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Everything posted by Nintendork

  1. Goku, yeah they'll get the economists down and get them to cruch some numbers.. Nintendo effectively will make a small loss in the development phases but will make back intense revenues from software sales and hardware sales. They can cover the cost of the network and staffing no problem.. they've done it with Nintendo wifi for the DS.. they will need to build on it but that's not the problem here. Nintendo does indeed have a contract with McDonalds, BT, thecloud and many other wifi providers around the world, it cost a lot of money and if you read the tech pages you'd know that the entire city of london is to be blanketed in wifi by the government with a subsidy to thecloud and BT. It cost them 'an undisclosed sum' to have it set up but you can bet it was 6 figures. It's quite irrelevant because to play Nintendo Revolution everyone will supply their own internet connection, just because the system has the technical ability, bandwidth through the wireless card and technical processing ability does not mean they have the infastructure to run so many players. It's a pointless debate really because we don't know whether the game will have it, we know it's not first party so we don't know if Nintendo will foot the bill for us to play and we don't know how many players that bill will budget for. HellFire DS can recieve just as much data as Revolution, they are both based around the exact same network protocols.. for simplicity and safety reasons.
  2. Doesn't make sense that they would sacrifice the internal space of the controller which is needed for components.. If they want it to be evenly balanced (very important) they'd put the controller slot vertically down the middle of the device. While the Revolution pointing system is used for pointing, it no doubt uses a lot less electricity than using a wireless protocol that you speak of. To conserve battery life on laptops and mobile phones you have to turn it off.. IR (i think) however is pretty good because it doesn't require constant activation. IR is better for TV remotes.. could be better for this too..
  3. The game sounds okay, the idea that it works with Nintendo wifi sounds like bullshit.. what you gonna do? have 6 people running around a forest? Lame I'd say.. I can't be arsed with him.
  4. If you find something you enjoy you never work a day in your life. Learn to spell mate, your presentation of yourself goes a long way online.. simple things like spelling and punctuation make people actually read your entire contribution. I only skimmed your topic post as a result..
  5. Ugh, Do you know how much knowledge like knowing the Revolution's last secret it worth? As far as exclusives are concerned it's on the bottom end of a five figure sum. Websites would be bidding for this information, and you could be quite literally rolling in it. This is not to say that Nintendo would pay you off, by hooking you up with the DS lite, the Revolution and games for a quiet little settlement. That is why Revolution's last secret is most anticipated.
  6. Yes, Metroid Prime 3 is being developped by Retro studios in Texas, Not by Nintendo.. therefore we cannot confirm that the confirmed Nintendo wifi connection will be free. Nintendo developped Metroid Prime: Hunters.. that is why it is free.
  7. First party titles only. Confirmed. There may be a fee for games like Metroid or Crystal Chronicles or alternate systems.
  8. It's on board, otherwise developpers wouldn't have access to it from software source code. I will believe this SD slot malarkey when I read it, the method is indeed perfect and I'm optimistic of the possibilities with Nintendo wifi and it.. but at the end of the day I can't believe such speculation out of 'want' over reading real proof. I've studied the patent pretty thoroughly, there's no SD slot on the back, underside, side or top. The only place it could be is under the flap.. and as far as I'm aware nobody outside Nintendo knows this.
  9. Myst V... suits the hardware and controller better than anything else it will be running on. It's damned near impossible to complete giving it exceptional value for money. Myst being the most popular computer game ever (assuming sales are representative of popularity) second only to the Sims which I personally don't class as a "game". The entire Myst series would have a very welcome home on the Revolution being popular with everyone over the teenage demographic, and even some under it.. It would suit Nintendo's strategy of getting this console into the homes of non gamers because in the early 90s, this was one of the games that cracked this market judging by it's success. I've actually e.mailed the Cyan team over the possibility of running Myst 5 and perhaps other installments of the series on Nintendo Revolution. Their response? We're interested and will seriously look into it though I must understand that this kind of thing needs to be economically viable. Seeing as Myst is popping up on the PSP soon published by Sega perhaps Cyan really meant what they said.
  10. Tumbleweed I'm assuming judging by the rate of releases compared to other continents.
  11. Yes, your post comes 7 minutes before 6 o'clock peak time when the forums get busy. Just because I made a ton of posts does not retract from their quality or dilute them in any way. Everyone is welcome to check my posts from today, I think you'll find they're a very noble contribution to the forum on the whole. Excluding this post and the one slating BigTac. http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/search.php?searchid=46203 Other criticisms: There are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes, 60 seconds in each of those minutes. My average post count is 9.80 posts a day, which would equate to 100 seconds by your theory, which is just under 2 minutes of that day. As far as I am concerned, you are kidding.
  12. Counter Strike is not a Nintendo product.. counter strike runs on PCs, and runs on private and public servers which are paid for by sponsorship, in game advertisments or the good will of people. Nintendo wifi will be run from a central server for each game.. it will not have such advertisments, the service cost will be covered and budgetted for in the initial system and game cost. From a guide aimed at people setting up a counter strike server: High Bandwidth Connection "The most important factor in how well your server will run is how fast your connection to the Internet is. When people connect to your server to play, you have to share that bandwidth with them. Ideally a server will be running through a DSL or T1 connection. If you do have DSL, we suggest having at least a 512K upload. Anything less than that and you are more likely to have a laggy server with anything more than 4 players." Now if you're suggesting that Nintendo supplies this kinda of service, to every single person that buys a Revolution and wants to play on Nintendo wifi, which if the DS is any indication will be huge. You're out of your mind. I think 4 players is reasonable, on top of that with bots it offers an experience that challenges players and allows you to join up with real life friends who you have exchanged friend codes. So deluded thinking you're going to get above 4 players.. We don't know anything about the game and should not get our hopes up with these ideas that Nintendo wifi will be free and rival xbox live or PC services.
  13. Because xbox live is a paid for service, and PC/Sony infastructure is based on other people running servers. Nintendo wifi is a free service for playing people.. Nintendo is footing the bill out of our custom, with the game, the console and other purcahses. You get what you pay for and I don't expect Nintendo will want to discriminate against those with good internet connections and those with a basic DSL service who can't handle such bandwidth. Nintendo want it to be simple, safe, free and fast.. I suspect by making it lower than 8, perhaps towards 4 players you can get a good experience for what you pay, which is nothing and at a reasonable economic viability to Nintendo and internet providers.. I never ruled out a premium service as Retro studios is not Nintendo first party, if the developper feels to make the service subscription only to offer that 16-32 player experience possible and by making it free it would be dissapointing it is their call remember.
  14. Yes there is.
  15. What? He's rewording what the established media have told us with some general fabrication and he struts around the forum acting like he has contacts within the gaming industry. I don't care what you think of me to be blunt.. but I wont have such blatent lieing on the forums.. He does not know these things, he makes them up.
  16. Nintendo floor vision all over again.. The arguments put forward are a slippery slope of assumptions jumping from one small possibility to a smaller one.. then another. if they filed a patent it could be in the Revolution.. and because they've not shown games this might be the secret. Because they rented out a big theatre it might be to project big things like holograms and stuff and this could be because of that and then that might be. See what I mean? it's a downward spiral of Big Ifs. I think DCK put hit the pin on the head there really.. You want it to an extent where it has clouded your ability to see.
  17. Booths in game stores with secure payment technology? Sounds a lot more complicated than simply distributing classic games on CD to be sold for at a till. By the way I don't think SD is confirmed as a technology.. but okay. Yeah my 30 days idea was a bit bizare, perhaps a unique Revolution ID scheme would be better.. I was thinking it's gonna be like one of those mp3 download stores like napster where your tunes expire if you don't log on.. people don't resent that much as you predict though. I just think there's gonna be a big market of people who don't want to use Nintendo wifi, because they don't have it.. typically older people who might not have a wifi network or even a computer. But want to play the classic games they did when they were a kid.
  18. I think leaving the GameCube user base like that is extremely unlikely. I remember the word promse was used when they talked about Twilight Princess back in November time.. The promised it would be a GameCube title and not shifted to Revolution. By adding Revolution functionality or following on the Cube version with a beefed up Revolution performer they would not be breaking that promise. End of the day it will be destined for the GameCube I'm certain of that.. so the idea of a 'springy suprise we lied to you' promotion for Zelda TP. exclusive to Revolution is unlikely. I'm quite ethical as a person, I can dig that many people may not be able to afford Revolution or simply may not want it.. so I feel Nintendo should release one game, GameCube disc format at GameCube price and just add in Revolution support to the code as the frenchy spoke of.
  19. 16 players for free? Pahahaha, I reckon more like 4 real people man.. It would be nice, but at the end of the day it's too much bandwidth. Perhaps more like 4 players + 16 bots offline. We're taking stabs in the dark here but I don't think Nintendo will want such intensive bandwidths for the network. Unless they plan on charging for a premium service as Metroid isn't technically a first party game.
  20. BigTac can also confirm exclusively that Batallion Wars is a game, and it is on DVD which is a circular disc by the way.. it comes in a box and that box is made of plastic. I can also now confirm other such general educated guesses in a tone that sounds like I have real industry contacts about every developper on the planet. The GameCube version looked okay, I probably wont buy it though.
  21. They say competition breeds higher quality products. Retro will want to 1UP what Hunters DS has paved, while effectively they are Apples and Oranges being on totally different systems with a different range of developpers working on titles. I expect Nintendo will kinda nudge Retro studios to go in that direction once Nintendo Revolution wifi architecture has been finalised prior to the innevitable success of Hunters DS. A better question will be which game will get the better reviews. Only time and £250 will tell.
  22. 512mb is built in. That is what is confirmed. Developpers have access to this low speed memory as well as the on board CPU/GPU memory.. but obviously results will not be as good. The problem is, I don't see an SD port on the back or on the top of the system, that is my problem... It's so un-Nintendo to go from proprietary memory to using something that can be effectively hacked and shared online, downloaded to SD and compromise the Revolution's system.. in particular the virtual console.. I am still skeptical as to whether there are SD slots under the front flap of the console. Wikipedia is great, respect to the people who write this stuff, but at the end of the day with something that is a secret device, so little known about it and sources often, as mentioned disregarded I wouldn't consider wikipedia a great source. I still haven't read or heard anyone from Nintendo or a credible news source saying that there will be SD in Revolution.. I can't comment further but I think with 2 GameCube cards engineered into the chip set, and 512mb of solid ram on board I see no god damned reason why we would need SD cards.. It can only lead to bad things for the console.. A save file is a save file at the end of the day.. they don't get considerably bigger from game to game or generation to generation since they have been introduced. I see no reason why the 512mb and the GameCube memory sticks can't be used as the save file technology and storage for downloaded content from Nintendo wifi.
  23. Apologies, that was indeed a server hotlinking problem. You know what those somethingawful.com forum members are like with bandwidth.. I'll ImageShack .url it.
  24. Worst keynote ever.. iPod hifi is fundamentally shit, end of the day the iPod can not deliver audiophile quality audio because it is intended for use with compressed audio. Sure it can run .aiff CD audio, but nobody uses it. It's not a hifi, it's an expensive iPod accesory for lamers with more money than sense.. I don't care how great the hardware is, compressed audio sucks. I love audio compression.. there's no questioning how great it is having 3000 tunes in your library at a finger tips touch.. but it also doesn't compare to the fact that you have a shelf full of CDs and a hifi. Cost to sound quality ratio this is pretty piss poor unless you use a high quality codec on your iPod.. I personally use 256kbps VBR L.A.M.E mp3 encoding.. Sure it goes up to 320 but that's not for me. I'm still holding out for an iPod with a radio built in, expected in the next one.. and one with a freaking line in on the line mp3 encoding.. so you can plug it into a TV and record a radio show (digital radio) then listen back another day. I'd like to collect Zane Lowe's mix tapes.. Summary: this thing is better than any other portable sound system on the market, and is probably a nice piece of kit but ultimately it is flawed because it doesn't run CDs like you can get from any bang and olufsen product. Sorry for my rant but their throwing around the term audiophile so badly, if this thing played CDs or vinyl then I could accept that, but not iPod. As Moria said you can simply hook up your iPods line out via the iPod dock to your stereo and enjoy the same or better rersults with a £3 line out jack.
  25. Well after the Simpsons there is nothing on TV/radio until 7pm, Channel 4 news or Zane Lowe's radio show.. so I just tend to put up with hollyoaks, I'm no chav though. Loving the Winton Marsais advert for iTunes.. always wanted to be into jazz, much better than that joke of an eminem advert.
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