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Everything posted by Nintendork

  1. Jet Set Radio Revolution. Broken Sword. Myst. I too would like SSX and expect it. Unreal Tournament 2007. I'd like an original Final Fantasy.. I'm skeptical about Crystal Chronicles being an enjoyable experience.. it seems to be vaporware atm. A solid racing experience. Monkey ball.
  2. It needs to be on top for communication reasons if I'm not mistaken.. it's not that big of a deal.. also they're not to scale. The FHC looked small in Iwata's hands, and he's Japanese so over here expect that A button to fit your thumb pretty much perfectly.
  3. AA batteries is a freaking great choice. It is easily replacable so there is no iPod fiasco about batteries dieing out and companies not offering a replacement despite it being covered under warranty. [insert class action law suit] You can get 18 AA batteries down my local pound land, you put them under your sink and when your controller begins to run out (i'm hoping for red LEDs down the bottom) you simply replace them. The idea of having a dock is very pretty but it's also very ***king over the top and far less child friendly.. You're taught as a kid not to play with plug sockets but batteries are much safer and easier to replace. But also when it's in a dock you can't play. The technology is there for either the system to give a warning when batteries need to be replaced (my TV remote does by determining the strength of the signal) but it is also possible for Nintendo to add a bleeping sound or even make the LEDs on the bottom of the system turn onto red, or make all 4 flash in advance. So the system can pause, or if you're playing on Nintendo wifi next time you enter the lobby after a match you can replace the batteries.. what's it take? 3 seconds to unlock a little hatch and pop out 2 AA's and chuck in 2 more. It's not the end of the world like it is on xbox live. Of course you could splash out on a uniross recharger kit from argos, 4 AA batteries with a charger for about £15 and good for 800 charges. While one set are in the controller the others charge.. mine used to last me weeks in my disc man because they were high capacity Ni-Mh batteries designed for flashes in camera. Quit your fricking whinging because I think it's the best move possible and ensures a great lifespan for the console's controller on an abundant universal power source at a minimal consequence on the design of the system's controller (the hatch you speak of) which is why iPod designers wont add a replaceable battery just yet. At least this way we can play wirelessly forever, xbox controllers are listed in Joystiq's 360 annoyances because they don't unplug their controller's from the charger because they're too lazy to get up every 4 hours or so to plug it back in, especially with xbox live being so competitive. Joystiq
  4. If it's less than £10 I'm going to get one for personal use, merely for convenience. Of course if we're talking multiplayer Smash Bros. Melee, that could get excessively expensive to buy 4. So in that case we'd probably break out the classic controllers.. The rumble pack in the Revolution controller would not power that much of a console.. it wouldn't be powerful enough to distribute enough energy. I think to get a real depth that we expect in games you'd expect 2 standard rumble packs on each arm of the controller. It's like listening to music in mono.. you'd never go back after stereo and the same for surround.
  5. Revolution's controller has been designed to be well balanced and as intuitive and habitual as a television remote. They have engineered it so the batteries and rumble pack are based in the back. I think Revolution controller is going to be extremely light.. and if you consider that the 'shell' is a shell, it doesn't have all the electronics and circuitry because a lot of the processing is still being handled by the Revolution controller. As far as vibration and power is concerned I'm not sure whether the shell will be self powered or vibration friendly, I'm guessing it will be vibration compatible but will leech from the Revolution FHC (free hand controller) You're right to be worried because for many genres like racers this will be utilised, I think the technology gets lighter every year. If you compare a dual shock 1 to a dual shock 2 the difference is immense.. but they both perform very well. I expect Revolution's FHC to be very light, and the shell to be even lighter. Rumble packs are the most heavy thing because they have high powered motors that stimulate the spinning of big weights, I expect Revolutions force feedback to be very minimal personally, in comparison to the xbox's which was stupid. Notice: can we all adopt FHC as the standard acronym for the Revolutions free-hand-controller? Someone on the boards came up with the idea and it's so much easier to type and pronounce than rev-mote. Rev-mote sounds quite lame. Also we're pretty much aware but the add-on shown below is the nunchuka controller, or simply analog stick add-on.
  6. This console will sell in Japan whatever. At that price, with a home grown label like Nintendo on it it will sell. It will sell ridiculously well and I think it will beat Sony even if it doesn't have the killer app you speak of, just look at Mario 64 for DS. It rocked the charts with Warioware heading up the charts in 18 or something. But you're correct marketting is the most important thing for Europe and to America, Japanese older people are more open minded, they're effectively ahead of us in Japan. You ask an 80 year old Japanese person about a DVD she will tell you it's a digital disc. You ask a 80 year old European and they will ask you how you rewind it. To penetrate the older markets in Europe and America they will have to advertise on daytime TV like oprah, richard and judy etc.. ball is in Sony's court here because they have a higher installed base rate in these areas so Nintendo will have to spend a lot to reap the rewards in the months following release.
  7. *notes that Nintendo's party offsite will get going at 7:30am before the doors of E3 open if I'm not mistaken.. so we can expect Revolution news 2-4 hours before then. Don't ask me why.. perhaps it's a bit quieter chance for press to get in there early if they write kind words over breakfast
  8. They need to grow a Reggie from a foetus to work on the PS4.
  9. Sweet like the lactic acid from arm ache.
  10. *Dances* Next time hopefully the blogs will know better than to run with this crap. I like how RevolutionReport give me no credit for basically telling them this a week ago.
  11. Mogwai, Moby, DJ Shadow, Lou Reed, Belle and Sebastian, Blur, Incubus, Aphex Twin.. Badly Drawn Boy, Catatonia, Death in Vegas, Jose Gonzalez, Kid loco, Radiohead, Modest Mouse, Placebo, Spiritulised and Willy Mason. Of course you have the blues too. + Stereophonics latest 2 albums.
  12. I import, artists are the best shirts.. because you know nobody else has any. eBay it up. delphi collective, UARM, fullbleed, eBay has unlimited possibilities.
  13. Currently rocking from America: and another rad weather one.
  14. You want Volcom jeans, they come in really great washes. and they're not fcuk style over the top worn in bullshit. It's so fake having foot sized rips in your jeans when the denim is so fresh.. I wear Volcom because the branding is minimal, their ideology as far as design is quality and style needs to be in perfect balance and they market their clothes at people who skate/surf who need a quality product, but also artists who have a slightly anti corporate attitude to what they wear, but also to scouts and people who go camping. I think they're a great brand and I'm very happy with my black bart jeans http://www.extremepie.com/public/pictures/products/large/A19f502dlbk.jpg They're authentically worn in, but not too fresh to the extent where they're uncomfortable either like you experience often with new levis. Personally I like to wear simple clothes, I try to buy swearshop free stuff.. I buy t-shirts from artists made in the back of their basement, try eBay. I hate to wear anything that anyone else has, but if you don't care about that you can always hit up topman for some simple tops, they're pretty good quality and they do some fresh stuff, I have a couple of shirts and a striped jumper. Jackets? again Volcom are good, but if you're after something quality hit up Carhartt, they're aimed at professional work men and their products are strongly tested and designed around people who need freedom to move. That's why they were adopted by urban culture for baggy fits. You can spend a lot on clothes, I buy stuff that lasts long, but shop around man.. the sales are when I buy stuff, tescos I got a green hoody for £12 when it was a 20% sale. it's great even though I've seen 10 people wearing it around my town, 4 of them I know pretty well. t-shirts are the most important thing for me, I import from around the world, I never wear a brand on my chest.. you pay enough for a shirt why should you be a walking billboard? I wear Nike dunks because they're great shoes, I try not to wear leather though.. If you're concious about buying environmentally friendly clothes check out the delphi collective, all non toxic organic cotton and sweatshop free, cost to you? a few quid.
  15. afford? and yeah the most expensive movies cost much more than current games cost to produce, we can't go around saying shit like that really. we don't know the next generation market until the first 3 month 'rape the early adopter of the tech' period is over. i'll read economist's analysis of the game market in 2007.
  16. Good for him. Pity I don't believe his words. I find it hard to beleive that with 360's HD only standard of games.. with a HD TV can look better than a Revolution As far as design is concerned he can form whatever opinion he wants.
  17. They need a title, I find "non-gamer" to be quite acceptable, it's not derogetary. It's politically correct and represents a demographic of people who are "yet to play" and those who "used to play" It is not for us to say what these people would or would not enjoy without evidence from polling on a mass scale of these people. So that is irrelevant. I'm totally with Jay here, On the go gaming delivers something different to Home gaming.. for me I love to play a bit of Meteos or Mario Kart.. or listen to some Electroplankton when I'm commuting. But at home I would not consider any of them really.. I would want something deeper, relaxing and a longer experience. Of course on the weekends nothing wrong with a bit of Smash Bros. or Mario Kart.. Things like Meteos wont work on the Revolution however good the controller is. Things like Mario 64 will never truely be enjoyed on the go like in Mario 64 DS. I think the idea of playing Resident evil on a DS is ridiculous, all the atmosphere, suspense that you get from playing in the dark with quality speaker and a large screen is lost. It's not as the director intended so to speak. I'm very worried about Final Fantasy 3 being ruined by the DS.. it looks so good but something like the sound could ruin it for me.
  18. No need for a small box, it's AC. Those boxes are only required for DC hardware, like a mobile phone or a laptop.. primarily things with fast charge or high usage. The 'small box' that came with the gamecube is actually built into the system effectively, it's quite impressive if you ask me that it's gonna be a single cable from the plug socket. It would also explain why there's a fan on the bottom of the system just near to the power supply unit and one above it. Mobile phones and laptops are designed to be smaller, AC ports are quite large and to have the AC to DC converter built into a phone or laptop would raise weight and size. So they use DC instead, direct current goes straight into the battery and it's a smaller single port directly transferring electricity. It's gonna be sleek I tell thee, real easy to move around the house because AC cables are really cheap and easy to find, often being the same for each console. I've got 2 PS1/2 AC cables that will fit the Revolution, so I can have it set up ready at every room in the house
  19. They need a proper racer. They need a proper deep RPG, hopefully Square Enix can delivery. They need mature dark games like the television we watch and love every week. They need a cooking game!! I'm just talking generally here though, Nintendo first party will have something far better than this. It will be something the other consoles can't have. I'll be happy when any of my requests are filled.. I'm merely looking for a balanced console.
  20. These aren't the final SDK that's why they're cheaper.. I don't read IGN articles being ignorant but their coverage of Revolution has been pretty piss poor I don't think they're worth my movements required to click.
  21. I seriously would not be suprised. They wont get the quality of game support, but when has that bothered anyone?
  22. Same story for me, But i've been a Sony gamer. I'm concerned that with 10 million PS2s installed in homes around the country that they may continue to market the PS2 at a $99 as production costs of the chips become lower as they get older. They will copy the Revolution and effectively undercut the quality of experience on an older system by bundling some piece of junk eye toy style bundle with a game for the PS2. Of course the games will be piss poor in comparison because Revolution has sole support. But Sony at that price.. and if they can muster some vague fun they might be on to something. I mean people buy a PS2 these days with singstar 70s/80s/90s/popstar as a cheap karaoke box with 4 microphones. Good call for Nintendo to hold back the Revolution's big secret. Ultimately it wont end up in the PS3's system but it could be a bundled competitor for the PS2.
  23. Hahaha, yeah it runs on your self satisfaction that you're saving the environment. Comes with a hand cranked modem that you must use to use Nintendo live. By the way ram is not included so you must transload the line frequencies into ASCII then onload that onto your brain's memory.
  24. Projectors and holograms are bullshit. This theory is bullshit. Everything is bullshit except funkadelic.
  25. i remember not owning a light gun and not enjoying the game much. s'okay but can't be arsed with it really.
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