of with my big first world toy: a wall mounted hanger for my aeropress.

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  3. Printed this guy to live on my desk at work :D


    Here's some D&D miniatures




    They look a bit rough, they could do with a wet n dry sanding, but they're very very small so the roughness isn't too noticeable irl. They were printed with a .2mm nozzle.

    Also printed my SO a phone case that came out pretty well, added a pattern to it using tinkercad.

    • Like 2
  4. @Sméagol that's hugely appreciated, thank you. Cards are charged at the start of the month which is when Patreon advises to dish out rewards, so I'm going to go with that model for now.

    I'm not sure I'm following you on what you can and cannot see... What part looks like a suspicious link?  Perhaps a screengrab could help. Or is your post from before I added the new box?

    The button disappearing was an issue with Patreon's script caused by it being loaded in two places, thought I'd stamped that out, could it be some adblocking software that hides it

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 3/24/2018 at 5:19 PM, Goafer said:

    Picked this up nice and cheap from Amazon:




    Can't pretend I wouldn't like this, but gotta vote with your wallet sometimes! Still annoyed at myself that I paid for the special edition of what turned out to be my Most Disappointing Game of All Time.

  6. 9 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

    Ok, not up to date on this, but was that a new series or feature length film type thing. It looked pretty awesome. 


    On 3/23/2018 at 8:05 AM, Hero-of-Time said:

    Is that the same storyline that has been going on in the comics?

    On 3/23/2018 at 8:07 AM, Happenstance said:

    Yes. As far as I know it’s actually a trailer for that comic storyline.



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  7. I bought a mirror tile from Ikea that has helped a lot, much flatter than the glass it arrived with. And then I stuck the Hictop surface layer on top of that, no longer a waste of money now it has the mirror to sit on. With that on, I don't need glue sticks or anything else anymore. I also bought some new nozzles, and have been printing my D&D miniatures out with a 0.2 nozzle at 0.05-0.08mm layers although that takes a very long time. Some of my friends have bought their player character pieces custom designed from Hero Forge and I have been printing those out. I'll get a picture of the whole lot soon!

    • Like 1
  8. I actually bought some HICTOP surfaces at £20, just stick them on the glass, but they made things worse.

    Eventually though I have gotten things working well! Took a lot of levelling and relevelling and experimenting with temperatures but here's Baba Lysaga's Creeping Hut for my D&D game.


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  9. The first game is a bit of a QTE shitshow (but with great visuals and a nice retelling of the story) with a clunky overworld between missions (put hugely to shame by that pair of Ubisoft games we got a few years ago, kinda sad they never made any more of those).

    After that it gets a bit more fun, the boss fights and QTEs get much better. The visuals really are stunning, some of the best anime art-to-game models. Especially when you consider they're replacing an anime that often completely cheaped out on their animation, this is about the best presentation the series will likely ever get.

    Kinda weird also that this is seemingly just the trilogy rather than the recent Legacy re-release for PS4 that bundled in the 4th game and all DLC.

  10. Sometimes startup noises can be fixed by swapping out a relatively cheap fan inside the box, or even just oiling it a bit.

    Another tip I read was to buy an extension for the micro SD card because they're prone to breaking and you're in a mess if that happens.

    I also set up octoprint with relative ease on a spare Raspberry Pi which gives you a web interface to control your prints (and means you don't need the SD slot at all)

    • Like 1
  11. Yes but there's a few issues. Firstly one corner won't typically touch the paper at all, the handle will fully unscrew before it gets level. I can fix that by adjusting the z-axis by hand but that seems less than ideal and throws everything out. After getting all four corners roughly level, I'll typically find the centre is way too low, touching the glass even. I flipped it and that didn't really change. I think this has all come down to having an issue with the right lead screw during installation, which lead to me needing new couplers.

    Anyway, I'll try adjusting that again and I've also bought a hictop printing surface from amazon that might help.


  12. I haven't had a lot of success with this thing so far. I had one great print of an Oddish plant pot, and a few miniature figures, but most things since then have failed for various reasons. Very difficult to get my bed and z-axis level on both sides :/ Wish I had more time to work on it.

  13. The live action Fullmetal Alchemist surprised me by being suddenly available, I had no idea it was nearly out or headed to Netflix.

    That said, found the whole thing kinda dull and silly in the first five minutes and couldn't stick with it.

  14. Well I finally got my 3D printer but I haven't been able to get it put together. The Z-coupler on one side just doesnt seem to attach properly to the rod that goes into it. Think I overtightened it and ruined the thread inside. Every video I watch nobody even talks about the Z-axis really, they just adjust some screws a bit and start moving it. But mine came with some new type of z-coupler seemingly, which is "loosened for protection during transport" and then has very vague inaccurate instructions for tightening back up. Basically that's on hold and I've ordered a new coupler from amazon arriving tomorrow...

    Ugh, the whole thing has completely pissed me off, and after 35 days waiting for it to arrive, as well.

  15. My usual means is to get a 0% purchases credit card to pay off monthly, much safer than a loan, I'm not big on loans (even if they're essentially the same thing, I'm very anti-APR)

    Problem is I'm still paying off my motorbike. Now the weather's clearing up I can actually use the bike to commute but it's not so easy for ferrying friends around or picking up the shopping!

    I'm pretty lucky with buses where I live and work, bus stop right near my house and a straight line to the office. So for now, I'm just gonna get the bus and leave the car as a problem for future-me to deal with.

    • Thanks 1
  16. Driving down the motorway on Saturday I noticed smoke pouring out of my car. Pulled up and called the AA, waited an hour and caught a cold, head gasket gone. I was exactly half-way to my destination, my AA package only covered me for a local tow, not much point doing that since the car was basically DoA. I'd have to pay a fortune to get it fixed in the middle of nowhere, get home somehow, get back for it later.... So ended up paying £103 to upgrade my AA and get towed home instead. So now I've got a dead car on my drive that will cost hundreds to fix. Damn car isn't even worth hundreds, but I can't afford a new one either :( Time to sell the dream bike maybe.

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