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Everything posted by Letty

  1. I dont get it... my story was completely obscure...
  2. I've never seen a single episode of /celebrity/ big brother, but see no fault in the series with participants from the public (I was gonna say normal people) In fact, I quite enjoy BB, and am looking forward to the new one.
  3. Sarka's. :wink: although I actually cant see it...
  4. I'm tempted to say fluorescent (sp?) green, but probably black. Black goes with everything.
  5. second one, deffinetley. The first one is far too big and annoying.
  6. I'm personally terrified of the bear factory. Damn bears... -_-
  7. me?..................................
  8. -le gasp- my neighbour/home ec teacher had that exact car, with stripes and all, except its dark green.
  9. MONSTER TRUCKS!!!!! [E] on a more sensible note, I love landrovers.
  10. that be my pc. the room in which I sleep. badass sound system :3 ps2, all on its own... as you can see I have not one of the tidiest houses in the world...
  11. You may have seen me on the battlecard thread, but here is anuver, just for the sake of it.
  12. I dont buy new albums because I'm too poor, but some old(cheap) gems I have found this year are: Nirvana - Unplugged in New York Toploader - Onka's big Moka Marilyn Manson - Anitchrist superstar I'm not sure how to describe why I like them, but they really are great albums.
  13. Well, I'm looking forwards to dying my hair rainbow coloured.. which I will do... definitley? and the revolution of course... + twilight princess.
  14. Err, I gave both my brothers a packet of tissues with music notes all over them. 25p each ^.^ and I gave one of my friends a picture of our drama teacher and a t shirt with rolf harris on it. here mother - some incense and some candles boyfriend - a /really/ great book of anime... which I made.
  15. jelly beans right now. but yesterday, I had a sandwich. I'm against christmas dinner...
  16. Jelly beans and a nirvana cd. [E] wait! i love nirvana!
  17. On the topic of chemistry, can anyone tell me the chemical formula of phosphorus trichloride? Its bugging me...
  18. aaaah! your house looks similar to mine!
  19. I second that. Also, thats the only episode I saw aswell...
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