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Gears of war Thread


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Guest Stefkov
I keep getting killed by the fucking Kryll when facing General Raam. (Yes I suck)

I think he actually shoots out the lights. I dies so many times while fighting him. Only after the 3rd time of dying i realised that he probably shoots out the lights so the kryll get to you.

For some reason when i hot him with the torque bow, the kryll would go off him for a little while.

It's so much easier in Co-op. My bro went ran to the other side, keeping him occupied while i hammered him with the torque bow. then when that ran out, he was coming back to me, so i was just shooting him with the rifl and i kiled him.


That match earlier was great! I'm sorry guys for not joining in the other one. I hosted one, but i was sending HOT a voice message and another guy came on i think a randomer. It then crashed. He was playing some shitty music. I thought it was one of you guys. It crashed whil sending so i coudlnt see. I turned off and et it rest a while. Came back on and you were playing a match.

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Another quality night. Hope some of you will be online tomorrow about midnight, because I will most likely be drunk and wanting to play some Gears!


sounds like a plan-your scarily good when your drunk!!!


loved playing tonight- wanna get some N-E 4 vs 4 matches going on.


i also think that Fridays at N-E should be Gears Fridays!


pity some people we're too busy playing PSU to join in :(

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sounds like a plan-your scarily good when your drunk!!!


loved playing tonight- wanna get some N-E 4 vs 4 matches going on.


i also think that Fridays at N-E should be Gears Fridays!


pity some people we're too busy playing PSU to join in :(


Lol, not sure if that's a compliment or just saying I sucked tonight :D Went for too many chainsaw deaths tonight lol.


Yeah, shame we couldn't get 4 vs 4 tonight, weren't quite as good with just 2 vs 2 because as soon as one persons down one has to take on a team.


Still cool though. Can't believe everyone wasn't playing it.


Oh sweet jesus, fecking beserker comes running out scares the shit out of me, I eventually run past but now I've got to get it to run into pillars and it's very annoying. I ran out of time and now I feel sad :-( don't want to do it...

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Theres the link for Megadeaths Gears song for download.


I also enjoyed last nights matches despite only being a few of us. Where did Chuck go? I started hosting 1 round matches but then he went. Anyway I was glad I got to kill the Gamespot guy much to Takeos amusement. I killed him and started screaming down the headset " I GOT HIM, I GOT HIM "

Vengence was mine mwhahahahaahahhahaa!

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I'm game tonight or atleast sunday night.

Think I'll play trough the game as Dom tomorrow to get the last campain achivements. I have 670 of 1000 so far.

Those damn multiplayer kills are going to take far more time than they are worth.


I thought that when the achievements were first annouced but now I dont think they will. Thing is this game is really fun to play online and those kills will rack up eventually aslong as you play. I checked my stats and im about halfway through to getting the Curb Stomps and Chainsaw kills. The hardest ones I think will be the Hammer of Dawn and Boomshot ones. Methinks some boosting could be in order for that....

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I checked my stats and im about halfway through to getting the Curb Stomps and Chainsaw kills. The hardest ones I think will be the Hammer of Dawn and Boomshot ones. Methinks some boosting could be in order for that....



You can check your stats :shock: ?

Now this makes every thing easier and a lot more fun :D Tnx ^^

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Guest Stefkov

I wanted to join the oher match you guys played last night, but it was going on for ages. Frickin 360 crashed so i had to turn it off. I let it cool down a bit then came back on and you were playing.

We should do the same again tonight.

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Well, I'm going out, so i'm hoping people will be online at about 11-12.


And if your 360 keeps crashing, I'd phone Microsoft, because it shouldn't ever do that really. Mines crashed a couple of times but then I think that may be just a freeze up for a few seconds, because it's happened before and I left it and it came back up eventually. It didn't like Halo 2 though.

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I think he actually shoots out the lights. I dies so many times while fighting him. Only after the 3rd time of dying i realised that he probably shoots out the lights so the kryll get to you.

For some reason when i hot him with the torque bow, the kryll would go off him for a little while.

It's so much easier in Co-op. My bro went ran to the other side, keeping him occupied while i hammered him with the torque bow. then when that ran out, he was coming back to me, so i was just shooting him with the rifl and i kiled him.


Heh I did it first time this morning. \o/ What a rubbish ending though.

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Will people be playing the multiplayer for as long as they have with Halo 2 though?


i probably will-i love it-though they need to get some more new maps out for christmas i think. Halo 2 at launch had more maps than gears didn't it?


i've only really played on 3 of them-the one with the bridges-clock tower and the other one :S lol

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Will people be playing the multiplayer for as long as they have with Halo 2 though?


I know I will...


Anyone up for a match at 8 tonight?

I haven't played for a couple of days, so I wanna play with people who I can pretty much guarantee won't start shouting at me, sounding like a pissed-off version of Microsoft Sam.

(Yes, I'm talking about the Americans...)


i've only really played on 3 of them-the one with the bridges-clock tower and the other one :S lol


That'll be Canal, Clock tower, and probably Gridlock or Mansion(my personal favorite).

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Halo 2 has a better multiplayer at the moment, Gears' problem is that it just doesn't have enough multiplayer modes. The 3 that are included are all essentially the same - kill the other team. There are no CTF or Assault-style modes. No zone capture. There isn't even an option for a free-for-all. The fact that you can't take your friends with you into a ranked match also hurts it.


Hopefully they'll add/fix a few of these in an update, I did read somewhere they were planning to do so.

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true but gears is just a lot fresher right now and will last for a good few months.




Halo 2 has a better multiplayer at the moment, Gears' problem is that it just doesn't have enough multiplayer modes. The 3 that are included are all essentially the same - kill the other team. There are no CTF or Assault-style modes. No zone capture. There isn't even an option for a free-for-all. The fact that you can't take your friends with you into a ranked match also hurts it.


Hopefully they'll add/fix a few of these in an update, I did read somewhere they were planning to do so.


Yeah. Thers a lot of potential with GOW. And they sure as hell haven't used it all.

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Guest Stefkov
Halo 2 has a better multiplayer at the moment, Gears' problem is that it just doesn't have enough multiplayer modes. The 3 that are included are all essentially the same - kill the other team. There are no CTF or Assault-style modes. No zone capture. There isn't even an option for a free-for-all. The fact that you can't take your friends with you into a ranked match also hurts it.


Hopefully they'll add/fix a few of these in an update, I did read somewhere they were planning to do so.

QFT, theres a little variation wih eliminatio isnt there? defeat the leader. If he just hides, which would be crap, but if he did then the match could last a while.

Still though, wish they added more multiplayer options. Anyone seen the extra disc? When the main artist meets (head guy of microsoft, damn memory isnt good today) <he asks< if its ready to ship by Fall. With the massive pause of music and pausing the film, this lead me to believe that the game isnt properly finished, that they havnt put everythign they wanted to in the game.

Plus not being able to add friends into ranked matches is really annoying, but we got a way round that last night.

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