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Everything posted by Nintendork

  1. I don't think Leonardo da Vinci would deny his status as a revolutionary, have you even seen some of his creations? Literally.
  2. The DS cannot support textures like the N64 could, although they have shown work-arounds in Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart.. obviously a fair ammount of work goes into this though. Also remember the DS does not have the same to store this, Nintendo would have to ship ram cards.. and this could lead to piracy. I think it is unlikely, they wont want to scale the DRM system that much.. I think people will want it simple, one off fee for a game, play it any time on your console. Something more likely perhaps is the DS acting as a revolution controller instead of buying the shell, 2 functions in 1. But I'm not sure on the specifications on the wifi and whether it could be responsive enough? I know the PSP has a similar destiny.
  3. Sony have a generation of young people with money to blow as loyal consumers, they have been building this base up since the 90s.. and they wont go away easily. Playstation has always been marketted as the toy for big boys, and while Nintendo are going after a different market I doubt it will be 'Quiet' think about the iPod effect. Many people buy iPods, to get the matching mac mini is marketted as any accesory, and hopefully many revolution customers will go for a revolution to partner with their DS. If they don't include DS : revolution interoperabilities besides it acting as a wireless access point I will be disapointed because they will be losing out on a lot of 'on the fence' consumers. the cost of a DS and a revolution does not even beging to compare to that of a PS3 and a PSP.. nintendo just have to get them to work well and they can reap the rewards, this is not to say many people will buy a revolution and then consider getting a DS after.. most mac owners own an iPod because it's the only thing that works properly.. but obviously this is not a totally fair analogy. edit. there is a considerable amount of fanboy factor in this thread i would like to point out the DS is my first nintendo console since the original gameboy and until recently i've owned a PS1 and PS2.. so my comments are reasonably balanced.
  4. There is no longer an official retail price, to free up the last stocks of consoles in shops they let retailers cut the price to as low as they want, as many shops want to sell the gamecube, get rid of the games and move on to bigger fish like the DS, PSP and xbxo 360 which warrant more floor space. We got our gamecube, smash bros.. and 2 controllers (1 unofficial) with a memory card for £40.. whatever that is in Euros.. we thought it was a good deal.
  5. Haha made of paper blatantly.
  6. edit: aparently it's fake after searching around. Nintendo RS via: Joystiq Please bare in mind the video of the bubbles could have easily been recylced from another DVD menu system, and the graphics are less the convincing. In other news, the Google video is marked nintendo.co.jp and it is a beta, so it is feasible that the graphics are going to be changed once the final codename has been decided, also remember the slot loading DVD drives blue floating LEDs? could this be a theme they're going for in the console? a sea of imagination inside the revolution system.. I don't know.. perhaps it's merely coincidence. I expect you hardcore fans will want to watch it in slow motion so you can find some fallacy in there.. or whatever, eat your hearts out. (i remember the star wars fans clocked about 170 errors in the new star wars film including a microphone in shot above vaders head.. who notices **** like that man?)
  7. It's a great shame that so many printed publications are hiring idiots straight out of university with no genuine experience in the field. There was a guy on radio 1 from stuff magazine talking about how every child in the country wanted an xbox 360 or a PSP, and that this is what every parent should get.. and as mentioned they also gave props to some generic casio and sony cameras with great mega pixels but shit lenses. When asked what more financially strained parents should get their kids he didn't mention the DS at all.. it really pisses me off that these twats are writing, and I can only hope these publications get smashed by the internet journalism which is becoming more convenient everyday and completely free. Obviously many games magazines do give genuinely good balanced reviews on games.. but I feel for the parents who felt pressured into buying their kid a PSP when they might have enjoyed a DS or something else just as much. I can only hope these arrogant journalists who blatantly get sent dubious ammounts of freebies to give props to their products end up on the streets in the near future. Evidence of such bribery: http://joystiq.com/2005/11/20/joyswag-win-a-copy-of-kameo-again/ I like that joystiq don't buy into such bribery.. by actually telling the fans the games rather short and that many of the bosses are beyond ridiculous.
  8. Attitude sure has changed around here, I don't think anyone can justify these comments on Revolution being unmodest of cocky.. at the end of the day we all know that the Revolution will use the controller, and it is getting support from many developpers. If you took the time to read it many studios like ubisoft, kojima studios and EA are interested, the controller will be used in nintendo 1st party titles.. The console is a sure fire Revolution, and whether it utilises the controller is not a factor @ Jay And the only other rumours we've heard are N5.. which if you think about it is totally an egotistical name, if you put it into perspective with the PS3 and xbox 360. The other names you've suggested are pretty random, NRS is the most interesting, nintendo revolution system, I don't think many people will identify the console with the name revo much, From what i've seen the name Rev has been thrown around a lot on message boards as it's shorter.. but when you say it: Rev-o-lu-tion, 4 sylables 1 word x-box three-six-ty, 5 sylables 2 words play-sta-tion three, 4 sylables 2 words When you're speaking it, it doesn't need to be shortened, it rolls of the tounge nice. No the Nintendo DS name was nitro in development, it was renamed DS dual screen when the dual screen feature was revealed to hype the system up.
  9. I can see what you mean when you feel the console's name might be a bit egotistical, and unmodest like Nintendo's general attitude towards the console for example choosing not to compete with Sony and Microsoft with specifications, but calling their console a Revolution is something quite bold.. but they say your attitude determines your lattitude.. and if they truely want to draw a line between Microsoft and Sony competing on every level for consumers I think it would be wise for them to keep the name. However simply calling it the Nintendo would be tough, think of the marketting complications, and what happens 5 years down the line when the console needs to be replaced? The cross over could get messy and complicated for a lot of consumers who Nintendo has ever so recently managed to entice into the gaming world. If they want to expand the gaming market, I think they need a name.. what suprises me is that Apple have managed it, but because the iPod has become such a phenomenon and their marketting is so penetrating to the demographics who buy it.. when a new iPod comes out people talk about even the next day, so they can make decisions like calling it just the iPod. But think about all those mothers who want to buy a Nintendo game for their kids.. and there's 4 types of nintendo game on the wall.. it's going to be tough for them to know what game to buy.. it might not be for us because we're savvy consumers but Nintendo wants to hit outside the demographic of gamers male and 13-28 years of age. The other names have been N with a letter after, N4 most likely being the 4th generation home console.. but wouldn't this be going against what Nintendo said? that they don't want to keep competing anymore..
  10. From the petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/NinRev24/petition.html Nintendo asked for feedback on the revolution at E3, and this is our form of feedback, while online petitions might not have the most strong history I feel with the right attitude and support we can have our voice heard at the top of Nintendo. The idea is not to object to what they want to call it, just show them that we are enthusiastic about the code-name. If you would like to see the Nintendo Revolution codename stay please add your comments and support to the petition, tell your friends and colleagues who might also be interested in the petition. Thanks in advance for your time.
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