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Just back from seeing it. I give it 8/10... 'twas good, but I prefer the ones with gadgets and stuff.


i kinda do too, Q used to be my favorite part of the bond films but Die Another Day had too many in so i suppose this is the remedy to such gadget filled gunning and invisible car shenanigans.


my least favorites have to be the Dalton ones cos they're just soo turgidly dull.


Yeah, same here, Dalton wasn't man enough to play Bond, I mean there are maybe 2 or 3 bond movies that I enjoy out of the whole lot, but Dalton was just so dull, at least most of the others had some spark.


Off to see this tonight. really looking forward to it. Watching Die Another day now to "prepare".


Though i am dissapointed Q won't be in it. Q Base was one of my favourite things about bond.




That was an incrediblem film. Definitely in my top 5 james bond movies. I thought the torture scene was very funny, but oh so cringeworthy.


The torture sequence is the stuff of movie legend. The genius of it is you have no idea what is going to happen until it's explained to you, at which point it seems all too obvious. I'll admit to crossing my legs and grimicing for the duration of the scene.


The lack of naked girls during the opening credits is the only negative thing I have to say about the film.


For the first time ever, the "5 minute bit" at the beginning wasn't the best part in the film, it didn't even last 5 minutes!


The chase after the credits was a bit OTT, those guys must've broken their legs jumping those distances. It was very well done though that bit, all the climbing and things.


the opening song was probably the worst ever though.



Dude not even close! It was a rockin' tune (accompanying some wonderful opening credits)


For me Madonna's Die Another Day was the worst Bond song.


Oh yeah, and the film was amazing.


Just got back from seeing it, and I thought it was fantastic. Daniel Craig was really funny, and it's probably in my top ten movies. My dad's just spotted the guy with the weird glass eye thing on BBC 1.


I liked the opening song, take it I'm alone?

Just got back from seeing it, and I thought it was fantastic. Daniel Craig was really funny, and it's probably in my top ten movies. My dad's just spotted the guy with the weird glass eye thing on BBC 1.


I liked the opening song, take it I'm alone?


No you're not. I fucking loved the theme

Does anyone else think that the new Bond looks like Will self?


Will self:



New Bond:



I dunno, It's kind of subtle.


Craig half monk half hitman. Self half monkey half freaking loser. I do see what you mean.


I quite liked the theme tune as well I liked the catchy bit.

The opening theme was crud. I liked the credit sequence though.


i liked the theme-hated the credits and loved the parkour sequence with all the running and jumping.


Loved this best bond film in years, prob in my top 3 fave bonds, glad the gadgets were missing they messed up all the new bonds since golden eye.


9.5 out of 10


But she's not missed at all, I dont have a bad thing to say about this movie I take all the bad things I said about Daniel Craig back.

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