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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. On 28/02/2018 at 12:23 PM, RedShell said:

    The demo went live yesterday, all 36GB of it! 

    I'm very confused by this thread. Do you know you posted the same thing on the first page, 2 years ago? :confused:

  2. I don't think it's doing amazingly no, I've no reference for that though except probably reading the same thing you did in the past. It works very well though, that's all I can say. Instantly playing games feels like a glimpse of the future of gaming.

  3. While that's not impossible, it seems unlikely. They're focusing on PS Now as a way to play old games (which works brilliantly for me). The problem is that Sony has moved away from the PS2/PS3 architecture to a whole new setup that makes emulation tricky.

    I've just been reading that Xbox One's 4k Blu-Ray capabilities are super-butt compared to a much cheaper standalone BR player, so maybe this system's not on the horizon for me after all. Although I have never played almost any of the games HoT highlighted (just Kotor 2)...

  4. I hope there are lots of things to unlock. I want to earn lots of costumes not just get them from microtransactions and pre-order bonuses. Spidey is exactly the kind of theme that'll drive me to unlock every costume and bonus etc.

  5. Don't really notice any except on the text in the loading screen. But then again I'm not sure my eyes are great at the ultra-closeup headset anyway so any blurriness I attribute to how tired I am :p there's a lot of settings to mess with to reduce blur, a list of suggestions for values to tweak in the ini file that can change everything from the scale of the world to where the bow is positioned.

  6. Skyrim VR on PC is a game changer. Wow.

    A lot of VR games on the rift store etc are great, but they're typically arcade-y, focused around the movement limitations of the system.

    But Skyrim VR is just... Skyrim. A huge epic world that you're inside, and yeah you have to compromise here and there to control it, but the fact is you're really in Skyrim.

    I've hardly played because I keep quitting to add and tweak mods and settings :p but it's still really good fun.

    I even switched off teleportation to direct movement, which does take some getting used to but I think it's necessary. I can only dream of one day having one of those omni-treadmill type games.

    Playing games on the Oculus Rift right now feels kinda like playing video games on the NES did 30 years ago. There's a tonne of potential, and technology needs to advance to carry it forward, but when it does the future for this tech should/could be incredible. Hope I live long enough to be inside some Skyrim esque world, with incredible visuals, no peripheral "black space" or screen door effect, and some form of perfect 1:1 movement.

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  7. I always think I will really appreciate quality graphics but eh... I've got a 4k OLED TV and the Pro and I still don't really appreciate (or often notice) any of it.

    On the other hand, in Skyrim VR, I keep piling on and piling on the mods trying to make it look better :p maybe it's just that when I'm sitting back from the TV I don't have a lot of appreciation for quality visuals.

  8. I do have a decent PC and sometimes I forget that I need to check out Xbox One games on there...

    I really want that 4k blu-ray in my living room though :blush:

    Also if the posts above are saying what I think they're saying, original Xbox games will be available soon, too?

  9. I'm kinda thinking about getting an Xbox One just as a 4k blu-ray player for The Matrix next month.

    But that's a terrible idea, unless there are any other great reasons to get one?

    The backwards compatibility is a nice draw too, could get my old 360 games out of the garage...

  10. I find Ditto extremely rare. I must've caught hundreds of Whismurs since they landed, and hundreds more pidgeys still, and only ever seen two Dittos since they were added to the game.

    Edit: ok, funnily enough I put on a couple of incenses for my walk home and I got a ditto from a whismur :p


    • Like 1
  11. That is some bullshit. I have a Gyarados but I've only got 52 candies beyond that. I should've been collecting every Magikarp that I've tapped on to see if it was shiny. Dammit. Just looked it up and finding a Ditto might be bs as well! I only just found my second one ever a week ago.

  12. Hm that's weird. The bottom link you quoted is just a normal text link, no surprise that works. The one at the top uses Patreon's js, just for styling the button I think. I assume you're getting some js error when that happens but without being able to recreate it, it's hard to say what. If anyone else reports it, maybe I'll just put a hardcoded link at the top, too. Thanks for the effort in sending the screencaps.

  13. Oh really! I’ve been adding my own supports all along as I’ve not typically found the software smart enough. Some even occasionally leaving impossible surfaces with no supports at all.

    Anyway here’s another successful print!


    And I’m now printing the most first world thing I could think of with my big first world toy: a wall mounted hanger for my aeropress.

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  14. Printed this guy to live on my desk at work :D


    Here's some D&D miniatures




    They look a bit rough, they could do with a wet n dry sanding, but they're very very small so the roughness isn't too noticeable irl. They were printed with a .2mm nozzle.

    Also printed my SO a phone case that came out pretty well, added a pattern to it using tinkercad.

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  15. @Sméagol that's hugely appreciated, thank you. Cards are charged at the start of the month which is when Patreon advises to dish out rewards, so I'm going to go with that model for now.

    I'm not sure I'm following you on what you can and cannot see... What part looks like a suspicious link?  Perhaps a screengrab could help. Or is your post from before I added the new box?

    The button disappearing was an issue with Patreon's script caused by it being loaded in two places, thought I'd stamped that out, could it be some adblocking software that hides it

    • Thanks 1
  16. On 3/24/2018 at 5:19 PM, Goafer said:

    Picked this up nice and cheap from Amazon:




    Can't pretend I wouldn't like this, but gotta vote with your wallet sometimes! Still annoyed at myself that I paid for the special edition of what turned out to be my Most Disappointing Game of All Time.

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