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Everything posted by djamb3

  1. More blue ocean stuff, with more pics of DS games.... And of course showing the numbers of Lite's sold players in Wi-fi. Expect NOTHING for Revo.
  2. Punch gloves:bouncy: 2 gloves with a FHC in each one, and then we'll have the best fight night round
  3. I cry too many times. But the reason is always the same. Love.....
  4. nice interface but I'm expecting something more....inspiring
  5. I just want to see Eragon:)
  6. It was a good game and it really happened to me.I was petrified when I saw the message appears and tinking I had to buy a sequel to see the final...yeah I was stupid:bouncy:
  7. hmmm...I prefer waiting and then listen that (or not) than create a new hype:) But it would be really awsome and the answer why haven't Ninty showed any pic.
  8. The worst in this is that you need to have your PC turned on to let Rev access the web, unless Nintendo make any broadband adaptor, but I don't believe that.
  9. Yu Suzuki (Outrun, Afterburner, Virtua Fighter, Shenmue) recently sat down with the guys at Kikizo to discuss a wide range of topics. During the interview the subject of the Revolution and Nintendo DS came up, in which Mr. Suzuki has some kind words to say, and even manages to praise/put down the PSP at the same time. Kikizo: With that in mind (innovation in the gaming industry), what are your thoughts on the Nintendo Revolution controller? Do you think you’d like to make a game that would take advantage of the system’s unique capabilities? YS: I quite like it. I think the gameplay experience consists of three different parts: the input device, the gameplay, and the output device. The input is, of course, the means of control. There’s a lot of interesting means of input, like the recent EyeToy. The gameplay is how the game program itself responds to and uses the input. The output, then, is the feedback - audio, visual and so on - and the primary output device is always a monitor of some sort. The Revolution’s focus is, obviously, the input. It’s a new means of controlling the games, and I think it’s an important new development. Kikizo: We have not seen anything from you on console in a long time. Can you give us your thoughts on the next-gen consoles, and the new portable systems, DS and PSP? YS: They’re both nice, and very attractive. It’s a pity Sega didn’t make them! [laughs]. The DS is an interesting device, and it’s mostly focused on games for a younger audience. That’s very good. The PSP looks more sleek and stylish, it has a high-quality display, and its audience is older. That’s good too. It’s just too bad there aren’t any games for it! From personal experience, I can say that my kids love the DS. I keep losing to them when we play Puyo Puyo! As for the consoles, Sony’s big point is performance. The CPU, the GPU, the hardware architecture… Microsoft is about usability, like that of a PC. Nintendo is focusing on innovation - the new input device, like we talked about before. I think it’s good for the player, since it gives them a lot of options. It wouldn’t be interesting if all of the console manufacturers were headed in the same direction. in http://gonintendo.com
  10. In recent pics we all saw the power suply entry in Rev case, so I was wondering if thah base would work like an UPS to prevent losing saves or something like this. (I hate when the lights goes off and I lose all my current position in a game - imagine 4hours in zelda wasted like that to have an idea...)
  11. Owoa I hope he doesn't. And since there are only a few connections between the ohter games in series there's no reason to finish one of the most succefully lincenses in the industry. I hope to play still many zeldas
  12. Please. Just look to the DS and micro logos tohave an idea. It will be somtehing really simple. Like the rev's look is.
  13. "On a spec sheet hosted on the official PlayStation Global site, the PS3's various storage media--including the HDD and a few other memory formats--are said to be "sold separately," which might lead one to understandably assume that the PS3's hard drive won't come bundled with the system (at least, not with a cheap package for the platform). Drag the right-hand arrows to navigate the listing. Halfway down the Flash-animated page for the upcoming platform is a line stating: "Storage / HDD: Detachable 2.5" HDD slot x 1," which won't raise many eyebrows. It's when you scroll down to the bottom of the page that that first starry footnote really messes with our convergence dreams (or nightmares). Okay, we all know that the PS3 will have "a 2.5-inch hard drive (i.e. laptop hard drive) attachment." The $500 question--give or take a few Franklins--is whether that hard drive will come bundled with every system or just the pricier models. Sure, a comprehensive web page could be mistaken, but why state it so clearly? More to come at GDC/E3, of course." copy&pasted from http://www.joistiq.com
  14. TLOZ to be launched at april.Best buy sent a second email updating the release date to 04/01. Check it out:
  15. yap. read this answer matt gave to a reader in ign: "PPU stands for Physics Processing Unit and it basically does for complex physics-based calculations what a GPU or Graphics Processing Unit does for graphics. What's the point? Well, in theory, a PPU would take the load off the CPU by freeing up physics calculations, enabling the CPU to handle other stuff. There is a big debate in the industry as to whether or not a PPU is necessary at all. Some people claim that a system like PS3 would benefit from it because it would enable Cell to truly flourish with other responsibilities. Others claim that Cell is powerful enough that it eliminates the need for a PPU altogether - that it is a waste of space and money. At any rate, I'm fairly certain at this point in time that there's no PPU in Revolution so there's really no point in speculating about what it may or may not bring to the table. Fact is, developers with working hardware haven't seen or heard anything that might suggest the system utilizes a PPU, but more telling still is that software houses without hardware are being told to think GameCube architecture and spec up. Adding a PPU would make that more or less impossible because it would change the way developers approach Revolution from a programming standpoint."
  16. It was another site which was confirmed as fake. And I believe this blog. Really I do. And I think the game no end soon was confirmed in one site. Well in the end we'll see.
  17. A browser. Well I believe they are making one already. And if it is not possoble so maybe a special news page updated daily with everything related to Nintendo.
  18. Have you noticed in the first pic of all, the REV cases have 3 small holes. One is probably for the audio/video cable and other to the power unit, but is the third for USB?? Wasn't supposed to have more?? (for monitors instead of TVs for example)
  19. from valve I just want a CS wi-fi enabled and I'll be happy:)
  20. N-sider is compiling a list of all the developers that somehow showed their support to REV. Take a look here: http://www.n-sider.com/articleview.php?articleid=497
  21. LOTR will always be at the top, but (this is my opinion) the writter is learning and the 2nd book is a lot better than eragon. I hope the third to be even better.And with so many stars I hope the film turns great (like LOTR was good, but I doubt).
  22. I'm not sure you have post ths before but here you can see the first images of the movie of Eragon http://www.youtube.com/w/Eragon-featurette?v=WGWihBM2boI I started reading Eragon 2 weeks ago and I'm now reading Eldest. I'm loving the whole adventure and I'm completely hiped about this movie. Are you also intersested in this??
  23. http://appft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=3&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PG01&s1=nintendo.AS.&OS=AN/ with some pics: http://img445.imageshack.us/img445/3931/us20060025214ki0022pm.png http://img445.imageshack.us/img445/3931/us20060025214ki0022pm.png http://img445.imageshack.us/img445/3931/us20060025214ki0022pm.png Well I hope this appear in REV because it's basically something that will recognize what you say and type it. The games with team-work will change a lot now you can directly talk with bots (I wish). What do you say about this?
  24. Probably the next gameboy will feature GC graphics and won't be with cartdriges, so maybe we can play our games in that. Probably....
  25. Nintendo is not for a kiddy audience. You play Paper mario or pikmin and they are full with something that only the adults will understand. What makes other gamers say they are kiddy it's normally the colorful games with fluffy characters (any non gamer who looks to paper mario 2 will say firstly that game is for kids). But that influenced the rest of ppl and the press in general (When DS was lunched some news I saw was that console was aimed to de younger boys.Just that). Now what can Nintendo do? Well they don't have a foto-realistic Mario just because they don't want to. But are starting to change that.Look at zelda for example (a friend of mine said me he would never play TWW because it looks kiddy, and now is so enthusiasted with TTP as I am.) Don't change much Nintendo. I like you and I always will.
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