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Everything posted by CooInTheZoo

  1. I'm visiting my mum over the weekend, and was considering bringing the Ps3 and taking advantage of her internet connection to fuel up on PSN games, demos and other bits and bobs. A bit worried about dragging it on and off trains though, is there anything I'm REALLY missing out on?
  2. Just finished Uncharted 2! On 'easy' mind you, and it only took 11 1/2 hours. Hopefully Assassins Creed 2 will last me until March 9th...
  3. Pre-ordered this on Amazon a few weeks back, the price has now dropped to £36.99 or something - get on it! I'm being a mug and paying first class postage, just in case there are any shortages/delays on launch day.
  4. I'm having so much fun on Uncharted 2, it really does live up to the hype, doesn't it? On the roof of a train at the moment, chapter 12/13 maybe. Hope it doesn't end soon - will the first game still be enjoyable after playing this one? Assassins Creed 2 is in the post, god I love my playstation.
  5. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/import-preview-final-fantasy/60559 A five minute import preview. LOADS of new scenes/locations, but might be a bit spoilery. Purists stay away! I really can't wait anymore, naff reviews or not.
  6. The PS3 Slim is here! Yaaaay! No TV yet though, so I can only look at it and hug it a bit. It's a heavy bugger, but still smaller than my 360 AND no power brick. How did they cram it all in? It definitely looks better than in real life if anyone's holding off getting one for aesthetic reasons. Edit: I've registered both CooInTheZoo and TobyKing_ (my twitter account btw) as PSN usernames. Which should I use? I'm thinking the latter... add 'em! Just bare in mind I might not get the chance to sign in for a while, at least till I find out how to get around Brighton Uni's horrible internet connection.
  7. It's really tempting, but I don't think it'll be delivered now till at least monday (in Brighton, its like being in a snowglobe right now) and then there's all the hassle of sending it back, reordering blah blah blah. I think I'll just make lemonade.
  8. Yeah, it was the game. It was basically a choice between Avatar (the game), Wet and Up. Kicking myself for not holding off for a week, but eh, what can you do?
  9. Splurged on Assassins Creed 2, hope it's decent. My PS3 is stuck in the snow somewhere, the wait is killing me! Also a bit furious, I ended up ordering the Amazon pick-your-own-bundle bundle and ended up stuck with Disney's Up. They've since added Bayonetta and Darksiders to the options, grrr.
  10. Yeah, the sequel comes free with the console from HMV (who, incidentally just emailed me saying "we've cancelled your order, your bank says it looks like suspicious activity" I guess paying rent and buying tech goodies on the same day was a bit too much for my student account to handle) but I have every intention of buying the first one at some point down the road. I'll think of it as a prequel - that'll be okay won't it?
  11. You're all hurting my head!
  12. Okay, just blown my loan on that 26" Tv I mentioned earlier, and a 250gb console with Uncharted 2. Can't wait!
  13. Okay then, second annoying question. I can juuuuuust afford a console now, which console/bundle do I go for? ShopTo are selling a 250gb slim with Uncharted for only £260! EDIT: Also, will the console want to update itself as soon as it turns on? As I said, no internet for a while but I take it the slim's will have a relatively recent firmware already installed. Sorry for all the questions! EDIT EDIT: Arghhh scrap that. Shopto won't deliver to my Uni halls untill I've sent a couple of deliveries to my billing address to verify the card blah blah, basically I'm looking for a cheap/good console elsewhere now.
  14. Does this look up to the job? (should be in HDTV thread, sorry) click me I think I'll hold off getting the actual console to see if we get a sexy white FF XIII PS3 like Japan did.
  15. Hey guys, I'm seriously thinking about getting a PS3 soon. Mainly for Final Fantasy XIII (I know it's on Xbox too...) and the blu-ray player. Two things though, I can only really afford/have room to get a 25"ish 720p tv to go with it, will the games and blu ray films look any better than on an SD Tv? And in my halls of residence at Uni they've blocked games consoles from connecting to the internet, obviously I won't be living here forever but is it still worth getting a PS3 even though it won't be online for half a year?
  16. Luckily it's a godawful film, no obligatory deletion guilt.
  17. Anyone got this 22" LG? http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B001UHMT2Y/ref=s9_sima_gw_s0_p23_t1?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=03XRWPBQK0VJ1JPRRXER&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=467128533&pf_rd_i=468294 Looking for a cheapy TV that'll last me a few years, look good with a PS3 and fit in my tiny student room.
  18. Anyone else surprised at the lack of official reviews for this game so far? So far I've only seen the Famitsu scores and one (questionable) importers review.
  19. The battle screen being too cluttered, mainly [and allegedly]. http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/105/1053314p1.html
  20. Famitsu gave it a 39/40
  21. I've played through the demo twice now and loved every second of it (haven't been able to join a live game though, nothing seems to happen once you've got 4 players waiting). Maybe something to pick up next year when I actually have a TV in my uni halls and enough doh to pick up a 12 month Live subscription.
  22. How bad do they scratch? Apparently they are made out of bananas and food colouring.
  23. Really tempted by the new macbook. £687 with my Uni discount, but that means I'll hit the bottom of my overdraft by christmas. Hmm...
  24. I left work a week before I start Uni so I had time to pack and clean my flat out. I'm leaving for Brighton in less than 4 hours and I'm still packing. ARGH. No sleep tonight...
  25. http://www.shopto.net/XBOX%20360/GAMES/XB2TA01-Tales%20Of%20Vesperia.html £24.99 and in stock (!!) at Shopto.net
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