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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. that looks like its from that Kingdom hearts game.
  2. a "Fanboy" in these forums, nooooo:nono:
  3. Thanks:angry: . I was eating cereal when I read that now its all over my screen.
  4. No they've become ATARI of the old days.
  5. Must have been a funny interview. "Why should consumers buy a Wii and a PS3 and not a 360?" Phill:"Well thats easy..... umm...because..(starts to get nervous)..uhh..(starts sweating bullets)..,,you should buy PS3 because...(voice turns demonic)WE WILL EAT YOUR BABIES IF YOU DON'T!!! AARRRGGGHHHH
  6. Can it get rid of the pause between songs for MP3 players? Hope so.(Crossing fingers)
  7. OMG My sides they hurt from all the laughing:hehe:
  8. Ok how the hell do I get rid of the little pauses between songs on an MP3 player (Vision M)?
  9. So they basicly stole what MS said, and said it as their own words. Hmm:hmm: sounds like $ony to me.
  10. yeah its a BIG adrenaline rush, but I would rather get from else where.
  11. Birthday huh, well get over here so I can give you your birthday beatdown:D
  12. I am scared of well I call it "Nothingness". IDK if anyone has ever experienced it. It happens alot of times in the dark, but also in the day time. It starts in your head and once it does its hard to stop it, usually someone or something has to bring you out of the trance. It starts with silence, and then you notice the silence and you concentrate on it by accident. It then begins to get louder, and it starts to sound like static. Then your breathing gets louder, and not because you're breathing louder, it just sounds like it. And then you start to freak out but you can't move and you think to youself "WTF is going on?" Your breathing gets harder and faster. And when you do come out of it you think to yourself "What the hell was I scared of?!?" Well thats what I call "nothingness" and it doesn't happen often, but when it does man.... I HATE it!!
  13. They must hate europe:laughing:
  14. I love how people try to put words in other peoples mouths. Yeah they did "thought" about doing it, but no ever said they were the ones who "created" the technology to do it. It was the PC gaming industry who did that.
  15. just when you think its over here comes snake Just finished watching it and I gonna watch it again You guys need to get a Download manager
  16. Its there its there!!
  17. OMFG I just got on and BAM!!! hit me like a pile bricks... to the nuts!! And I haven't even read the full details just the playable characters
  18. True here's on of my dog, his name is Beefy And one with his bro Bert. I put two seeing as how its been awhile since anyone has posted much due to E3 and all.
  19. Oh they will. They are going to lose major money on the PS3. They will make there money back with softwear.
  20. Especially with the brain age games. I was watching TV early on monday and flipping through channels, and "The View" was on, (its a show for stay at home mothers, news gossip and more its a talk show for women by women), and it went to commercial and its a commercial for the nintendo DS and Brian Age. I was like heh wow.
  21. Maybe even merge:shock:
  22. If you are refering to the CD format that PS started to use, then no they did not come out with it. It was Nintendo's idea to use CDs, it was going to be an add on for the SNES.
  23. ouuwww a game orgy:heart:
  24. LMFAO..Even your MOM can play
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