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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. The only thing that is going to happen today is potheads getting Stoned:yay: So maybe some of the developers got stoned and completly forgot to put out some info. Ha! Reminds me of what was happenning at Atari when it was first established.
  2. I want it NOW!!! *leaps at computer moniter trying to get a Rev* Ow! You guys have to stop man posting such pics its making me go crazy with anticipation.
  3. so true. In the future your friends (who own a PS3) go to your house to play your Rev and ask "Why the hell is there a bar under your TV?" Then you answer "Why is there a George Forman Grill under yours.":laughing:
  4. lets just hope they don't take the same road Sony has and put secret spyware on their disks
  5. they were on the very first FHC dev kits, which worked with a modified Gamecube
  6. yeah I heard it will have something like little sensor dots.
  7. only on Dev kits
  8. Probably the same satisfaction as the person who made Nintendo ON
  9. DUH, go back and read why. Plus who says it can't have that name is there a LAW against Using an old name, or why not just call it Nintendo "Console", or better yet Nintendo "Electronic Consumer Product" one name and product comes to mind "IPOD"
  10. HELL NO those are so FAKE!!!
  11. Oh you mean like I said earlier, that it should be called the Nintendo ES (Entertainment System) Because thats what it is.
  12. It better be fake. Nintendo BlueWave, WWOOOWW That is sooooo Dumb.
  13. Yeah say you wanna go hit your Caddy for giving you the wrong club. You can't cause you're connected by a wire.
  14. Its a shovel with the spade end erased off
  15. One legged Chair. Go ahead have a seat.
  16. He is either a Liar, or a really stupid Guesser that says its true cause he works at IGN.
  17. this one and AdvancedMN.com are the ones I visit frequently. I hardly ever check IGN. They are always late and mostly wrong with there news, plus they're nothing but Sony whores(IMO).
  18. they have the web site up http://www.redsteelgame.com/ I was gonna start a new topic about this but I was afraid it would've been locked. anyways check it out
  19. Me, Me right here:bouncy: , Me please please please, thank you.
  20. Nintendo ES Are you ready for a new Way to Play?
  21. Nah. Heres what I think it should be called ready... Nintendo ES(Entertainment System). Thats what it should be, because its entertaining, and just like the original it will change how games are played, plus its going to have all those Retro games on it...Right. Am I right or am I super right. Oh yeah plus E comes after D. DS then the ES.
  22. ME! ME! ME! MEMEME!!! Hello I live in south Cali. Ah I can taste it already, Mwahahaha!
  23. Nice camera although I prefer Film over digital, i just got the winning bid on a Nikon N75, with a 28-70 lens, and a 70-300 lens so I'll be getting it in 2 weeks. But although I don't know much about taking photographs, I do know some stuff about composition and what makes a good photo look appealing to the eye.
  24. what Camera are you using? They look good, especialy the 7th one, but it needs some sort of main object in the focused area, or in the out of focus area of the brown barbed wire.
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