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Everything posted by Bogbas

  1. Have you checked the game's website, or seen if there are patches available for it?
  2. And no more kids for you...
  3. Seems good enough, not for serious gaming though. I think that it'll run some q3 based games nicely, anything newer than that would probably not work very well. But don't use a laptop on your lap, it has a negative effect on your fertility.
  4. Ok thanks for the info Well as it turns out, I got no transportation to town so I'm staying at home. Probably a good thing. Last time I got drunk I had a two-day hungover(and it was in january...), there really isn't anything worse than a jägermeister hungover. I usually drink socially too, but I hadn't got a hungover before. And I just can't stand beer or cider so it's usually that I drink something that has more alcohol in them.
  5. Bogbas


    Glad to hear that your starting to be okay, and the guy got brought to justice I don't understand why people do this. I mean if they're drunk/high that would make some sense, but just for the fun of it
  6. It's friday... I'm a finn... You do the math Who is this patrick dude anyway? Probably would know him in finnish, but I'm too lazy to look it up...
  7. Bogbas


    Well, you don't have to live there. A similar thing happened to a friend of my sister while she was in England. She was on her way to her place from a bar with a friend. And suddenly someone just walked up to them and accused her of laughing at him/her. There were three of them who attacked, luckily the other girl was able to get help from a nearby house. And in the end the 3 (1 man, 2 women) threatened to kill her. And sorry to hear that Wes, get well soon. As you don't have any sense of touch on certain parts of your face, you can do a "tough guy" trick. The next time someone comes at you just take a burning cigarette and stump it on your face without even blinking
  8. Nowadays the jumper is at cable select at default (I think...) So only bother with the jumper if you have an old IDE cable. And if you do have one, you should get a better one. The hard drives are slow enough without the cable restraining it.
  9. Lordi - Devil is a loser you wanted power and you begged for fame you wanted everything in the easy way you wanted gain without pain now your bill is in the mail you got stronger but your mind got weak you made a promise that you couldn't keep you had it all - you lost more it's all there in the fee via hell incorporated (regeneration) first you love it then you hate it (you're such a saint!) and now you're never gonna make it (bad situation) get on get on down there's hell to pay 'cause the devil is a loser and he's my bitch for better or the worse and you don't care which runnin' into trouble you skitch he's my bitch you wanted riches and a license to kill you got poverty then you got ill you got poor and you lost your will all your dreams unfulfilled I get my kicks when you blow your fuse no-one got killed but that's no excuse hands up, I let you know when it's done I've got the only gun and there were no refunds (devil is a loser) just failing guarentees (devil is a loser) confess your sins, son (devil is a loser) said the preacher in tv (devil is a loser) you got yourself some greasepaint set of white and black all you got was laughter and Gene Simmons on your back The band got accused of satanism by someone. I don't know much about satanism but "devil is a loser" wouldn't probably be a high on a list of song names on a satanistic band... And maybe I just like the riff better than the words, but still the lyrics are quite funny
  10. Finished my service in the army as a group leader. Nothing else actually, will try to get into a university this spring.
  11. Brothers grimm 7/10 There wasn't anything completely wrong about this movie, it was good but not great. Had fun spotting all the references to the tales I read/was read to when I was a kid. Actually I still do occasionally read them. Too bad that the modern kids get the watered down versions of the stories. Going to see Prime or 9th Company tomorrow. Still trying to decide which one to see.
  12. Actually i have heard about some studies that said that it's in our genes. Apparently the early man judged his woman by breast size. The bigger the breasts, the better she could feed the baby. Or at least something like that.
  13. A hard drives installation is pretty much like this: Unscrew case --> Put the hard drive in place --> secure it with screws --> put the pata/sata cable and the power cable in place --> screw the cover of the case back again --> Boot--> run fdisk or a similar tool(the drive management in XP is easier to use), and format the new hdd for the filesystem you want. And it's finished. Fans are bit more straightforward, just find a suitable spot for it in your case, attach the power cable to the mobo(if it's a three pin connector) or straight to the plug which comes form your PSU. The plug which comes from the psu is the same as to the old pata (parallel ata, which has the reasonably wide data cable) drive's power cable. Or it could be the smaller one which is the same as the floppy power connector
  14. Yes I agree completely. Here we got a law that basically makes it illegal to copy music from a cd you bought to your MP3 player. If the cd has copy protection that is. And the sony's rootkit thing? I'm not getting anything sony ever again...
  15. As does the optical mediums also. After a while they'll start to lose their reflective properties. The best way to store files would be in a magnetic tape. Just don't let the tape get near magnets.
  16. There can only be one: Macgyver
  17. So why don't you boot from the winxp cd? The console in it supports ntfs, and behaves much like the dos prompt.
  18. 4. Build your own pc and install mythtv on it. This could actually be cheaper than buying a mac. Although it might be hard to find a proper case for it.
  19. Actually ogg's are better than mp3's They give the same quality with smaller file size.
  20. what disk format ntfs or fat? if it's ntfs the win98 boot disk won't work.
  21. Just do a "repair" install of xp. Or you can use the repair console to copy that file from a floppy/cd to your system 32 directory. Boot it from the windows cd and pay attention to what it's saying. At first it will ask you to repair the old installation, if you do this it'll go to the console.
  22. Actually the windows built in recorder & mixer can do this. Double click on the speaker icon in your tray go to settings --> properties, put the ball on record, click ok. Then when you see the sliders, put select on the wave one. Now start the application you want to record the sound with e.g sndrec32/audacity. Start the playback and hit the record button. Can't remember if audacity had some setting for changing the recording source.
  23. The hitchiker's guide to the galaxy I'll give it 8/10. It was funny. Not as funny as the book is though. I really should find the time to read the five book trilogy One night at the roxbury again 8/10. This was so stupid it was funny.
  24. in our headlights, staring, bleak, beer cans, deer's eyes on the asphalt underneath, our crushed plans and my lies lonely street signs, powerlines, they keep on flashing, flashing by your breath hot upon my cheek, and we crossed, that line you made me strong when I was feeling weak, and we crossed, that one time screaming stop signs, staring wild eyes, keep on flashing, flashing by and we keep driving into the night it's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye and we keep driving into the night it's a late goodbye the devil grins from ear to ear when he sees the hand he's dealt us points at your flaming hair, and then we're playing hide and seek I can't breathe easy here, less our trail's gone cold behind us till' in the john mirror you stare at yourself grown old and weak and we keep driving into the night it's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye... Poets of the fall - Late goodbye Extra points for figuring out the game Bare Grace Misery Sweet boy, come in I am the dark side of you Die for my sins Like the One once did Cinnamon bed For your unashamed appetite A figurante This dance will hurt like hell Oh, bare grace misery Just a child without a fairytale am I Dark but so lovely A Little Match Girl freezing in the snow Love lying, enticing (Bare grace misery) Crowning the moment (Bare grace misery) This is what I am Bare grace for the end of days Romantic scent Spoiled Lucrece lies warm for you There`s no such priest That can pray me to heaven When done with me Forget if you think I feel ashamed A wild thing Never felt sorry for anything Love lying... Nightwish - bare grace misery My dad came into my room holding his hat I knew he was leaving, he sat on my bed told me some facts, son. I have a duty, calling on me You and your sister be brave my little soldier And don't forget all I told ya Your the mister of the house now remember this And when you wake up in the morning give ya momma a kiss Then I had to say goodbye In the morning woke momma with a kiss on each eyelid, Even though I'm only a kid Certain things can't be hid Momma grabbed me Held me like I was made of gold But left her inner stories untold I said, momma it will be alright When daddy comes home, tonight Whether long range weapon or suicide bomber Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction Whether you're soar away sun or BBC 1 Disinformation is a weapon of mass destruction You could a Caucasian or a poor Asian Racism is a weapon of mass destruction Whether inflation or globalization Fear is a weapon of mass destruction Whether Halliburton or Enron or anyone Greed is a weapon of mass destruction We need to find courage, overcome Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction The skin under my chin is exploding again I'm getting stress from some other children I'm holding it in. We taking sides like a politician And if I get friction, we get to fighting I defend my dad, he's the best of all men And whatever he's doing, he's doing the right thing It's frightening, but it makes me mad Why do all these people seem to hate my dad And if that aint enough now I got these spots I go to sleep every night with my stomach in knots And what's more, I can hear momma next door Explore the radio for reports of war And all we ever seem to do Is hide the tears Seem like daddy been gone for years But he was right Now I'm geared up for the fight And he would be proud of me If my daddy come home tonight Listen me calmly Whether Halliburton or Enron or anyone Greed is a weapon of mass destruction We need to find courage, overcome Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction My story stops here, lets be clear This scenario is happening everywhere And you ain't going to nirvana or farvana You're coming right back here to live out your karma With even more drama than previously, seriously Just how many centuries have we been waiting for someone else to make us free And we refuse to see That people overseas suffer just like we Bad leadership and ego's unfettered and free Who feed one the people they're supposed to lead I don't need good people to pray and wait For the lord to make it all straight There's only now, do it right. Cos I don't want your daddy, leaving home tonight faithless - mass destruction
  25. sounds like there might be a problem related to the distance of the isp's adsl box to your house. Can't remember what the maximum distances were, but as general rule, you have to be closer for faster connections. And maybe the wireless routers are a bit more "picky" about the signal than the cable one. the flashing of the light might be because it gets a really low strength signal.
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