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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. Its still FOSSIL though right? I love FOSSIL watches, (screw Rolex), I have one that I bought in Santa Monica. Though I have not been able to find any here in town, sucks.
  2. After watching that I think I gotta go back to play this game just so I can learn how to use those Soul Charges. I use Link and I kick ass but I have never used a Soul Charge. I would be unstoppable if I knew how to use them. : peace: When I use the PS2 D-pad I put alittle oil on the pad, and wrap my shirt around my thumb... but thats when things get intence.
  3. ..... ??? But anyways you ever think to yourself if you were a girl, would you be a slut or a good girl?
  4. I read about this in Saturdays paper. I laughed. Its funny how these people (and by "these people" I mean racist close minded people) demand to be taken seriously, and demand respect from the world yet they act worse than animals. I say if you act like a brainless animal, then you should be treated like one. : peace:
  5. Bought this today. 200 bucks well spent. Now they won't have to scoop my brains off the street.
  6. that what I said when I saw the screenshots:smile: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
  7. I got the greatest Resident Evil game ever today, Resident Evil 4 for the Wii, and Metal Gear Solid 2 : Substance. But there's no update for me to play on my 360:cry: :cry:
  8. the only picture I could find [spoiler=]""
  9. The web browser is great. My friend said he might switch from his T-mobile just for the web browser.
  10. check the demos that they have on the page. And its music playing capabilities are great, but the headphones that come with the phone aren't the greatest. I'll have to pick up a pair of bluetooth ones.
  11. Pick this up yesterday an hour before work. It is F*cking amazing!!:awesome: http://www.helio.com/#devices_ocean
  12. LMFAO when I saw that on amazon.
  13. The game, or this Fierce Hellfire forum God that we will all come to fear.
  14. UPS??? The dudes in the little brown shorts. As in the "United Postal Service"?
  15. Sad to say but the best way is to stop. I did for a couple of months, and was rid of mine, but with other factors involved not just quiting beer. But I guess if you don't have one then regular work outs and less beer would work. Liquor works too, more bang less buck.
  16. Going out to the bars for the forth straight Monday this month. I feel like staying in, but free beers how could I say no.
  17. It can??? I got a try it.
  18. You're standing next to really hot chick, of course its "Good Times"!!
  19. Nice "Fresh" style as always 10/10. But I hate that movie with the Intensity of 1000 burning Suns!!!! Soooo.... 0/10 JK BTW ReZourceman I love you Sig!!! :love:
  20. NEVER!!! Never I say!!!
  21. A cure, thats easy.....uh... IDK cause I never get them(no matter how much I drink). YAY!!!
  22. happy birthday Yo.:wink:
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