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Everything posted by Letty

  1. Yeah! I'm on £4.95 an hour! It sucks because I do the exact same amount of work, if not more, as all my workmates, but they all get paid more than me T_T
  3. J7's foot drawn pic, including proof! - 100p Dyson's 3 Tesco reduced stickers - 100 p SOME wiggly worms - Nami - 47 p Clown bed - ShadowV7 - 180 p Coolness Bears - exactly midnight (Got all yours now!!) - 50p Dyson - A picture of a Dyson post - 40p
  4. I'm not on a salary, just paid by the hour... I make about £180 a week, which is awesome considering I have no outgoing costs!
  5. I HAVE FOUND SOME PROOF THAT THE SLEEPING PONY IS BY ME!! Well, kind of.. Here is an image taken after we woke the pony up. Look carefully!! TA-DA!!
  6. Shopping with a trolley - Coolness Bears - 25 points 3 different coloured washing up liquids, excluding green and blue - Tom - 50 points Nightwolf - 13:37pm on a clock face/ timer etc. 50pts 2nd attempts: Rainbow hoody!! - Nightwolf - 25 points (If this doesn't satisfy you, I HAVE MOAR!!) Something hot - Cube - 50 points
  7. http://www.lettybags.com/ Evening bags!? ^a search result of my name Also, I guess mine isnt that unique, as theres nothing about me on the 1st page.. Google sarkas_girly however...
  8. Bluey's time machine - 300 points Odwin's bumblebee - 150 points Coolness Bears - Dancing with the devil - 175 points ATTEMPT 2 - Person aged 40+ playing guitar Hero! (my mum XD )- Welsh Gamer - 300 points Someone doing a handstand - 100 points - Cube (haha, oh god!!) Dan Dare - 3 people involved in a pretend gunfight - 125 points Strider - A 3 level card tower/pyramid made of DVD sized cases (game cases also accepted) (100 points) Strider - A cat - 50 points Supergrunch - A spectrum - 130 points CURRENT TOTAL - 5101 Keep up guys!!
  9. ITS TRUE!!! The poor man was getting restless from all my directing - I'll see if I can rope in someone else for this
  10. I tend to check the forums just after waking up, then again throughout the day. If I'm working that day, I'll come on as soon as I get home. I generally stay in Gen-chit-chat, but occasionally visit other consoles/tech board. I don't like to post there though for some reason..
  11. Mwuhaha! Im really just taking advantage of my day off. The picture flow will be almost nul from now
  12. Bluey - a scene from your favourite movie - reenacted by jelly babies. 300pts The scene from 'Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle's', when they handglide down the cliff to the Whitecastle's Coolness Bears - 6. Watching TV wearing all blue. 125points Coolness Bears - sitting on a cushion pillow with a cup on your head. 175 points Cube - an N64 Expansion Pak, Rumble Pak and Memory Pak (150) Cube - Something hot - 50 pts Dan Dare - An avacado, butternut squash and aubergine!! - 100pts Dan Dare - A Bowl of brown M&Ms - 250 Points Gizmo - A rocket launcher - 150 points My Button's are Magic! - Tesco Shortbread - 40 points My Button's Are Magic! / ShadowV7 Dr Pepper/6 cans make a triangle! 100 points Strider - A box of Rice Crispies - 50 points Tom - banana custard - 75 points Twozzok - The nerdiest of the nerds - 150 points Welsh Gamer - an older person (let's say 40+), playing Guitar Hero. (300pts) Coolness Bears - Hi5!! - 150 points
  13. Twozzok - Recursion - 100pts Haden - An animal asleep - 100 pts (He isnt dead!) haden - A spider's web - 50 points Cube - the view from atop a hill - 200 points CURRENT TOTAL - 2106
  14. Well, I left a note on the bin asking them politley if they would refrain from letting it happen again...
  15. Yesterday I did the most DISGUSTING JOB EVER!! Jordan's housemate's are total pigs. So I went into the kitchen yesterday, and realised that the place totally stank. It was coming from the bin, which looked like it hadn't been emptied in about 12 years, so I took out the bin bag and LOW AND BEHOLD - it was crawling with maggots in the bottom of the bin :x Then I was like, FUCK!! and poured a kettle of boiling water on them all, and half a bottle of bleach. Once I was sure they were dead, I emptied the bin outside, but the maggots were still stuck the fuck in there!! I then searched for some rubber gloves, but of course, we didn't have any!! Btw, there was like, 3 different kinds of maggot. Then I got loads of kitchen roll and scraped them off the bottom. It was soo gross, as I had to get right in the bin because its one of those huge outdoors ones. Oh god, it was horrible!!!
  16. Pre-ordered Fable 2 - Limited Collector's Edition. ching ching!!
  17. I'M NOT GOING!!!! I'm going to London Expo instead. Ps. I know they're not happening at the same time, but funding only allows me 1 more trip to the mainland this year!! Sorryyyyyy!
  18. I generally dont buy from La Senze because its so expensive! New Look ftw...
  19. Ok, this was so freaking awesome. So awesome that it didnt even matter that I got neck ache from being in the 4th row, or the fact that there was a 12 year old chav in front yelling obscenities. Awesome.
  20. BOOBS!!! I really actually have nothing else to contribute, as my days are becoming more and more repetative.
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