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30 review scores for Twilight Princess are now in, currently the game is ranked second with average review scores behind OOT and verification of this with 20 review criteria is as follows:




There seems to be an error with the list though, why the heck has Resident Evil 4 on PS2 sneaked into the top 10 again, it has the same average ratio as Half Life 2 yet has a lower voting average, consequently, it has to be below Half Life 2 and be 11th not in the top 10. I will not allow this to be the case, RE4 already has a place in the top 10, RE4 PS2 should not be there due to what I stated above, its a mistake. I am going to report this to gamerankings.com so they fix this up. Evidence of the error is below:




Also what i've been mentioning for a while. Resident Evil 4 created such buzz, an unprecedented amount of reviews and votes were placed for this game, if you look on the voting average rankings with 20 review criteria, this game clearly is number 1, no game is gonna knock this game off for a very long time, Twilight Princess won't generate these sort of votes or amount of review scores. 109 reviews with an average of 95.9. Is this game really technically the best game of all time? I say no because this was just the workings of fans compiling every single review they could possibly find, I could do the exact same thing with Twilight Princess searching for reviews everywhere and over inflate the voting average and average review score with hundreds of phony accounts, just like whats been done here...



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i've been mentioning for a while. Resident Evil 4 created such buzz, an unprecedented amount of reviews and votes were placed for this game




Seriously I can't believe solitanze hasn't played and/or doesn't own a highly game like this... unforgivable. (actually he cracked it)

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Generally the two golden rules to getting games for me are high average review score and 100% exclusivity on a Nintendo console i'm willing to get games that don't score so well if theres a good reason to get that particular game (E.G. Red Steel Nintendo desperately needing third party support for Wii), but i'm very strict on exclusivity, in fact for the GCs life, i've only purchased a multiplatform game twice, once by mistake (Viewtiful Joe but porting to PS2 on the part of Capcom made me sell my copy of the game), the other time on purpose for a particular game feature being Game Face for Tiger Woods Golf which I was a little disappointed with. RE4 is ineligible to be part of my collection as it got ported to PS2 and a few pages back in a thread, I described the time when I was about to purchase RE4 and I heard the terrible news of it losing its exclusivity, ultimate betrayal courtesy of Capcom, and due to that vowed to never play or own the game in my entire life ever.

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Generally the two golden rules to getting games for me are high average review score and 100% exclusivity on a Nintendo console i'm willing to get games that don't score so well if theres a good reason to get that particular game (E.G. Red Steel Nintendo desperately needing third party support for Wii), but i'm very strict on exclusivity, in fact for the GCs life, i've only purchased a multiplatform game twice, once by mistake (Viewtiful Joe but porting to PS2 on the part of Capcom made me sell my copy of the game), the other time on purpose for a particular game feature being Game Face for Tiger Woods Golf which I was a little disappointed with. RE4 is ineligible to be part of my collection as it got ported to PS2 and a few pages back in a thread, I described the time when I was about to purchase RE4 and I heard the terrible news of it losing its exclusivity, ultimate betrayal courtesy of Capcom, and due to that vowed to never play or own the game in my entire life ever.



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I described the time when I was about to purchase RE4 and I heard the terrible news of it losing its exclusivity, ultimate betrayal courtesy of Capcom, and due to that vowed to never play or own the game in my entire life ever.


Hahahaha, what the hell

Do you still believe in this Ultimate Betrayal?

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By not buying a multi-plat for a nintendo console, you're weakening your cause. If more copies of resi 4 get sold for gcn, then capcom will continue to support nintendo. If you don't buy it and it sells less on gcn then capcom are less likely to support a nintendo platform knowing it wasn't as successful. Your logic fails.


You've also missed out on one of the greatest games ever, and many other great games on other systems, simply due to your silly loyalty.

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Hahahaha, what the hell

Do you still believe in this Ultimate Betrayal?


By not buying a multi-plat for a nintendo console, you're weakening your cause. If more copies of resi 4 get sold for gcn, then capcom will continue to support nintendo. If you don't buy it and it sells less on gcn then capcom are less likely to support a nintendo platform knowing it wasn't as successful. Your logic fails.


You've also missed out on one of the greatest games ever, and many other great games on other systems, simply due to your silly loyalty.



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Generally the two golden rules to getting games for me are high average review score and 100% exclusivity on a Nintendo console i'm willing to get games that don't score so well if theres a good reason to get that particular game (E.G. Red Steel Nintendo desperately needing third party support for Wii), but i'm very strict on exclusivity, in fact for the GCs life, i've only purchased a multiplatform game twice, once by mistake (Viewtiful Joe but porting to PS2 on the part of Capcom made me sell my copy of the game), the other time on purpose for a particular game feature being Game Face for Tiger Woods Golf which I was a little disappointed with. RE4 is ineligible to be part of my collection as it got ported to PS2 and a few pages back in a thread, I described the time when I was about to purchase RE4 and I heard the terrible news of it losing its exclusivity, ultimate betrayal courtesy of Capcom, and due to that vowed to never play or own the game in my entire life ever.



& You wonder why Nintendo struggles with third party support, mind you their slowly start to correct the issue on Wii. Its "friendly fire" on the part of a large number of complete Nintendo loyalists like Solitanze that have the exact same rationale with their choice in games, Nintendo only, Sony and Microsoft, non existant, not relevant, not worthy of their time and/or money.

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Hahahaha, what the hell

Do you still believe in this Ultimate Betrayal?



Resident Evil 4 (1.55 million) <-- For 1.5 million people, no but for me personally, yes it was due to the circumstances prior to me getting close to purchasing the game, it was unfortunate timing really...

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By not buying a multi-plat for a nintendo console, you're weakening your cause. If more copies of resi 4 get sold for gcn, then capcom will continue to support nintendo. If you don't buy it and it sells less on gcn then capcom are less likely to support a nintendo platform knowing it wasn't as successful. Your logic fails.


You've also missed out on one of the greatest games ever, and many other great games on other systems, simply due to your silly loyalty.


I don't buy games for continual support of multi platform games, everyone else does that, I buy games for EXCLUSIVE third party game support, the best current example is Red Steel. Despite the poor review scores, i'm still buying the game as its a Wii exclusive and i'm getting it in an attempt to incent the developers to create more "exclusive games" not multi platform games as for me its a waste of money, no value, no reason to buy something that isn't unique.

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Gamespot review of Monster 4X4: World Circuit: 4.0


" Racing is wholly boring; destruction and stunt elements are vastly underwhelming; graphics and audio leave much to be desired; minigames are just dumb; this used to be a budget game, and now it costs full price."



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Mikami hasn't made a bad game in a while. I see CAPCOM as gods of gaming right about now.
Mikami has since left Capcom though, and I can't imagine how they allowed that to happen.


He initially left for the subsidiary clover studio after RE4 being announced for PS2, and now Capcom closed clover studio and he resigned for good. (and Inaba too).


The way I picture it... it's like Nintendo loosing a Miyamoto.

I don't buy games for continual support of multi platform games, everyone else does that, I buy games for EXCLUSIVE third party game support, the best current example is Red Steel. Despite the poor review scores, i'm still buying the game as its a Wii exclusive and i'm getting it in an attempt to incent the developers to create more "exclusive games" not multi platform games as for me its a waste of money, no value, no reason to buy something that isn't unique.
If you don't want the game... don't buy it.


Also Zelda is "multiplatform" now, with a GC and Wii version.

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Gamespot review of Monster 4X4: World Circuit: 4.0


" Racing is wholly boring; destruction and stunt elements are vastly underwhelming; graphics and audio leave much to be desired; minigames are just dumb; this used to be a budget game, and now it costs full price."




I was just going to post that...

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