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You do understand that Wii sports is a game that proposes to do something and in that way, it is great. It's like giving a good score to Nintendogs, you can't compare it to a good score given to Zelda, they each recieve scores according to what they intend to acomplish.

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The Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess: 97% <-- Good, needs these sort of scores, 9.5 is too low now, with the average ratio being at such dangerous levels.


To clarify, all the fans of ONM are just a legion of hardcore nintendo fanboys, mostly children.


For ONM to give Zelda any lower of a score, and there would of been a backlash so great, it would of been great. I would of actually shown my first level of respect had they given it under a 90%


Not to say Zelda doesnt deserve the score or anything, but it pretty obvious.


What i do not like is






"No voice acting, unforgivable Nintendo"


I seriously think that these reviewers cant grasp the fact that 90% of videogames have terrible voice acting, and that voicing an entire Zelda game could only end badly.

Seriously, whats wrong with reading, They speak a different language then English, to have them speak that and not Hylian, would completely ruin everyones imagination.


Me: "No orchestrated music, get with the times Nintendo".

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Kids don't read enough these days, I like reading and imagining my own voices. When I heard Barret in Advent Children my memories of the game sank a little. I kinda wish I hadn't seen it.

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You say true, cos theres not a bother with reading all the text. You can put your own and personality and voice to the characters, and go through it at your own pace. It might make it less cinematic, but still, its Zelda. Its how it works... shouldnt the Nintendo Mag atleast back it up :P

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completely off topic but has anyone read any reviews that suggest any games other than Excitetruck make use of the custom soundtracks feature, would be nice to see some that do, at first this is one of my main reasons for bothering to get an SD card (storage won't be a problem for now)

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Me: "No orchestrated music, get with the times Nintendo".


You know this is something that has been bothering me, most games DON'T have orchestrated music. You know why? It takes a lot of disk space, it can't be dynamic (it is in TP like it was in WW) and it takes money. Take DQ8 for example, great orchestrated musics yay. But, look, there are like 8 musics the whole freaking game always repeating. People speak like orchestrated music is any kind of standart and like redbook audio is NES quality.

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Ive not read of any, Flameboy. Im not entirely sure I like that feature in games anyway - I prefere for them to have their own music so that I can associate that with the game. ExciteTruck will have its own music too, wont it??

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I don't get the point of reviewing VC games. Maybe if the review scale was "buy" or "don't buy" then it might make more sense. Otherwise, this is a big waist of time.


your prayers have been ANSWERED

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Ive not read of any, Flameboy. Im not entirely sure I like that feature in games anyway - I prefere for them to have their own music so that I can associate that with the game. ExciteTruck will have its own music too, wont it??


yeah but from what I've heard its god awful music. I don't like it on certain games, for instance where the music is used to dramatic effects like in Zelda, COD etc... but for racers it is a good feature in my eyes...

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completely off topic but has anyone read any reviews that suggest any games other than Excitetruck make use of the custom soundtracks feature, would be nice to see some that do, at first this is one of my main reasons for bothering to get an SD card (storage won't be a problem for now)

I have been wondering about Monkey Ball too, EDGE note it as the one bad thing about Monkey Ball.. the uber poppy tasteless music.

I hope Monkey Ball supports it but there's not even a mention of it in the manual.

A few games could really benefit.. but as long as SFX and Music are individually customisable (a staple feature since SNES days) then I reckon we can just turn it off and put on a stereo/radio.


your prayers have been ANSWERED


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A few games could really benefit.. but as long as SFX and Music are individually customisable (a staple feature since SNES days) then I reckon we can just turn it off and put on a stereo/radio.




yeah at the end of they day it is a feature that even though it's nice to have you really can live without it.


Now seem as you mentioned Monkey Ball...one thing that I've started to become converted over the last few days, is getting Rayman over Monkey Ball (Rayman has the higher average on gamerankings). Whist I loved Monkey Ball at launch of the cube, I can't help but be curious at Raymans quirky humourous gameplay,but Monkey Ball still has that lure, and the single player looks like it could be better, Rayman is just mini games...hmmmm....decisions....

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Looks like there'll be little to no changes in the average ratio for Twilight Princess for at least 100 hours.




I'm quite literally going to die of anticipation.

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I'm quite literally going to die of anticipation.


My insides are literally spilling out onto the sofa i'm sat on, in anticipation.


I have just heard a loud pop, i think thats the last of my kidneys gone. See you in the next life, brother.



But anyway, gah.

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This months ONM.


Oh right thanks im gonna get this anyway but its nice to know it got a good score aswell.

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I can't see how Wii Play did get a score on it's merits as a game, surely they took into account that it only costs about a tenner, when you think about the remote bundled in with it. I just can't see how theres enough substance for it to get such a high score, no matter how good it is, its only got a few games, not like monkey ball or something which has a substantial single player and multiplayer this is just the few games.

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You know this is something that has been bothering me, most games DON'T have orchestrated music. You know why? It takes a lot of disk space, it can't be dynamic (it is in TP like it was in WW) and it takes money. Take DQ8 for example, great orchestrated musics yay. But, look, there are like 8 musics the whole freaking game always repeating. People speak like orchestrated music is any kind of standart and like redbook audio is NES quality.


A game as epic as Zelda screams for orchestrated music. Simple as.


its like LOTR having synthesised midi music.

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The orchestrated music vs synthesized thing is just general snobbishness....

Speaking with my sound engineering hat on, Imho the music is as good as the musician who plays / programs it and / or the engineer who polishes it.

But each to their own I suppose.

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Can anyone post a summary of the review? Pros and cons, etc.


Just got the mag haven't read the review yet but the pros and cons.


Wii Play


+ Two unlockable games give reason to play more

+ Multiplayer action is a great laugh

+ Offers more diversity than wii sports

+ Comes with free Wii remote

- Table tennis is limited



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I seriously think that these reviewers cant grasp the fact that 90% of videogames have terrible voice acting, and that voicing an entire Zelda game could only end badly.

Seriously, whats wrong with reading, They speak a different language then English, to have them speak that and not Hylian, would completely ruin everyones imagination.


Me: "No orchestrated music, get with the times Nintendo".



It's usually only crap cos Americans do it:heh: Having voice acting on Zelda would be bad simply because I really can't imagine them with American accents, appart from maybe a stereotypical farmer with a Southern US accent or somethin'.


It does have some orchestrated music y'know ;)


I can't see how Wii Play did get a score on it's merits as a game, surely they took into account that it only costs about a tenner, when you think about the remote bundled in with it. I just can't see how theres enough substance for it to get such a high score, no matter how good it is, its only got a few games, not like monkey ball or something which has a substantial single player and multiplayer this is just the few games.


Yes, I think they did take into account the Wiimote, but also, I think they really like Pool:)

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