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Everything posted by Bogbas

  1. you can't get a good PSU for cheap, as the quality of one depends on the components inside the PSU. Which are pretty basic, a few capacitors, resistors,coils etc. And the better quality components, the better the psu.
  2. I've heard good things about mythtv which is for linux. Just don't get windows media center edition.
  3. Why don't you just delete them and buy them back when you're in japan? But seriously if you're using the files a lot. I'd recommend that you'll buy a new hard drive. If you just want them to be stored (e.g, only watch them occasionally) you should get a dvd burner.
  4. Yes the einstein's theory says that nothing can go faster than the speed of light. But then again a lot of strange things happens at those speeds. For example time slows down the faster you move. This has been proved by a couple of airplanes and atomic watches. And if I remember anything from my modern physics course, there was some shrinking involved as well... And the link
  5. If you have damaged sectors the only thing that you can actually do is buy a new hard drive. And this actually seems more like a corrupt windows installation. Backup the needed data, format, and reinstall windows.
  6. Actually the time it would take for light to travel around earth would be about 0,133676s(that's in vacuum, as in an optical fibre the speed of light is slowed 30%) and the speed of light is actually starting to be a limiting factor in supercomputers. And the ping between e.g Japan and US is about 0,18s And the limiting factor here would probably be the user's hard drive, as it cannot write the information as fast as it receives it. I'm pretty worried about that kind of bandwidths as what will happen if a cracker/cracker group takes over multiple clients of that connection?
  7. Xbox live is bad for MMORPGs because the control of the system lies in microsoft's hands. But the nintendo has stated that it would make the game developer's to decide if they want to make the customer pay for playing the game. This would probably mean that the developer's would be able to run their own servers. One of the reasons EA didn't support the live system at first was the fact that they couldn't run their own servers. And when they finally did have it for burnout 3 the server had poor performance resulting in xbox crashes and such. I really don't know how exactly does the xbox live system work and the above is just speculation based on what Jeff Strain (creator of guild wars) has said about the live system.
  8. And Natalie portman so who could resist it? :wink:
  9. Actually few years back I read a review of MP3 players which was done by a hifi mag. The frequency response of the ipod was pretty bad. So it doesn't matter what if the file is high quality. The output makes the sound worse. They tested creative's and iriver's players too. The creative one was the worst in sound quality, but the iriver one won by a hefty margin.
  10. For gaming ringtones VGmusic. Just download the mids and transfer them your phone and use them as ringtones. btw that phone doesn't happen to be a symbian phone though?
  11. That's funny I have it in my kerio...(network security , applications tab ) And it's an unlicensed version. It might disable after the trial period expires, if it does I'm going to switch my firewall.
  12. And think of it this way: it's not the post amount that counts, it's the quality of those that you actually post
  13. I'd post some pictures of kittens we had last spring, but my computer seems to have deleted them... The kittens were great compared to their mother, which could show a thing or two to garfield at being lazy. And the breed of those cats... I don't know they're just cats, some have long fur some have short.
  14. The component cable will work on your pal cube(as it's those which still have the digital connection.). But you still have to use the analog cable if you want sound though, and the output of the digital cable is interlaced. But so is the analog rpg so it doesn't matter. And are you sure that you have component input on your tv? You might find the cable at lik-sang too. Which connection are you using now?
  15. Yeah the aiw is underclocked a bit from the x1900 and doesn't need as much cooling power.
  16. And if you're unlucky you cannot do anything to it. In kerio you can open the port for azureus in network security, click on packet filter, click add, choose the application(the azureus executable) add protocols UDP and TCP, then on the local press add, add port, type in 6881, press ok. Do the same for remote. And then check the bottom options direction:both, action:permit Do you have a router through which you're connected to internet?
  17. Well if the games are only playable at 640*480 and 800*600 the card isn't good. The 6600 also has problems with it's 3d quality, for example fog isn't drawn correctly on it. And I tried to give some advice on which card has better price/power ratio. The 6600 is actually pretty powerful for what it's worth, but the price difference between the two is smaller than the huge gap of power. But if you're going to upgrade later to a more powerful card you might as well get the 6600.
  18. Bogbas


    Used to be like that here too.. Now we have to pay the extra tax on all recordable media. And it's illegal to download music here too. There was a new law that was issued and now it's illegal to transfer music from a copy protected cd to your mp3 player... And it somehow makes the use of shift key when you insert an audio cd in windows illegal. As everything that has something to do with going around copy protections is illegal. And if I order a cd for example from the US and the same cd hasn't come out here in europe (or never will) and I'm ordering it to my import store, I'm breaking the law. And no I do not actually have that kind of store but the law sucks. All this comes to the point that I do not know what I'm allowed to do and what is illegal. So I'll stick to my old ways and not buy cd's. EDIT: And the whole copy protection thing has gone too far... I mean the sony's rootkit? I'm never going to buy anything sony again.
  19. Well I haven''t actually really given much thought to USB and firewire performance... To me it's enough that they work. I was just looking at the game performance benchmarks in games for those boards.
  20. Oh I've got the impression that the new ati chipset is better than nforce... And yes it's a bit hard to decide, because if you're not using crossfire in the first place it will be hard to find the crossfire cards in the future.
  21. I think there's an optimum fat percentage of your body, which (if I remember correctly...) is about 3%. And building up muscle mass takes time, few weeks at least. And the bigger the muscles get, the harder it is to make them grow even more. And if you want to train your muscles to be stronger, use heavy weights with few repeats. And to build up stamina use lighter weights but more repeats.
  22. It's an ok price for those components, but the graphics card sucks. Throw some $80AU to get the 6600GT it's worth it. And for the processor 3500+ is only another $80AU more to the cost. And you could add the memory to 1Gb. Not sure if the prices are 100% correct, as I had to convert them from what they cost here in euros to AU$
  23. Now how much you had to pay to free radical to be able to use their music in the cowboy scene? Funny vid though. Are we going to see another story which makes no sense?
  24. Well it's forming up quite nicely. I would change the pic in the lower right corner as it looks like it's scanned off from a magazine. It doesn't fit into the sites graphical style. I'm pretty sure I know who that character is, but can't seem to remember it right now.
  25. If you ask them what is the genre of music they play, they'll say love metal. And yes the more recent things they have produced have gone little too much to the "pop" side. Probably beacause they released the album in the us too. But depressing music... I know lots of them only problem is they're all in finnish. We are depressed by nature But for some reason faithless feels a bit depressing for me. Edit: you could try listening to dimmu borgir. Now that's depressing...
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