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Everything posted by Bowser57

  1. Some of these... Not my first choice, but being a size 14 I can't be too picky.
  2. Jamiroquai's (sp?) greatest hits album (from about track 5) goes amazingly well with Geometry Wars.
  3. Digitiser was the greatest, anything that exisits now is terrible. Just read Mr Biffo in EDGE.
  4. You can watch it here on Sky Digital channel 510, it's most excellent. (In a completely scary way). My pick for the most excellent president would be Oprah Winfrey.
  5. I took a trip to a local cinemaplex last night. Went to see The Pursuit of Happyness, I wanted to see Rocky, but I went with my brother and we had our wives in tow. Anyhow, the film was alright, Will Smith can act, the story was a bit slow, there were a few scenes in there I think they could have done without, but he got his millions of dollars at the end, happyness was achieved. 6 "Now that's what I call a close encounter!"'s out of 10.
  6. Yes, if you buy Crackdown you're allowed to test Bungie's new game for them. The box art is a joke, making fun of the fact Crackdown will now be bought by many only because Halo 3 betas are included. And no, it won't be rare.
  7. I'd buy a Wii if it had anything like Xbox Live, but it doesn't, so I can't see myself getting one.
  8. No idea mate, but if I were to try and test what was causing problems it's one of the things I'd wonder about. Your best bet is giving their customer support line a call tomorow.
  9. When you've been playing GoW do you have a headset plugged in? If so, when you tried Viva, did you still have the headset in?
  10. There's a beauty to your writing that I'm at a loss to describe.
  11. Last time I invited you to a game you didn't take me up on it, and you went offline shortly afterwards, scared no doubt.
  12. Downloaded Assault Heroes today, it's a fun little distraction. Oh, and if you've got Geometry Wars and Jamoriqui's greatest hits album, play the two together, it's as though they were meant to be.
  13. I hear that! I was telling some black kids not to play football near my car and the "n" word slipped out. Christ, you should have heard them.
  14. I dunno if it's just the blacks, I live in rural Lincolnshire, and in the towns around here there are plenty of honkeys that hunt their estates in packs. Scum comes in all colours.
  15. I'm liking the coat, and am tempted by the blue/black one.
  16. You're talking objectively about a topic which is completely subjective. You put down other people's suggestions as though you know the facts, when there are none.
  17. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/lincolnshire/6231723.stm "fined £11,000 for selling a mouldy meat pie " I heard about that yesterday.
  18. There's not many people I can be bothered to type happy birthday for, but for you two, it's a pleasure. I love you guys.
  19. Gamerpoints are seperate from Microsoft points. Gamerpoints stack up while playing games (each "proper" game has 1000 points to collect through achievements, marketplace games tend to have 200 points). Microsoft points are paid for by the player and added to your account and then used to buy things like dashboard themes, pictures and games from the arcade.
  20. Speaking of Viva Pinata, has anyone got a Wildcard Pinata? I did ask in the VP thread but not much response. (A Wildcard Pinata is a very rare one, which has a slight mutation for example the Whilm wildcard has three spikes or tufts of hair on his back, and I think the Macaracoon has six legs).
  21. World of Warcraft consumed most of my year, it won it easily for me. Think I'll start playing that again in a week or two. Other great games for me this year, Viva Pinata, Gears of War, and Halo 2, as always.
  22. Jan-March was unemployed so World of Warcraft around 14 hours a day. March started my current job. July I think it was that my ladyfriend moved over from the US. September or somewhere thereabouts went to Amsterdam for a weekend. Get married tomorrow. That's about it for this year.
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