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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. Man thats racist yo
  2. Myamoto??... Never mind
  3. Holy Sh*t... I don't see the controller.
  4. Powered by "Cell" HUH? Someone go call GOKU!
  5. "Because IDK!!" Wow you are like soo "COOL"
  6. "Think" I KNOW it looks terrible
  7. I guessing they were all given "Greatest Hits" because of the 9 months status
  8. PSP lowest #'s in JAPAN!!
  9. Wow they sold alot of units, mostly because its a piece of SH*T that keeps breaking.
  10. "GIMMICK!!" F**K YOU SONY!
  11. What the hell its getting louder!
  12. WTF they should've left MJ on!
  13. Its nothing but a "Blue Screen of Death!!":shock:
  14. To me its like 3 days who cares, how many months untill we will actually get to get one in our hands?
  15. If nintendo is having a live free feed then everyone should stop talking about it and keep it to themselves. That way the site won't crash from so many people trying to access it.
  16. Didn't you know its how people get rich now a days:laughing:
  17. Hey how'bout an Angel Dark thread, Yeah.
  18. Heres one I just got from the photo lab yesterday. My little bros new cat. Took me half an hour to get her to look at me like this, but I was happy with the end result. Thanks to Nintendork for the flickr link. Way much better that photobucket. here is the link to see this pic larger : http://static.flickr.com/50/140070563_259d3f12a6_b.jpg
  19. Its alittle too late for that Mr. Mad:mad:
  20. This has locked written all over it.
  21. Nintendork that picture is awsome. I love up close photos of nature on days that are cloudy, like when it seems like its going to rain or after its rained. I have some on the film thats in my camera but its still got half a roll left.
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