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Everything posted by Bowser57

  1. Saw it yesterday in 3D, thought it was a let down really. (The whole thing not just the 3D). Just thought we'd seen it all before. Wish they'd spent the time on an Incredibles 2 rather than that.
  2. Any idea if Wii controllers are universal please? Thinking of getting a couple sent over from the US for use with my UK Wii. Cheers.
  3. To help speed levelling up use the add on Quest Helper.
  4. Very happy to duel whatever anyone else here might have.
  5. I thought the Joker is a bit further up the list on people to blame. Isn't Batman tormented enough? If he'd been any more down about things he'd have had his fringe over his eyes and been listening to whatever the kids listen to these days.
  6. Haver plays a rogue? Still, better than a fury warrior I suppose.
  7. That's pretty much what the program said, suggesting the reason you might be a socially inept retard is that you're ginger and you've had to deal with that. It also commented on the different way folks view ginger men and women. Ginger women being "allowed" as men often go for delicate (so light skinned) women that look like they need protecting. Women however tending to go for darker looking men. It was an alright show, but not good enough to stop me from channel hopping.
  8. So maybe he did get hit by a car, but had a fairy in a jar. (Flipping heck, think if it'd been Jordan).
  9. I know I posted it before, but today I went and picked it up. I like it a lot!
  10. I heard he already had. ... Oooh, the driving test! Yeah unlucky bud. What was the prob, control pad instead of keyboard and mouse? (I failed first time too, so you're in good company).
  11. I got some tickets through the post this morning. Going to see him in Nottingham.
  12. The TV I ordered finally arrived yesteday. Also got some tickets to go see Ricky Gervais in Nottingham.
  13. Was most excellent. Would have liked to see a bit more of Bill Bailey, Coogan and Stephen Merchant though. Some folks reckon it went on a bit too long, but I think it was just about spot on.
  14. I'm a sales admin that hates the general public. Though most of my work is over the phone, so I don't have to look at the customers. The thing is to just help them out as much as you can and don't make any fool mistakes. Oh, and if you listen to my boss then you're not to wear your MP3 player at work (this was at a low volume while doing a boring job that took about 2 hours with only one earphone in) as it's "not condusive to the sales enviroment" ... the next day him and his wife were making racist jokes about a customer. So maybe be racist and see if that helps.
  15. Of course you're not, stop thinking you're that special.
  16. You little name dropper you! I'll probably go watch it this weekend.
  17. They brought in the padding because quite a few people died in the first couple of years it was played.
  18. Ordered one of these from Amazon today... I don't expect it to show up for weeks though, and I'm not sure if it can only be used for watching football. I should have read up on that.
  19. You'd get the best deal buying instore. I got my 360 with PG3, Live Arcade, an extra pad, and any game (I took GoW, and they gave me the special edition) for £300. On top of that when buying they said I could buy any game for £20. So I got Viva Pinata.
  20. Halo 2 was an amazing multiplayer game that happened to come with a free single player/co-op game. Jord's just mad because he's not that great.
  21. So this god that's all knowing doesn't know which of us he should be sending to hell yet? (He loves us all too right though? So he won't really send anyone to hell will he?)
  22. Is there a digital version of Rohypnol on there? If so, do any ladies want to chat on MSN? I have a file to send you.
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