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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. I'm at chapter 8 and I just can't decide if I like this or not.

    Which I guess means I don't.

    I think I'm only playing it because I wanted it for so long, and the music and beautiful reimagining of everything is something special.

    But the combat and linear gameplay are shite.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, bob said:

    Tried it out last night. Watched Coco, and it worked flawlessly. HD picture with no stuttering, buffering or anything.

    HD picture?? I was about to jump in but I'm not going to if its such low resolution :/




    • Haha 1
    • Weird 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

    I bought from Daisy Mae for 105 and the Nooklets are buying them  for 164 bells this evening. I'm thinking about going for it but I just know as soon as I do, the price will quadruple!

    Talk about a blast from the past! Long time no see :) hope you're keeping well.

    164 bells gives me a bit of hope. I'll take a chance and wait a little longer.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

    It depends on whether you want to do everything yourself or whether you want to share the workload.

    Keep in mind that whoever starts the first file is designed the Island Representative. I'm not entirely sure what that means.

    I went and deleted my post because I realised the financial irresponsibility of what I was suggesting :p thanks for the response though.

    Anyone bought disk? Is there any day one download needed? My g/f's copy came in the post, I'll get it installed/up to date if that's needed. (I know, I know, it's not an EA Xbox 360 game but I thought I'd ask)

  5. I bought SotC a while ago when it was on offer, it never really clicked for me. I think it was probably a real product of its era, much like Ico, that doesn't necessarily stack up as well now that we're less awed by sheer immense scale. That said, I'm sure it will still tick the box for a lot of people.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Yeah I still print a lot of miniatures for D&D! Although it's an uphill struggle sometimes. Since this is the purchases thread, I can mention that I recently bought an upgrade to the main board (SKR Mini 1.3) that does an amazing job of making the printer so much quieter. Who know it was the stepper drivers making all that noise.

  7. It's good fun but I wish we'd experienced something more than combat. I feel like I've played enough corridor combat FFs over the years (and never gotten more than an hour into them) so I gotta know that downtime stuff is up-to-scratch too.

    I mean, it's not like I won't pre-order it. I will. And that music and the sheer disbelief that after all these years, I was really playing an FFVII remake... I mean... damn.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Quote

    I have to do 152 lengths in a 33m pool to reach 5K. It's a killer. I've got 3 hours to complete it and I can manage 55 lengths in an hour, which is not too far from a target

    I've got good news for you, your maths isn't quite as good as your swimming but that's actually within target :p

    • Haha 1
  9. I'm not set on either side of this, in fact I've played so much Stardew Valley on my own that a shared experience sounds like it could be really pleasant in comparison. You guys have sold me on the idea in fact, and I'm looking forward to it more.

    But at the same time, would it hurt to have multiple islands, multiple options? One shared, and one solo? Or multiple solo? Not everybody wants the same thing. I gather that in the GC era it was a technical limitation before a design decision, because you needed a whole memory card for your island, that can't be the case now.

    • Like 1
  10. Am I understanding right that you're forced to share a single island with all people that use your console? Both me and my SO are the kind that would want to complete whole collections (fishing etc) by ourselves, start to finish... is this the new two-versions-of-every-Pokemon scam? :blank:

    Why not let me have as many islands as I want? As many saves? Share if I want, don't share if I don't want?

    Edit: I should point out I've not played AC games in the past so if this isn't new, that's on me. Still super disappointing.

    • Like 2
  11. I wouldn't even consider Bioshock that much of a "jumpscare" type game. It definitely has that creepy alone-in-the-dark vibe but once you power yourself up a bit there's not too much to fear. Definitely give it another try because the atmosphere and story is well worth it. I say this as someone with absolutely 0% chance of playing jumpy horror games like Amnesia etc.

  12. Well its been out in Japan for months and reported to include a large amount of good quality, well received content content. Unless money is a deciding factor in whether to pick the game up at all, I would go for the complete package. Otherwise if you end up loving it and want more, you'll have to buy both.

  13. On 04/01/2020 at 12:19 PM, Mandalore said:

    Never played a Persona game before. Am I better off waiting for this new edition to release, or just get standard Persona 5?

    Definitely wait for this one. Unless you’ve got a PS Vita, then just get Persona 4 Golden instead.

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