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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. Is anyone hopeful that BotW 2 will follow a Majora's Mask style approach, not in terms of Groundhog-daying it, but in terms of making everything a little... weirder? If we're going to be in the same Hyrule, one great thing that you can do is shift the tone a little bit and make it all quirkier, more colourful, and a little bit... strange.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I was so into the Ninjas too. Someone nearby has a classic 90s ZX6R with the white, purple and green -- love it, in fact liked them since I was a kid. If I was going to get a new bike, part of me would want to get a 250 ninja that I could rag around. That Ninja green always called out to me! But in the end I was swayed by another...

    One of the other reasons I ended up selling my bike, apart from not feeling the need to ride it anymore, was that I was worried about it. I was worried that I'd drop my dream bike and damage it in some irreparable way. Bit like Kevin Mccallister and his rollerblades. But man I miss that thing sometimes. I had a Triumph Street Triple and it lives on... in the form of a Facebook cover photo--


  3. On 13/12/2021 at 5:39 PM, Goafer said:

    Not yet. I've literally only ridden a bike for about 10 minutes before! I plan to do the direct access, including tests, over 6 days or so, depending on what the training centres offer/recommend.

    The waiting list for theory test was about 2-3 months, so I figured I'd get that done and then do the practical side of things some time before summer. The theory pass is valid for 2 years, so there's no hurry.

    Ah wow, I took a very different approach. Tbh when I took the CBT, I wasn't very good at it. The bike controls didn't click with me very quickly and I struggled a lot with slow movements. I'm not the type that would want an intense course, I need to take my time. So I bought a 125cc bike, and practiced on my own for a long time with learner plates until I felt really comfortable on it. That was a lot of countryside rides and figure-eights around empty Tescos carparks :D

    Once I had that down, I took just a couple of lessons and the two tests on the big bike. That jump from a 125cc to the 500cc Hondas the school used was marvellous.

  4. On 02/12/2021 at 6:39 PM, Goafer said:


    Would have been pretty embarrassing if I'd failed, as I've been driving a car for 15 years and a lot of the questions applied to both cars and bikes.

    Ooooooh I did full motorbike license a while ago. Have sold the bike since because I think tbh I only did it as escapism after a bad breakup, lol. I still miss it from time to time though!

    In fact the post from the day I passed is probably in this thread.

    Have you taken mod 1 or mod 2 yet?


    On 02/12/2021 at 8:41 AM, Charlie said:

    Hey team, how’s it going? First post in here in god knows how long.  

    Long time no see!

  5. I'm willing to wait and see, not like any other 3D Sonic games have done it right in the last... well ever really.

    I'm really hoping the environments shown in this footage were just examples though, as they don't feel very Sonic-y at all. Point the devs towards the opening scene from the movie! Where's my yellow and brown checkerboards and loop-the-loops?

  6. I played this on PC for a while, was having fun... then just got soooo suddenly bored with it. Maybe its the Gamepass thing where I don't feel like there's any value behind whether I play it or not, but I just don't feel invested. Also I absolutely cannot stand the organisation of the quests. I kept being told I was still doing some championship that I didn't know I'd started, and I couldn't tell how to resume.

    Meh. Burnout Paradise is still better.

    • Like 1
  7. The hard parts of this... I just don't think they're right. I get that it's the type of game that's meant to be difficult, and I don't might a tricky fight but... it's just not balanced right, in my opinion. Everything that's "difficult" hinges on having to start again over and over, instead of having a moment to learn the right thing to do. I think this has come down to the vastly increased pace, which is a good thing, but I don't think the amount of damage you take per hit has been changed to reflect this.

    I also struggle a lot to do some of the controls, especially the things on the triggers, and hitting down when you run. Wall jumps regularly not connecting and sometimes for no apparent reason a jump not becoming a flip.... I can't really understand why it's not an option to have movement on the D-pad. This might just be because I've not played Switch for a long time and gotten used to other controllers than the Pro.

    This is a good game, and a good Metroid game, there's a lot to love about it. But I think it's got some really bad segments and I don't quite agree with the very high ratings it's getting. I'd rank it way below Super, Fusion and Zero Mission I think.

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  8. While I totally get where you're coming from, I think you can get by perfectly fine with the save/rest feature. The only time I can imagine this would be a problem, is if you regularly played a different game. For example, if you joined friends for Destiny or Overwatch most nights, it would be annoying that you couldn't save and come back.

    Updates do not interrupt rest, and crashes/other reasons I think would be so infrequent that across the course of completing the game, I would be willing to bet it would come up 0-1 times on average, at least in parts of the world with reliable power.

    The only reason I bother to contest this, is that it's a shame so many people are skipping the game for something they see as a mistake, but I see as a totally reasonable choice. I think those who talk about "taking your time in a biome" have maybe missed the point of the game altogether. It should be treated like most roguelikes IMO, don't get too invested, or you'll be frustrated when you restart. Starting again is a natural part of the process of playing the game.

  9. I platinumed this game without ever needing any kind of save/reload feature, or it ever occuring to me to need one. The only time I can imagine it bothering me, is if I got a power cut when I was doing really well... The game regularly ends suddenly, and you start again, and that each attempt is fairly short whether it goes well or not... so I just can't really get why it bothers so many.

    Anyway, this is a game I'd love to play more of, hope it gets more content soon!

  10. Just got the special edition of this delivered, thought it was going to be normal Switch game size in a slightly thicker steel case or something...

    Instead its the size of a fat A4 folder!! :laughing:

    Size comparison...


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  11. I once played the arcade game with the trackball at Sega World, Picadilly Circus. That was a memory that had been completely lost to time until you mentioned it.

    Do you have a means to play Sonic Jam? That's another game that owns a very strange corner of my memory somewhere. I dreamt of owning a Sega Saturn and playing what I assumed would be an incredible 3D sonic experience - and would go to Woolworths in the town I lived in as a kid to watch the unplayable demo loop. (Perhaps fortunately) never did own that or the console.

    • Like 1
  12. It's quite difficult to say when I haven't seen it myself. It sounds a bit like the SSL certificate is playing up, but without seeing it firsthand and debugging it as it happens, it's hard to offer more info. For what it's worth, links to anything with abode/castus.co.uk/ at least aren't malicious, they're other things on the server that are somehow being defaulted to when links break.

    The big picture here really is that it's an outdated php site on a very outdated CMS and it needs a huge overhaul. And yeah it could do with better hosting, but hosting isn't cheap, and N-E weighs in at a hefty 9GB. It used to also get a crazy amount of traffic which meant only my work server - which we get hosting on for free and is a proper decent dedicated server as opposed to a big shared platform - was all that could handle it. Nowadays that might not be so true, or sites can be built in ways that are far less resource intensive, but it'll still have a cost to go anywhere else (we already pay hosting for the forum, but iirc there's no room left on that server).

    Also it doesn't make sense to start a new CMS and not redesign the site, but that's another thing I've not been able to get off the ground (not really my expertise anymore).

    Maybe what I've been doing with the redesign is wrong, maybe I should stick closer to what we have now, but just expand/modernise it a bit... browsing it now it's not as bad as I remember :p

    Otherwise - if anyone knows a designer who will work for the sheer love of Nintendo - let them know we're looking :p if I had a design, it'd probably give me the kick I needed to rebuild it.

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 12/9/2020 at 1:08 PM, Happenstance said:

    Seems to work fine. Got to admit though, I’m not really one who notices a whole lot of difference between 30 and 60fps which is why I was happy playing it at 30 anyway.

    I thought I was the same basically til PS5 came along. Now that multiple games let you quickly switch between, it feels like night and day. The most obvious are Control and this game. When you turn off 60fps and reload something you just did (because Spidey reloads the last auto-save), it's such a surprise, to me at least. Suddenly rotating the camera is a blurry mess and everything feels like it's struggling to keep up. This one I absolutely had to play in 60fps.

    That said, a lot of the magic had waned from my first playthrough. I kinda regret buying the Ultimate Edition. I thought I would really want to re-immerse myself in that awesome feeling of this game, but it didn't actually come back. In the end I didn't even use the code for the first game :blank:

    • Like 1
  14. Nintendo doesn't dip prices, they have an image as a premium, quality product that doesn't do flash sales and cash-in bargains. The world is not as black and white as "Activision does it, why can't Nintendo?" They don't want to give the impression of "here's three old games at cheap prices" they want to say "here's a lovely, well organised, well treated collection of absolutely sublime games that you know will have been ported perfectly and look better than ever".  Activision also supplements a huge amount of their income from shifty practices like loot crates, pay to win and microtransactions, for one thing.

    If we wan't to talk bizarre decisions, it's the crazy choice to provide this in limited physical supply. Which will just lead to loads of NES-Classic style scalping.

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  15. I just had to bump this because somehow it skipped my attention until last month.

    Truly extraordinary game, wow. It landed itself straight into my top ten games ever. It's a once-in-a-lifetime type. Like Portal meets Journey.

    I played this as a kind of sofa co-op partnership with my other half, which we've only done for a couple of other games namely The Witness and The Witcher 3. It was perfect for that, take it in turns, explore a new idea each time, bounce ideas off each other, figure things out together. We were waking up in the morning still thinking about the game and itching to get back on until it was completed. I was quite proud of us for working it all out as well, and pretty quickly, too. I was having dreams about it. That music and light at the end of each cycle haunts me.

    Such a stunning game, the design of it is absolute perfection, the way it's all there right from the start but you're completely lost at first, and the pieces gradually fall into place, I can't fathom how it was created so perfectly. We platinumed it pretty quickly after beating it and I felt almost empty knowing that there was nothing to go back for.

    I never had any concern with having to translate text each time...? Not even sure I understand what that refers to. There was almost nothing you had to do, unless you were trying to get the achievement for 100% log completion.

    Really looking forward to watching that doc later!

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  16. On 09/07/2020 at 8:44 AM, drahkon said:

    A friend's flatmate showed symptoms.
    His parents and sister had it (tested positive) and he spent a few days with them while they were still asymptomatic. He got tested...negative.

    Weird ::shrug:

    Other than that...I don't know anyone who was tested positive or showed symptoms.

    Could’ve been a false negative, still loads of those occurring, or he could’ve got tested too early. Or they may just not have passed it to them. We have to be careful with contact and distance but it’s not as if you automatically catch it by being near someone who has it, there has to be a direct transfer, so even a small amount of care (washing hands, not touching face) could prevent you catching it.

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