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Everything posted by Letty

  1. I have no idea, I always thought it just sort of existed, like lol.... i hate lol...
  2. hey, I made it trussyish once... dont judge me D: or my bass for that matter, i lub it!
  3. oh, its just my first amp was 60w... 0_o
  4. Oh yeah, I forot about the amp. If you want a little one, like for beginners, get a marshall. 60w.
  5. All I can say is wesley sucks. My guitar is a wesley and its really metally sounding. I'd get a Fender if I was you...
  6. uh oh, spaghettio's... mines pre-made, flame me if you wish. also, nevahom, 9/10! Like it!
  7. Theres a playstation sign on it... 0_o;;
  8. Well, answering your actual question, I can only tell you what my team is right now. Articuno Riachu lapras graveller venusaur? vaporeon they all suck, but I'm going to train up my lapras...
  9. and you didn't buy them!!?? what!? whats wrong with you!
  10. I thought you said, 'Fuck man, you want it back? ok. Like you'd stolen all that stuff...
  11. Heh, that was a hilarious 2 hours spent, also, what was mewtwo? I can't remember.
  12. are you a recently self discovered hitman by any chance?
  13. I would also like some CVD oats...
  14. My grandmother was just on the phone to me about it. She lives in North London and she felt it too.
  15. I've never beat that game... I only ever got to the stone temple. I hate the stone temple...
  16. My present is I dont have to pay for the revolution next year ^.^
  17. I think they fill it up with liquid rubber, then it sets.
  18. Bin Laden: Bill Gates in disguise? =o
  19. I play it. Well, 'played' it. I never managed to beat it though. Stupid Stone temple...
  20. Does this mean there's something wrong with me? I lied. That was great.
  21. I'm not so sure, dentists are pretty ruthless creatures.... (also, WATCH IT SARKA!!!!!)
  22. Hey, I've stumbled across this picture already on deviant... I'd have made the blood darker, and move the head up a bit, so you can see his expression... Edit!!: also, nice job!!
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