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Everything posted by Bogbas

  1. A good point, but still I think that honesty is a good value to have. Even if you don't get any personal gain from it.
  2. I agree with you about the pixel plus. But Sony still makes better TV's. Philips's tvs have more problems. And nowadays it's hard to find to decent TV as they are designed in a way that makes them only last for about 5 years...
  3. If the other version can play blu-ray games but not movies, then it's bound to have some sort of mod from the community that allows the video playback as well.
  4. Here's a little strory for you. Once there was a boy, who visited a big department store on a field trip. He bought an RC car. But after the purchase he found out that he was given way too much money back. He then went to the cashier to explain the problem and thanks to his honesty. He was given the RC car for free and a gift token for the shop. So you might get something out of it if the shop keeper is a reasonable man. If not, you'll get the feeling that you made something right. But I'll leave the choice to you. Do what you think is best
  5. Glad that you're okay, black ice is a bitch This just shows that you should wear your seatbelt when you drive. It' s especially helpful if the car rolls over. And my friend hit a concrete pig once. There was no damage to him, but the impact made the passenger's airbag to fill up. Which caused pretty nasty looking bruises to the passenger's face.
  6. One good basic system is creative gigaworks pro gamer G500. Link It's nothing fancy, but should work. And it's 199£
  7. You probably need to apply some force to it, but not so that it breaks. Try to find out where are the places that keeps the cover in place. There's probably some sort of clips there. And are you sure you've taken every screw out? There might be some stickers over some screw holes. My friend had a similar problem yesterday, he found that there was a plastic cover, inside of which was the last screw that hold the cover.
  8. Tried it again, this time I read the instructions Didn't close my eyes the first time.
  9. What kind of headphones do you have? I just heard them going through my head If the matches didn't shiver you this probably will. And no, it's not something that spooks you. It's just another sample of the technology.
  10. That doesn't stop the piracy. A hacker should just capture the packets when they're on their way to the console. Of course it would be encrypted somehow, but if a human can encrypt something then another can decrypt it. I think that Nintendo will do whatever they can to prevent it, but then again you can find the games pretty easily alreyde from the internet. And a funny fact: I don't think that getting gamecube disc images would be as easy as it's nowadays, if there wasn't a certain online RPG game...
  11. The kiddy image comes from people who probably don't play the so called kiddy games. I just started playing paper mario 2 and, surprisingly, there are some jokes that only a teen/adult would understand. Bit like the simpsons, kids laugh at the slapstick or other obvious funny things, while adults laughs to political satire. And it's a cartoon, which is considered kiddy in western cultures. And for the so called 'mature' games, excessive violence/gore make games more appealing to preteens/teens. And that's the same with age ratings. If a 13 year old boy would have to choose between 2 similar FPS's which both have gotten similar reviews. And the other is rated Teen and the other Mature. Which do you think he would get?
  12. They don't need adverts. If you ask anyone who knows about networking etc. The best machines come from cisco. As most of the routers used on the internet are cisco ones. This has rasied some eyebrows, mainly because some of the router source code was stolen from them a while back. Imagine if someone had found an exploit on those and used it... I don't think that nintendo will sell out to them. But some kind of collaboration would probably be fruitful...
  13. But that doen't necessarily work, if the computer is infected already. Most of the viruses today will try to block you from installing antivirus software.
  14. If the revolution supports downloading from a broadband internet connection, why it wouldn't from dial-up? I mean it just costs around 30-40€ to buy a wlan device. Then you should just setup a home wlan connection, share your dial up internet connection for that. It'll be slow but with the snes/nes and some N64 games it shouldn't be a problem
  15. I actually am considering buying a ps2 just for this game. The soundtrack lacks ac/dc... Well at least it has priest/pantera/megadeth and motorhead. And this forum's smileys lacks a moshing one
  16. Along with the Aibo they scrapped car radios, plasma screens and qrio- robots. Aibo was bound to be scrapped, but I thought they were making some money off car audio and plasma tvs. Apparently not.
  17. Here's the new link for AVG free if you need it. Some time ago I thought they stopped making the free version because I couldn't find it at their site. But it's apparently back up.
  18. While I was a kid I didn't understand the point of action figures... I mean I loved the turtles, BMFM and such, but never wanted to own an action figure. Well, guess I had a very boring childhood... Wait, no it was actually great. My NES would probably be one which I got for my 5 year birthday. But that doesn't mean I spent the whole time playing with it. Usually in the summer we went swimming in the nearby lake, go biking etc, or when I was a little older my friend and I fixed up my mums old car. That probably comes second. And we built a "tree"house, it's more like a house since it isn't built on a tree or anything. And has to storeys Later we built a garage for the car we fixed. Oh and there was a time when I was hooked on the movie top gun, I made lego airplanes that looked like an F-14 (or at least on my mind they did ) Being an adult sucks, big time
  19. The only one I know: Activescan
  20. Yes that would definately improve my workflow in blender. There's just so much different keyboard shortcuts that ny head is probably going to blow if I try to learn even the most used ones...
  21. Well you could try enabling digital cd audio for the drives (no need for cables) right click my computer, select properties, select the tab "devices", and click "device manager". Then you should see your cd/dvd drives at the top. Right click on one and select properties. Then go to the tab "properties", there is "digital cd playback" check the box that says " use digital cd-audio on this device". Repeat the process for other cd/dvd drives. I'm not sure if all of those were translated properly, but I think they're close enough And why do you use an onboard sound chip when you have a proper sound card? From my experience that causes a lot of problems...
  22. I went to london a couple of years back. When we arrived to heathrow we found out that our luggage was left behind. As we were only staying for the weekend I got a bit worried. But as for the multicultural british goes, the man I had to contact to get the luggage was probably from egypt/middle east. And luckily we got our luggage the next morning and it was delivered by a man who was wearing a turban. And while I was there I probably saw more people from other cultures than actual britts
  23. I't's the old max, from max payne 2.
  24. LE26R41B is probably the better one. It has better contrast ratio, and an HDMI input. Which makes it a safer choice in the long run.
  25. here's a few Almost any heavy band would go here nicely as they tend to have the best covers imho.
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