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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. I didn't know that the last DDR game I bought was Extreme for PS2.
  2. Wii DJing :awesome: http://djwiij.com/home.html there's a story over at IGN but I'm too lazy to post it in the Wii discussion.
  3. Great, I was gonna get the new one for 360, and then they announce this. More money out of pocket. I hope they don't leave out the cool background movies, I might get tired of seeing the same background and same dancer.
  4. Great now I gotta go buy the first one so I can play this one.
  5. This is a question for Bookerman, or anyone who owns a Vision: M. I just recently updated my firmware to 1.61.01 and add a CD that I had stored on my external HD. It is in Windows Media Audio Losses 9.1 format, before the update my Vision M would not play this type of bit rate it had to be in Variable Bit Rate, one lower than Losses, but now it does and there is practically no pause in between the songs. Has anybody noticed this, or am I just crazy? Can anybody try this to confirm?
  6. That was so funny. Cheating whores being dumped on live radio FTW!!!
  7. I love that movie:hehe: : peace:
  8. I play Poker and 5 card, but I hate Hold'em. I can't stand that game. Its so hyped up.
  9. Jackass number two It is way better than the first. From the beginning to the end it is funny. 9/10:bowdown:
  10. And its not like she did it once. It was 3 times, plus the texting back and forth. If it was once then maybe it would be forgivable, but it wasn't.
  11. Get her stuff and throw it out, break or burn her really important stuff, and change the locks if she has a key. : peace: Don't fret you'll get over it.
  12. Wii Opera now supporting Youtube videos:smile: : peace: , but no longer Google video:blank: .
  13. Happy Birthday A**hole, and I mean that in a nice way, really. :wink:
  14. ?????????????????
  15. As Dr. Drew would say it "You're Gay." BTW not you but the kid.
  16. Happy Birthsday!!! Yes the "S" was on purpose. Funny, and sad, this got more replies then the other one, I won't mention which one. I smell suicide.
  17. I can't wait for their new flick.
  18. I like Wii tennis, you can actually make the ball spin make it float farther or closer to the net. :wink:
  19. Maybe then Link can go back to the Shadow realm even though the Mirror was shattered by Midna. Maybe in the next "Zelda: Return to Shadow" or something like that....
  20. Holy sh*t man I fell out of my chair laughing. I didn't really expect that. :horse:
  21. when I got I helped a friend pass it on Insane, and I got the Gamer points for passing it on Insane, Hardcore, and Casual. It was a nice surprise:wink:
  22. I'm up for a game, but it'll have to be after work around 3 in the morning, Christmas morning:hmm:
  23. oh yeah forgot about that.....
  24. WTF!!! Its not up here in the US!!! BULLSH*T!!! :angry:
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