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  1. 4 points
    AeroGauge JP release: 19th December 1997 NA release: 30th April 1998 PAL release: 1st May 1998 Developer: Locomotive Corporation Publisher: ASCII N64 Magazine Score: 10% A futuristic racing game, on the same lines of Wipeout, F-Zero and Extreme-G. N64 gave AeroGauge an abysmal score of 10% so I was expecting something especially dreadful from it, but I kind of enjoy it. There are some ways where it’s near enough broken and, like many N64 racers, is light on content, but this is close to being a good game. AeroGauge does have some extreme problems. The AI players are the biggest one due to how they’re essentially “perfect”, from all of them pulling off the boost start to just all doing the perfect route throughout the level. One slight mistake and you’ll spend the whole race in last place. The boost start itself is needlessly complicated (hold A+B before the race starts, let go of B when “go” is said) as well as the in-race boosts (hold Z+A, drift turn, then let go of Z+A and press A), both feeling like cheat codes more than part of the game. These issues fundamentally break playing against the computer. However, the racing itself is just a lot of fun. You don’t drive or hover, you fly through the levels. This separates it from the other sci-fi racing games, and the game managed to be quite exhilarating, even in the fairly pointless time trial qualifying rounds before each race. Oh, and one of the unlockable vehicles is a Nintendo 64 controller, which is a really neat touch – especially as the analogue stick moves as you tilt it. AeroGauge definitely has major issues, but there are some neat ideas here and it really needed a bit more development time. Remake or Remaster? I would like to see another attempt at this. Fix the AI issues to make them more like real people, sort out the various boosts and some more tracks. Official Ways to get the game There’s no official way to play AeroGauge
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    Thing is, these are games that deserve a remake/second chance. TTYD has long been a fan desire to be remade. Mario vs Donkey Kong was a GBA game which is 20 years old now. Another Code are 2 games from the Wii/DS era. It's not as if they are releasing games from last gen. They already done that throughout the Switch's life with Wii U games. The only one that is a little questionable is Luigi's Mansion 2 and I say that purely because why put the second one on the Switch but not the first? Barmy that the full trilogy isn't going to be complete. As for Metroid, I still think it's coming for Switch, with an enhanced version on the next console. I don't think they would want to annoy Switch owners after they've waited so long for it to release.
  4. 2 points
    With Paper Mario: TTYD and Luigi's Mansion 2 now being dated (Pyoro was spot on again), I imagine that's Nintendo done for the first half of the year. Another Code: Recollection Mario vs Donkey Kong Endless Ocean Paper Mario: TTYD Princess Peach: Showtime! Luigi's Mansion 2 Not a bad line up for the first 6 months, especially when you consider this will no doubt be the console's final year.
  5. 2 points
    Dr. Mario, Mario Golf GBC and Mario Tennis GBC come to NSO on March 12th.
  6. 2 points
    Lots more sets for @BowserBasher to buy.
  7. 2 points
    I bet he won't, but now he's gonna make a completely different stage where we are in a cage! Thanks a lot!
  8. 2 points
    He’s gonna put us in a cage now, thanks @Glen-i 😂
  9. 2 points
    OK, yep. Got it. I know what happened now, @RedShell Smash 4 changed how Star K.O's work. Originally, even touching the blast zone above you would get you flying off into the background. Now, though, you only get Star K.O'd if some outside force pushes you there. So what happened, is that BowserBasher inadvertently used Yoshi's very fast flutter jump to put himself above the platform, and therefore, not touching it once it hit that blast zone. I assume that at a point, the starting platform of doom you made has to despawn, he managed to use that sudden height he got to keep from touching the platform once it got that high and drop safely down once it vanished.
  10. 2 points
    Sat and watched John Cena's new film (Ricky Stanicky) that arrived on Amazon this week. It was pretty hilarious. Crude but funny. After watching it I was thinking just how much better and diverse both Cena and Batista are than The Rock when it comes to acting. I was confused why Zac Efron looked so weird. He clearly has had work done on his face. A quick Google revealed that he apparently smashed his face in and his jaw was hanging off. Needed lots of surgery to fix it. No idea how true it is though as I know Hollywood stars have a thing about admitting they've had things like plastic surgery.
  11. 1 point
    One thing at a time bubba. As much as it may feel like "I need to leave my job in order to fix my anxiety" and thus it's one thing, just getting to a better place before you get to a better place is in itself a goal.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Let’s see you flutter jump out of that! That’s a good idea! Thanks a lot!
  14. 1 point
    First of all you're neither a failure or inadequate. By the sounds of it the thing you need at work is a champion; someone on your side helping to fight your corner. It sucks that seemingly you don't have that. Having a leader/manager, even if not yours or the store manager, who understands you and fights for you would undoubtedly make things better. And on the other hand, I get not wanting to move because there's also the uncertainty as to whether it would be better or just simply different. It's a sucky catch 22. I don't really have an answer or an idea for how to make things better, but you know where I am if you need anything.
  15. 1 point
    Yeah, the stuff about him making the Fast and Furious films where he wanted the same amount of lines/punches as Vin Diesel was bonkers. Agreed about his early stuff. I love The Game Plan and The Toothfairy is pretty funny as well. Gridiron Gang is another good one and that really showed his acting chops.
  16. 1 point
    Agreed. I think The Rock could have been better had he not ended up sticking to the same role and basically playing the same character in everything. He can do comedy as shown in his WWE days and promos. The guy is one of the best on the mic and can make the fans cheer or boo at the drop of a hat, even within a 5 minute period he could have them chanting his name then booing and chanting “Rocky Sucks”. It always gets mentioned that he has that clause that his character can’t die in any film too. Shame as he’s great as Maui in Moana and shows his fun side. And his early stuff had him doing more comedic stuff too.
  17. 1 point
    Yep I am. I ended up going and restarting the router. It seemed to do the trick as after that we had another disconnect where you left but I stayed in. Jumping and going to the side. Other than that I have no idea. Maybe something is letting us through if we are not on the platform that rises. It seems that maybe the deciding factor. Not sure if @Glen-i remembers what he was doing the first time he survived it. oh and Hero Menu fights are both awesome and hilarious.
  18. 1 point
    My anxiety has ALWAYS been an issue, and I have a million bloody coping mechanisms, tablets and breathing techniques to keep on top of it, but after 15ish years I'm just absolutely exhausted with it. I looked on the NHS app and website about booking an appointment but there's nothing on there, so I will look at ringing the doctors on Monday for an appointment. I'm not sure what I will say, but I feel like I need to talk to them as things are definitely getting worse, for example: Whenever I leave the house I get tunnel vision. I know, or I have always assumed, that this is a side effect of my anxiety. This past week it has been absolutely absurd though, there was a day at work that I genuinely felt partially blind as I was bumping into things and not realising when people were stood right next to me. I could not make out faces beyond arms length, and everywhere, at best, looked like Skyward Sword in SD. I do have glasses, and I know my site can be fine, as when I'm at home I can see perfectly fine. I'm really struggling the last week or so to keep going to work, keep getting up in the morning, and to keep on top of things that I took on which I usually enjoy, such as painting/drawing and posting on the front page of N-E. In general I just feel like lying on the floor and giving up with everything lol. Work keep disrespecting my boundaries, and I'm not being heard at all. I hate talking about my anxiety or bringing it up, but I have on a few occasions, in writing and in availability meetings, to say "I need 3 days off a week, it helps knowing I have three days off a week and makes my anxiety more manageable" but consistently they put me in 5 days a week, and they have again for the following 3 weeks. I'm on a 16 hour contract lol, which is part of the reason I took the job, being that it's short hours which I can do extra when I can, so I think I'm well within my rights to refuse or query it, but again, it's just so fucking exhausting having to constantly do it, bring it up, ask for it, when I have gone through official channels to rectify the issue before it comes up. I feel like I'm hitting my head against a brick wall. And I feel like a failure, inadequate and like I'm letting people down when I have to consistently tell them I need the rota changing because they consistently refuse to listen to my requests. I know doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is a sign of insanity, and so on the one hand I think I should just give my notice in and leave. But I know I'm too scared and too exhausted to find a new job and meet a new set of people. But work is work and I've always been a bit scatty with it, it's the fact that I'm struggling to stay on top of anxiety in my personal life again that is worrying me. I didn't mean to rant lol, but I don't feel like trauma dumping on friends, and I don't know how to express myself well at the best of times, and it has always been easier to explain how I feel on these forums lol.
  19. 1 point
    Wow, the disrespect. Can't even remember who @RedShell played as. Shut up! I totally do!
  20. 1 point
    There's an old Yamauchi interview from 2001 doing the rounds on Era. The salty PS2 quote and his answer about online gaming are hilarious but the majority of what he says is scary accurate about what we are seeing in the industry today. All hardware being the same, ballooning development costs, diminishing returns on visuals, looks over gameplay, all true today.
  21. 1 point
    If 0 is amazing, Koholint's home to higher scoring nices. Better than a mimic!
  22. 0 points
    I completely forgot it was Smash tonight, it has been quite a busy day... maybe next Saturday.