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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. On 1/4/2019 at 4:23 PM, Magnus said:

    Oh. I've actually recommended the movie just based on how much I liked the book. No wonder people don't take my recommendations seriously!


    The movie was definitely good, a worthy recommendation. But, after the book I find it hard not to be disappointed when you're holding out for certain really good scenes and they're dropped altogether.

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  2. I foolishly bought Origins because it was cheap, and I was out of the loop and didn't know this game was due out a week or two later. Now I barely got into that game, because the grind of levelling up on boring sidequests was daunting very early on. And I hear this game is more of the same, is there any reason I might enjoy this one more though?

    I used to love the AC games, I wish they would return to their roots a bit. It used to be a Hitman style game where you stalked your mark, learned their routes, listened for tips and hid in crowds. Every encounter with town guards was a MGS style mistake meant to be rectified through escape and hiding, not free-flowing melee combat. I'd like to go back to that a bit....

  3. They also missed out a lot of very important moments.

    The name didn't bother me at first but when I tried to convince people to read it, I found several people hung up on it, thinking it would be a soppy romance from the perspective of someone who sits at home while their husband goes off Doctor Whoing (ok, I may have not done a good job of selling it to them)

  4. 3 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

    We watched it on New Year's Eve and thought it was alright, too. It's your typical 7/10 film. I've seen a lot of criticism directed towards the ending, most of which I think is harsh. It has an interesting premise, some neat ideas and overall the acting is decent, too. It's not going to win any awards, but it was a good watch. I feel that a lot of viewers were expecting some sort of reasoning as to why the events seemed to be occurring, which wasn't really the point of the story, imo. I enjoyed it and found it satisfying enough. 


    To be fair I'm kind of fed up of "cool" endings where you make it up yourself. Although it's nice to have a monster movie where it isn't all given away, it can also feel like the easy way out. Instead of challenging yourself to reveal something without ruining it, you reveal nothing and just end it. The celebration at the end of Bird Box was barely a success, if anything you could consider it like the start of a season of The Walking Dead or something. They're safe, but not for long.They can't live in a school forever, they're making no progress toward understanding anything, do they just hope to survive til someone else solves the problem?

    I know the story was just about this small family making it through something much bigger than them, but usually there's a reason for that. Why these three above anyone else? Why are we following their story? Well, it turns out for no reason whatsoever.


  5. Also the numbers might not include lots of people, those who don’t have the internet or those who keep their stats private. Similarly they’ll be inflated by multiple people playing the same game on the same system etc..

    My only stats of note are that Transistor was my first game - which was a disappointment after hoping for another Bastion, and less impressive than Drift but 1650 or so hours on Destiny 1.

  6. I honestly thought everything was trash except Daredevil, and even that nearly fell off in season 2. Production values were obviously incredibly high but they never recreated a scrap of the writing or directing talent that really made DD. I wouldn't be surprised if they sunk a lot more cash into these than they should have.

    I forced myself through JJ season 1, but I never managed to finish a single season of any of the others. Defenders was painful too.

  7. 20 hours ago, Grazza said:

    I played R-Type last night, but it's much more difficult than my vague memory of it, with as many environmental hazards as enemies.  Is anyone here good at it?  I just don't see how it can be mastered.

    We're just soft now :p too many tutorials, saves and infinite lives.

  8. On 11/14/2018 at 10:05 AM, Hero-of-Time said:

    Love me some R-Type!

    I'm just not a fan of these visuals... think I'd rather dig out an SP and stick R-Type DX in :D

    Edit: oooh, the game does have classic visuals though... and it's kinda perfect for Switch.....


  9. 3 hours ago, Animal said:

    I saw Bloodborne in my shop. It looks pretty cool. It looks like a cross between Devil May Cry and CastleVania or something

    It's so much more than this ;) If you haven't played any similar games (ie, Dark Souls) be prepared to have your mind blown. It's a clever, raw, especially challenging and brutal experience that makes you really stretch your own skills. There's nothing else like these games really, and if you get it at first you'll be like "what the hell, this game is hard to play and so punishing and yet maybe I'll just try one more time..." and then it'll click... I think it's still the PS4's best exclusive.

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  10. 15 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

    I don't know, something about the aesthetic of this game just turns me right off.

    My first thought was that the game looked a bit basic, visually. Going solely from a few screenshots I'd glanced at, it looked like a newgrounds animation, castle-crashers esque (which is fine when you're being comical, but not for something taking itself seriously) and too flat.

    However once I actually got it and played it a bit I thought the opposite, the artwork is great, the lighting and design brings it to life, and it nails the mood and atmosphere its going for perfectly.

    Really worth a look at this price. Really worth a look at any price.

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