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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. mario_jr


    I hate fish, tuna and other common fish. BUT I love Sushi, very ironic I know. The thing is it really has no flavor, but if you go in thinking its going to taste the way it smells then thats what its going to taste like. I told a friend of mine to try it last Friday, he didn't like it. Eat it with some good hot sauce, or alot if its your first time. :heart: :awesome:
  2. Its like the Wiimote but backwards.
  3. I though it was a remake. EDIT:News now over at joystiq http://www.joystiq.com/2006/12/17/heightened-rumor-metal-gear-solid-4-not-a-ps3-exclusive/
  4. I told you guys this would happen:hmm: http://www.noooz.com/archives/2006/12/exclusive_metal_gear_solid_4_c.html : peace: Now if they implement some online multi-player
  5. I'm just glad its not a sausage fest.
  6. actually that will be used many times I bet, over "Nine Thousand" times... see what I mean.
  7. I just use my DVD player. Its a Panasonic 5.1 home theater type with VCR:hmm:
  8. "Feliz cumpleanos a ti Letty" Happy birthday to you Letty in Spanish, although it needs the "~" over the N:hmm:
  9. Happy Birthday!! How many chicks you gonna sit around with and watch your HDTVs...you lucky birthday son of a ohhhey I'm still typing. :wink:
  10. Happy Birthday to the both of yas
  11. Mario_jr - Mario Jr 85
  12. Thats A GREAT IDEA!!! no really it is.
  13. So you think its a good idea to sell CoD2 for CoD3?
  14. winner:bowdown:
  15. I was but I said I can wait. My friend has COD 2 so I'm gonna join him on Live:bouncy:
  16. I bought a 360 today with Call Of Duty 2. I am now officially part of the Wii60 club:yay: ... well sort of:hmm: .
  17. I just passed it, all I can say is why. Its an incredible ending but I wanted more for Link. AND...
  18. Is that Captain Falcon in the second screen shot?
  19. Dead sage. :woops: :horse: Dead Zelda. :woops: :horse:
  20. The guy looks like a total gaming n00b, the kind that goes "OMGEEZ teh grafixss!!111":horse:
  21. I've had it since launch, I got the day after I got my Wii, and it is a very fun game especially multiplayer. The only down side is it leave the little string connecting the strap very dirty, oh well. :horse:
  22. which it was.
  23. Hey I was getting scared for a while there:cry:
  24. Woah my friend showed this to me at work, it beats the shit out of the Xbox portable.:awesome: http://xbox.hackaday.com/2006/09/10/xbox-360-laptop/
  25. almost like saying reserve. Like when the store has no more and you reserve some so when they get a new shipment in. :horse:
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