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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. Was that your comment on the video page?:wink:
  2. Use a different client, and be sure to open your routers ports. Search Google to find out which ports should be opened.
  3. The show is sh*t. The only reason it had a good first season is cause people, mostly men, actually believed they were "Desperate" Housewives. But those people, again mostly the men, should have stuck to pr0n.
  4. yesterday before work at 8:30 I went to get some MS points, for new Gears maps, and Pokemon Diamond. :hehe:
  5. Dammit Jasper I was going to say "The Simplest solution, is almost always the best solution." but you beat me to it. Plus theres "Keep it Simple Stupid":wink:
  6. of course, and its the same with hype I don't believe it unlike some people.:awesome:, I choose for myself.
  7. I see you are getting better at Photoshop. Best one I've seen from you.
  8. I was just about to say that.
  9. HOLY S*IT the girl on your left has 3 arms!! well at least it looks like it
  10. They are still selling fast here. While every time I go to Wal*Mart, they have 4 PS3's, 2 360's, and no Wii's. And in the classifieds I saw one for $400 with no games.:shock:
  11. I see that Circuit city, a major electronics store, is finally selling the new Toshiba HD-DVD player the HD-A20 which can output 1080p for $499.99. Mind you Circuit city has prices slightly higher than those of Best Buy, another electronics store. But Best Buy has yet to receive these players.
  12. I bought one last week so I can play it at work, and it comes with a Female to female extension and a red and white A/V to Jack converter.
  13. Happy Birthday Yo.:awesome:
  14. What is the big reason for all those ver. anyways:hmm:
  15. try putting close to a wall close in the area but away from the tower.
  16. I saw this on IGN weekly and I must say that this game is looking sweet.:awesome:
  17. Man this game is amazing. Its so fun to play. I got it yesterday amd I have not stopped play till now.
  18. Happy Birthday!!!: peace:
  19. They fixed the intentional glitches. Although IDK why they didn't fix the "Chainsaw over the shotgun", or "Falling through maps" (happend to me 3 times today), I get stuck to any wall very easily, and there is now a slight lag on the Shotgun.
  20. WTF is that. Its horrible is what it is.
  21. A good question would be "How and why the was the tequila so close to the console?":hmm:
  22. I have it already, I just thought that maybe one of you guys had it, that is if it was out over there.
  23. so does any one else here have AC4, or has it not been released it europe yet?
  24. Yeah Jasper is right from the smart consumer point of view. Its like I said Nintendo might put out a new system sooner than Sony or Microsoft will put out theres. Why because it was cheaper to make, and they'er making a profit off every Wii they sell. HD won't take off here for at least another 4 years, when most of the TV stations will have to make there move to digital frequency channels. But none of this is relevant to the Video-Buff who has to have all the most high end up to date technology. I found a good website that explains the basics. http://www.avsforum.com/hdtvfaq/HDTV-FAQ.htm Its alittle dated though.
  25. Just the names.
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