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Everything posted by CooInTheZoo

  1. I need help. I can't sit down and do coursework for more than a second without walking away from the computer. I've never really had a concentration span but now that I'm nearing the end of a three year course and Uni is approaching the pressure is really on. Any tips? I've been self-diagnosing on Google, all signs point to ADHD. Any way to block yourself using Google would be a huge help also.
  2. Hope you had a great day xx
  3. She's really pretty, but no Nadia. Cube and Maase, are you serious???
  4. It looks very FF X/VII, which is a good thing! However, I'm now remembering hyping up XII for years, and then making it through 15 hours of the game before giving up on it. What was its storyline again??
  5. I've now got really high hopes for this game - HOWEVER... Was I the only one who got motion sickness from watching the trailer??
  6. Have a great day, Dy
  7. Just signed up. Cheers for the 90 day trial passwords!
  8. ARGH some ghost got me to break a woman's heart, and then she topped herself. The guilt is too much. I've also proposed to another man, the man accepted but now he keeps bugging me for a house. He's called Andrew the Traveller (or something similar) for gods sake!! Really really impressed with the game though!
  9. It arrived! Yippee-aye-yay. I have to say, NEVER seen such a big hyped game with so many bugs. Having a whale of a time though. Regretting being a man. I think. Will keep you updated.
  10. ARGH reading this thread is killing me. Where the hell is my game?!!! I think the postman popped my 'stink-eye' virginity today.
  11. Billy Hatcher has been MIA from my collection for ages now, finally found another copy in this dodgy electronics shop for £3 a couple of weeks ago. Such a cute game...
  12. Are you sure? I've been checking daily, and it still says out of stock
  13. Well, I left my purchases up to fate/ebay. I put a bid on two, and won Fable 2 for £20! Pretty darn happy about that. My next purchase will be Fallout 3. Promise.
  14. Fable 2 or Fallout 3? I'm put off with Fable 2 because it looks like the type of game I'll love for a day, then never play again. I'm pretty bad these days, I need something consistently fun to hold my attention. Fallout 3 looks pretty damn depressing, and a lot like Oblivion (which I disliked...) aside from that, they both look like amazing games... arrrghhh!! Don't you miss the days you could pick up anything off of the shelf in Whoolies' and find something to love about it?
  15. The last two consoles had RRoD, and were repaired free. This one was sent... I dunno, February time? And I always thought you didn't get a renewed warranty for each console replacement? Either way, I think I'll call after Crimbo and lie about it having the red rings, the worst they can do is TRY to charge me, right? EDIT: ARGH!! Every time I try to sign into the Xbox website it tries to make me create a new account. Whats going on?!
  16. As some of you know, I'm on my 3rd 360. The last few weeks, any DVD I whip in makes the console rattle like a badass. Is this common? Like, LOUD rattling constantly? I figure its something to do with either the fan or the disk tray itself, the noises seem to stop for a few seconds if I slap the side of the console. And I take it its not covered under any warranty...
  17. Am I the only one who can't find the demo?!!
  18. Sorry, I'm sure this has been discussed to death, but I keep buying new DVD's and then seeing their Blu-Ray equivalent for an extra couple of quid. Is it worth buying a Blu-Ray player without owning a fancy new Television?
  19. WHAT?! NO!!! I'm in love with Pushing Daisies. I've been watching series 2 as it comes out across the pond and its getting better each episode...
  20. Yeah, as Stefkov said. Break it up and stick it in a smoothie. You'll never know... (unless you have a memory)
  21. ...I heard Google Earth is a bit shit, full of bugs?
  22. Congrats!!! What ring did you get her? (if any?)
  23. I had the same problem last week (see the mac thread) but after a few days it magically reappeared. I know this is of no help to you... what was my point?
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