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Everything posted by Letty

  1. Dude, thats an awesome venue! I've seen a few bands there.
  2. I got 110 on that test. It was piss until like the last 9 questions... wtf??
  3. I dont think it is tbh, I've got some pics of other deformed animals with similar charicteristics, almost conjoined eyes, etc. Its just an unfortunate malformation. I wont post aformentioned pics here though, they're really gross.
  4. Saw 4 What a pile of shit!! Too much story line and not enough gore. The autopsy at the beginning was the best part, and that wasn't even that good!! 4/10
  5. Way to remind me... Jordan tricked me today, when I got home he was like, 'LETTY ITS BACK!!' So I ran to my pc, and low and behold... network timeout T_______T
  6. Work 9-5. TWO FUCKING CRUISE SHIPS were in the harbour today, so it was completely insane from the word go. Came home, Jordan made me a lovely dinner, and we played Beautiful Katamari. I also changed a part of a painting I've been working on, which has made it look less wrong ^^ (the mouth was off to the side? :s )
  8. I was freaking excellent at playing the actual game - I had like the mat thing that you layed all the cards out on and everything!! Pokemon was obnoxiously cool at my school, and trading in the corridors caused such congestion, that they got banned from the school I have a few hundred cards still, including a shiney trainer card, and a shiney metapod 0_o
  9. My input: Spinach, pesto, brie and mayo ^^ (We do this at my work, and its loooovely!!)
  10. Spent some of yesterday and today planning my cosplay for October (London expo!) DJ SiSeN!! Apart from that, work.
  11. I'd happily help if theres a comic needing drawn!
  12. I had an awesome day!!!!!! It was my day off so I had a lie in until 12pm, then I met Jordan for lunch - he paid Then I came home after buying some new stuff in town (A peppa pig bouncy ball and a notebook) and did a painting. Lookign at it now, there is a massiiiveee flaw which I'll try to fix later. Then Sarka and Jordan came over and we played Rockband! It also happened to be the nicest (weatherwise) day this year! So we went and sat outside.
  13. Sha-wing!! I already have an account there, you know, for lulz... Another attack that was planned fell through T_T
  14. I still havent made my second disc!! T_T The first one is all ready and lovely, so I'll try get it done today
  15. With less loading times and no slow down!!!
  16. Bard and McPhee - they both have supperior running up stairs abilities, which would be handy for out-running the zombies. King V - he would protect us with his taekwondo ass kicking skills, aswell as keeping us all calm with his suavity. Jordan - With FPS skills like his, how could anything go wrong!!
  17. Mine is actually a bit wap on listening, hope no one minds
  18. My boss apparently once woke up in someone's house who he didn't even know, bollock naked - about 20 miles from town And yes, he is awesome.
  19. Slept 3 hours last night because I was stillup at 4am waiting for a website to be re-activated, (but it never happened T_T), and got up at 7 for work. Work = meh, theres this really old guy who comes in the whole time who tries to chat me up, and today he was like (I was making him a ham, mozarella and pesto panini), 'Make sure you pack that ham in well lass!! mwuhahaha' He smells bad too. Sat around at Sarka's work place until he finished, and we all skipped merrily up the hill. Him and Jordan are coming over to visit me tomorrow -waits for Saw 4 to finish-
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