Attitude sure has changed around here, I don't think anyone can justify these comments on Revolution being unmodest of cocky.. at the end of the day we all know that the Revolution will use the controller, and it is getting support from many developpers.
If you took the time to read it many studios like ubisoft, kojima studios and EA are interested, the controller will be used in nintendo 1st party titles.. The console is a sure fire Revolution, and whether it utilises the controller is not a factor @ Jay
And the only other rumours we've heard are N5.. which if you think about it is totally an egotistical name, if you put it into perspective with the PS3 and xbox 360.
The other names you've suggested are pretty random, NRS is the most interesting, nintendo revolution system, I don't think many people will identify the console with the name revo much, From what i've seen the name Rev has been thrown around a lot on message boards as it's shorter.. but when you say it:
Rev-o-lu-tion, 4 sylables 1 word
x-box three-six-ty, 5 sylables 2 words
play-sta-tion three, 4 sylables 2 words
When you're speaking it, it doesn't need to be shortened, it rolls of the tounge nice.
No the Nintendo DS name was nitro in development, it was renamed DS dual screen when the dual screen feature was revealed to hype the system up.