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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. 3 hours ago, Mike1988uk said:

    No probs. I've just gone offline now, yeah that would be fine. Is there a particular time she would be online?

    Thanks, my current big project is getting my house moved onto the incline I'm building to the left of the entrance and I've got everything I think I need for an outdoor gym/play area as I will put that together next.

    I can't really think of anything I need as I don't know what I will do next emoji1787.png so don't worry.

    Yo, she's at work all day so it'd be late, like 9pm. Is that ok? If not, I'll text her and see if she's happy for me to log in and do it on her behalf at a time that suits you?

  2. Code Geass is a weird one for me, I never ever understood what people liked about it, how it ranked among all the best series. The art style is like some weird 90s throwback and the main character so unlikeable... and it seemed to constantly hop between relying on grim, unsettling misfortunes and weird school anime tropes... I tried a couple of times but could never get more than a couple of episodes in.

    I'm not trying to trash something you've just given high praise to I just never got it. Should I have given it a better shot?

  3. 17 minutes ago, Sheikah said:
    51 minutes ago, Shorty said:
    clearly you’re underestimating how different our financial situation as your “even just” is more money than I made on my last exchange :heh: and the suggestion that I would require multiple runs emoji3.png

    Well if you can find a place with a turnip sell price of 500 then you'd have to be spending less than 20k on turnips to not even make 99k. You can get over 16k bells a day just hitting 1 rock!

    I did find somewhere selling in Saturday evening for 500+ but there was a queue, I entered in 98th position at 8pm, by 9pm I was 38th, and then suddenly the gate closed :blush:

    There’s only one money rock between two of us, and I don’t play every day. I do know I could’ve got a good deal if I’d come here on Thursday but I just didn’t get chance to look that day.

    It’s not like I’m complaining here, I don’t really mind how things turned out, just that not everyone plays the game the same, I’m happy with a much more chilled approach. If it takes me months/years longer than everyone else to build my house, I don’t mind 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Sheikah said:
    5 minutes ago, Tim B said:
    I managed to sell my turnips at a profit in the end, but probably not a lot. I'm not being funny, but this part of the game feels like actual stress I can do without. Don't think I'll be going in to buy turnips every week.

    If you're willing to use Twitter or Animal Crossing-specific community websites it's a dead cert you'll sell them for loads. Just got to look in the right places and try not to let the insane load times/people joining get to you.

    These people all seem to be asking for silly tips though. Like some of them want more in tip than I will earn from the turnips. People don’t realise not everyone powergames AC...

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