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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. On 11/22/2019 at 1:18 PM, Sméagol said:

    Yes. When was the last time they (themselves) made a meaty (let's assume that's what it is) single player game? Even this, when it comes down to it, is just a vehicle to sell more hardware. So I really wasn't expecting much. Game development has been a side business for Valve for a very long time.

    Sure but that doesn't mean it's surprising that the game looks good. They have found that making games is not as financially viable as just maintaining what they've got and running the Steam store, that doesn't mean they've forgotten how to make games. I'm not defending their choice of practise, just surprised that you'd be surprised that it looks well made.

  2. 17 hours ago, Sméagol said:

    I must admit that looks way cooler than what I was expecting from Valve.

    Poor Valve lol, what have they done to tank their reputation so hard. Imagine saying that about the creators of Half Life 2, L4D and Portal

  3. Hey! I just had a listen to some of your older stuff and it sounds great :) 

    I'm not the one in the position to give the go ahead for the main site tie-in but I'll be happy to do the legwork if needed to put it there.

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  4. The more I play this the more I'm shocked by the presentation. The blurry stitched-together screenshots used as the background during "cutscenes", the lazy animations like any archer beyond the starting class putting an arrow into a non-existent quiver. It's just sloppy and not the polish I expect from Nintendo.

  5. I was once building a budding retro games collection, but when I bought my own house and space became limited that all got shuffled away to the garage. Now that I have less room to put my stuff, and I'm awareness of the stress of tidying and moving house etc, I kinda have this desire to let physical collections be a thing of the past. I have nothing against those with a collect hobby, and I'm envious that you have somewhere for it all to live, but for me having less stuff is a huge feeling of relief, so I don't see myself ever being a collector of anything again.

    Unless of course I become fabulously wealthy.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Glen-i said:

    Why is PS2 always the go to for people to rag on for visuals?

    I wish PS2 games looked that good.

    I just plucked out an era, it's not that the PS2 was better or worse than anything else at the time, just that we're several years beyond that level of tech now and I'd expect more.

    We've just got these really flat textures, boxy buildings, bland skyboxes, poor draw distances. In an era when I'm used to hub worlds that look much more alive, the monastery looks like a fan game. Even anime-themed games from the last generation looked much better, like the Naruto games.

  7. Don't be so sure, the people buying brand new PS5s within the first 6 months are probably not those that have the heaviest affect on figures. You can see on that graph most have shallow starts then plenty of jumps later on at holidays etc. When the PS5 comes out the PS4 will drop in price and become an option for many thousands of new households and young new gamers.

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  8. On 4/15/2016 at 10:30 AM, Shorty said:

    Man, the house I could get around here for 250k.... Dunno why anyone would live in London, honestly.


    My long term dream now is basically to live in an average corner of my city for a few years, saving up money, paying off my mortgage, and then putting that down on a house back in the area I live in now.

    Just put an offer on a house back in the area I used to live :D

    Probably won't get it, but pretty sweet that I'm able to take a shot at it. Aww yea long term goals.

    Also: back on the topic of house buying being the worst, blimey the anxiety of waiting to hear back about this house is killing me.

    Edit: Didn't get it, but at least now I can go back to breathing normally.

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  9. Sorry, I was out of the country when that was happening. However, there's monitoring software on the server, if things go down the people at my office should be notified and look into getting it back up and running. Still intending to move to new hosting and maybe a new system sometime which should help.

    • Thanks 1
  10. I recently up/down/side-graded to an Ender 3. Fantastic little printer and more suited to my needs (lots of miniatures!)

    I plan on selling the CR-10S but stupidly I did not keep the box.

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  11. @bob your experience echoes exactly my first feelings on the Rift 18 months ago, I'm glad to hear the quest is powerful enough to recapture that. I really think the Quest is perfect not only for introducing people to VR through them buying it, but sharing it with their friends etc. Which will hopefully spread the word, increase the userbase and increase the quality and quantity of content.

    If this is available on Quest, get it to play as a co-op game because I think you and your wife will really enjoy it: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. Superhot is also one of the best VR experiences as the closed spaces and short burst experiences lend themselves so perfectly to the technology.

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