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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. But its WIFI its different than your average internet connection, even if you are running through your ISP.
  2. I don't think it will effect the DL limit if they send you stuff.:awesome: "You can not offer me this Demo." "But I'm giving it to you!" "Don't temp me Nintendo, through it I will want to DL it, but through my Wii it will kill my DL limit!" "But it won't because we want you to have it." "Oh, well then give it here!":awesome:
  3. Yeah go out in to the hot sun and get skin cancer, when you can just play Wii sports tennis and semi-excercise inside in the air conditioned enviroment.
  4. FFX-2 was such a disappointment for me. You have to get 100% to get the true ending. And then that lizard with the lantern, not the small one but the huge one, he was soooo annoying:nono:
  5. I doubt that release date, unless they plan on sending a large amount of units here to make up for pre-ordered and of the shelf purchase. It has to be released at the latest 3rd week of October.
  6. I think $ony made the mistake of showing off FF XIII before even releasing XII. Some people are going to over look XII and just wait for XIII, well at least those who are still going to buy a PS3.
  7. which is why I never really got into any of the Xbox games like Halo or Halo 2. It was such a turnoff for me to play it. But the 360 games don't have this much anymore.
  8. They used the bloom effect in MGS 3 alot. And MOA Airborn has Bloom effect as well but not as much as MGS 3.
  9. you mean that "Be-Be" noise that they keep repeating, yes that is annoying
  10. I'm betting this guy doesn't have much friends..... and that he plays D&D religiously, with plastic sword and shield.
  11. well I just got back from a friends house. Hes been reading more and more gaming mags and getting info, after all the info that I tell him about gaming consoles that I get from the net. And at first when the PS3 was annouced he said he was going to get one, me too in fact, and the more and more I told him about the PS3 the more he was leaning to not getting one. then I told him about how Sony wanted to stop pre-owned game sales, and he goes "Ehh I'm not getting one, its a piece of shit. I'm getting a 360, and have you seen Gears Of War?" And I said yes, yes I have. So there is one more person who has changed their mind on their own with out any pressure just info. BTW: the filters for curse words don't work for me
  12. link please if you have it
  13. Oh man funnier than the first one:bouncy:
  14. Oh man that sh*t was funny. (starts dancing:yay: ) Its Ridge Racer!
  15. Damn I got beat to it!
  16. already posted in another thread about 2 weeks ago.
  17. I belive its vice-versa:hmm:
  18. theres a Mario Galaxy thread I've never seen it. Oh there it is I see it now.
  19. reminds me of the first MGS 4 trailer where Otocon is controlling the little robot and he says its powered by "Cell Processor" technology, the technology that "Will win the console war"
  20. No I don't, because I don't like people who have or have had anorexia. If I eat then I'm going to get fat and blah blah blahSTFU!!
  21. OMFG I would've errupted in her face if I was there. "I need water.." STFU!!!
  22. Oh man my little brother bought that game from the local rent shop when he was younger, he chose it over Duke Nukem, lets just say he doesn't like to talk about it to this day.
  23. that game was awsome, Evil Glover best villan ever.... no not really but he was cool.:p
  24. Ok you said it can't take it back now:shakehead :wink:
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