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Everything posted by shade

  1. gameplay says 8th for RGB and component http://shop.gameplay.co.uk/webstore/productpage.asp?productcode=NW0055&title=nintendo_wii_component_video_cable_ http://shop.gameplay.co.uk/webstore/productpage.asp?productcode=NW0056&title=nintendo_wii_rgb_cable Why launch a console then release video cables 1 to 2 weeks later? Nintendo are not THAT stupid They will be at launch. Don't worry.
  2. I will pick up a classic controller at somepoint but until then I will use my Hori controller for , NES, SNES, Mega Drive and Turbo Grafx. Gamecube comtroller for N64. I hope at somepoint that nintendo will release a version of the wireless controller that does not depend on the wii mote to work but still has the option to hook it up to it. I'm sure rumble could be added via a firmware update in the future.
  3. here you go never used them though http://www.estarland.com/GameCube.cat.AC.product.14442.html I think that might be the version that was released in america, don't know if it differs to the japaneese one that I got. Pads are definatly great though.
  4. CVG gave red steal 8/10 looks like red steal is like marmite, you either love it or hate it. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=149376
  5. -- Updated -- The newest Gamecube Freeloader works on Pal Wiis. There are four Freeloader types. Find out which one you need. -- Orignal post -- According to a post in GameF&qs it does wether or not its true I don't know. Don't know about AR yet but hopefully it will as I just got Naruto 2 And Baten Kaitos origins. Here is the link http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=930752&topic=31750894 Quick note to people not in the know, freeloader allows you to play gamecube imports not Wii imports.
  6. a proper sequal would nice and no PSU is not really a proper sequal.
  7. Another bit of info The only game on Wii that can use the Gamecube controller is Metal Slug Anthology.
  8. It would be a sticker on the front, this is done so they can change the package anytime with out changing the box
  9. oh geez, the units are the same in each country, the only diffeence is the software in the unit which determines the region, the start up disc will not determine the region. The only other difference is that we get a power plug with a big fat block in the middle which is actually a step down converter.
  10. The video fom one up was a very low quality video
  11. But still won't be out in europe for 6 momths lol :cry: ::shrug:
  12. find out if Wario Ware is coming out this year
  13. Even if they are real or not I really do not care, its all about gameplay for me.
  14. I won't be out for another 12 months come on be real.
  15. I doubt the final version of smash will require a gamecube controller, selling gamecube controllers as well as classic controllers will confuse the comsumer, smash will probably use the classic controller.
  16. what are you moaning about Gamecube version is coming out a week after the Wii version, you have a choice people. Geez.
  17. you have not played these games, you can't score them.
  18. No and I douubt you will for Wii, probably for Nintendo's next handheld though.
  19. another reliable source? http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Browse/catalogId/10001/identifier/8163496.htm
  20. what! where has this come from, we have only seen a Japanese release scheudle, just because its down for March 2007 in Japan does not mean it is delayed here. Wait until we here the US schedule tonight and Euro one tommorow before getting up set.
  21. I doubt a game will come will the console, Another thing we don't know is if the classic controller will come with the console as this will be needed to play SNES and N64 games, surly nintendo can not expect people to buy something extra to play one of the biggest features of the console. Also will the classic controller be compatible with Gamecube games as I doubt nintendo will continue to make cube controllers and sell 2 alternate controlers for Wii.
  22. September yes. It will release i europe this year as Nintendo need to do this.
  23. sorry I just get confused not good wih TV modes know how. That has helped thanks.
  24. After seeing pictures of the back of the Wii, it is using the same video connection as seen in the N64 and gamecube. I have an official Gamecube RGB Cable. My question is should I be able to use this cable in Wii and still use the widescreen and 400dpi display modes? I don't really want to pay another £20 for a cable.
  25. Will do when they announce the price and date.
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