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Everything posted by CooInTheZoo

  1. I would say season 2 was its weaker moment.
  2. Good? Or Bad?
  3. SHIT! I didnt pay extra for first class postage, because my Xbox is being repaired, and it'll take weeks/months for it to come back, right? WRONG! Its due back this weekend and arrghhhh...
  4. I played Double Dash and the N64 outing all last week, with the mindset that I didn't need the new one, I could make myself sick of the whole series. Yesterday the whole of Exeter had sold out. And it wasnt just me in mad panic, there were TONS of people asking around when I was. Thank fuck for Argos, must have had an overnight shipping Have only spent about 2 hours with it so far, i'm still really on the fence about the wheel. Is it just me, or is it alot harder to unlock things this time around?
  5. Hahaha I never thought of doing that! I must of installed it at least a month ago and its been working perfectly till the last few days. Anyway, I just removed it 10 minutes ago and apart from the laptop not recognising the charger till I re-inserted it, its been working smoothly (a lot slower though) No actually, I know so little about macs, its awful. What's a refurbished macbook? I planted the idea of a mac in my mothers head as a birthday/start of uni present, and she hasn't said "they cost HOW much?!!" yet... I think i'll leave the idea in the idea in there a little longer. SCRAP THAT!!! I jinxed it. It just all went dead again. Gotta love that firefox, saving this rant for me. At least I know now its probably definitely not the RAM.
  6. I'm having a bit of bother with my Fujitsu Siemens Amilo laptop (not quite sure which model it is) It's about three years old, and tbh I never expected it to still be running smoothly by now but its started to suddenly cut out on me. If i'm lucky, I get half an hour out of it, but whether the charger is in or not, it just turns off without warning. I installed more RAM a while back, which might have something to do with it but I checked to make sure the laptop could handle it. The charger gets really hot after being in there for more than 5 mins, and when I opened it up last night there was some black marks under the keyboard, possibly burn marks? Is there anyway of telling if its the motherboard, or the battery, or the charger? If I had to buy a new pc/laptop it would be a mac (i'm a film student, editing on here is a nightmare) but it would kill my bank account, so any help asap would be appreciated. Cheers!
  7. I loved Kameo, partly because it was the first next-gen game I played, partly because I never thought I'd see a game like that on the Xbox 360 (well, one that anyone would put any effort into anyway...) Incest ending though, no?
  8. I emailed them, and they said that all going smoothly, they will dispatch it a few days before launch. Either way, its not the end of the world for me, gotta ship my console back in the next few days for repair. Bad timing, eh?
  9. 365 games. £29.99 till 10pm!
  10. Does anyone know if/what freebies you get with your second repair? The customer service guy muttered something but I couldn't understand a word of it. 2 1/2 hours till cheap GTA preorder!!
  11. *WANT!! Not lost. Sorry.
  12. Nah, it's just cheaper!
  13. Oh and do you think its too risky to assume GTA4 will be region free?
  14. You bastards!! After watching both video reviews on various websites... I Lost Odyssey AND Eternal Sonata!
  15. I'm glad you can laugh about it, I'm thinking of getting a PS3!
  16. The prick emailed back asking me to call the customer service line. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*rage*!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha quite. Will you?
  17. I couldn't understand the lady on the phone, so I decided to email the Xbox people. Hi there. I recently had my first Xbox 360 replaced through you're repair centre, and was sent back a replacement console, however it was done by my mother as she had the Xbox 360 console at her house, and as I do not live there any more, I asked her to send it to you for me. However, she has forgotten her log in details, so I am hoping you can help me. The replacement console you sent me came with faulty hardware. Within a week it stopped functioning properly, it would often not recognise the disks. Around 3 months on (right now) It won't play any games and 9 out of 10 times it won't recognise any DVDs or CD's. As a loyal Microsoft customer, I am rapidly losing confidence with the Xbox 360 and the company itself, and hope at the very least from the details about the console given below you can help me log into my previous account, so I can apply to have it repaired or replaced in the right place. Many thanks. Toby King. Without picking it to death, do you think its stern enough for a freebie? (or a reply at all??) :p
  18. Seconded (sp on seconded??)
  19. Has anyone got a New York City map we can compare it too?
  20. I've had a whine about my 2nd (soon to be 3rd) Xbox 360 on the xbox thread. Its incredible how they manage to get away with it, if I could count the amount of people I've known on one hand who had a problem-less 360 experience... I guess I'd have a hook.
  21. I live away from home. The xbox is at my flat, the internet is at my mothers :p Got broadband here today though (evidently) so i'll try again tonight. They'll understand me making a new account, right?
  22. ARGHH!!! Is all I can say. My first Xbox died from the red lights around christmas (and you cant argue it was overused, game wise, i have 4!) but the replacement was so quick and great. After less than a week, the replacement started to fuck up, I now cant even play games and the DVDs are 'Unreadable' 9/10 times. So I'm home for the easter break and my mum, who sent it off last time, can't remember what email she logged in with last time to send back the console. We've tried them all, none are logging us in. So without the serial code with me, i'm fucked. No GTA4 for me in april. PS3s are looking mighttty fine atm....
  23. This is so annoying, I could of saved myself a ton of cash and got a cheaper DV tape model to pass my course with. Thanks for all the help so far, if anyone thinks of anything i'd be very gratefull. I'll order the Roxio Easy Media Creator later because apparently it can ripp the files off of the DVDs, and im 'aquiring' Sony Vegas as we speak...
  24. Thing is though, the Camera records onto disc, not tape. Theres this playback machine at college which i've been using to get the footage onto tape to edit, but im looking for a decent edit programme which i can use on my XP laptop, one that will actually see the files on the disc. The camera is similiar to this one, if not the actual one. http://www.dabs.com/productview.aspx?Quicklinx=4DVQ&CategorySelectedId=11249&PageMode=1&NavigationKey=11249,50417,46880000 (though, Im sure mine was around £490-£540 and was a 560E)
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