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Everything posted by Letty

  1. My grandfather has been to Machu Picchu, lucky bugger. And you didn't by any chance watch around the world in 80 treasures?
  2. Umm, I was wondering if you could somehow incorporate pokemon, jack spicer, rolf harris and jet set radio into a signature... :/ please?
  3. 0_o Thats awesome. I'm loving the whole 'light' thing - 9.7/10
  4. Guns n' Roses, Iron Maiden and Led Zeppelin FTW, I'm not too keen on the sex pistols though..
  5. I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned, but Princess Mononoke is a pretty moving film. Tis another Studio Ghibli triumph.
  6. That's princess mononoke, not spirited away. I guess they're both studio ghibli/Miyazaki though... Also, here you go. And in response to your first question, I use Paint.
  7. That ain't stock photography maaaan... <(^.^)>
  8. umm, this may be a little late, but, ebay?
  9. oh, i guess I can forgive you then...
  10. Err, Freddy Mercury? No, actually, I think it is my chemistry teacher, for his sheer amount of knowledge... aaaaand rolfy!!
  11. Damn, all my dreamcast/ps1 games are stuffed in a big box, and ive lost all the covers... they're probably worth less than a sandwich. And a cheap one at that.
  12. This probably wont be appreciated, but that is sooo cute!! aww! :3
  13. That suicide one is good...
  14. well, I like the whole flip screen thing on the SP, but the micro is so small. Micro!!! ^.^
  15. http://gprime.net/video.php/ninjarap this is good... - its probably really old though... dont be mad with me...
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