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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. you mean this http://weeklyad.target.com/target/Default.aspx?action=detail&storeid=2508807&rapid=0&pagenumber=0&listingid=-2094057187&offerid=&ref=%2ftarget%2fDefault.aspx%3faction%3dbrowsecategoryl2%26storeid%3d2508807%26cattreeid%3d604347%26L2CatId%3d604347%26L1CatId%3d604346 I saw this ad to weeks ago.... I work for the local newspaper, and we get the ads two weeks in advanced. :wink:
  2. ROFLMAO!! :horse: :horse:
  3. The Wii can't find the pictures on my SD card off of my cellphone.... Oh and BTW, I GOT A WII!!!! : peace:
  4. winner:hehe:
  5. Happy Birthday Wise one:bowdown:
  6. I saw this at work earlier today. I LMAO! :horse: http://www.stupidvideos.com/video/commercials/Firefox_Doesnt_Play_Well/?m=new
  7. Thanks:awesome:
  8. OMG snot flew out my nose when I read that:hehe:
  9. I used to hate wearing glasses, because I didn't have cool ones. The stupid eye doctor would tell me to try some on and see how I looked in them and if I liked them.... But I couldn't see cause they were just plain glass in the frame. Then I got contacts in High school, people said I looked better and so did I. I recently had to get new glasses and contacts, but I asked my Sis to go with me to ask for her opinion on how I looked in the pair I choose. I got some cool ones and look way cooler in them I think, so I wear them more often than my contacts.
  10. ROFLMAO:bouncy:
  11. My friend got it for his DS, maybe I'll borrow it.
  12. I wonder what they will be called a "COG" or a "DAT":heh:
  13. ITS OVER 9000
  14. OMG that was soooo FUNNY dude.
  15. LMAO!! :horse: But I poop from there.
  16. I remember reading that online games for GC were not able to use the online capabilities of the Wii:cry: BTW the title is very mis-leading
  17. ROFLMFAO:bouncy:
  18. wouldn't you need a very small bounding box to move the camera with the slightest turn, but have very low sensitivity so the camera doesn't go in to turning frenzy. Or maybe have two bounding boxes, .
  19. You guys are forgetting the THQ line up.
  20. I went to 1up to watch the video, and the advert they had before the video was a PS3 advert, the one with the baby doll. LOL:woops: :horse: Damn how many did they get over at 1up?
  21. It would've been cooler if they had used Iwata and Myamoto in the ad.:awesome:
  22. Shhit son! thats looks goood!
  23. You think I like calling him "Eggman", it sounds so F'ing stupid. :horse:
  24. What the Hell did they do to Eggman.
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