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Official Spider-Man 3 Thread [big spoilers within]


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OMFG!! How can you not like the Spiderman films!? They had everything!


I don't think Batman Begins managed to capture everything about what made him so great (the old animated series did though)... but I reckon the Spiderman films were pretty much flawless...even though the CGI did kinda blow...

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Cool trailer! Didnt know the 2nd Green Goblin was in this1 :D


I doubt Venom isnt going to appear much in this one. All you'll see is Eddie Brock getting the suit and maybe a fight between him + Spidey at the end of the film.


Spidey vs Venom is for Spiderman 4


Wasn't Venom supposed to be Johna's son(Peter Parker's boss in the newspaper he works in), the astronaut who was engaged to Mary-Jane?


Nope. Venom is Eddie Brock, a news reporter who gets humiliated by Spiderman and vows revenge.




Eddie Brock, AKA Venom:





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OMFG!! How can you not like the Spiderman films!? They had everything!


I don't think Batman Begins managed to capture everything about what made him so great (the old animated series did though)... but I reckon the Spiderman films were pretty much flawless...even though the CGI did kinda blow...


I never read the comic books so the problem might be rooted there, but Peter Parker is a freaking pussy. Seriously, get some balls, you're a super hero. So some b***h is marrying a guy with stones. Boo bloody hoo, you're a super hero, you can get laid anytime you want.


And then I thought the movies themselves were crap as well, the second one more so than the first one. I mean that bit when she's running from the wedding - what the hell was that. And there was like 20 minutes at the end of the first one where they were just talking about their feelings - I DON"T CARE. The scripting was corny (though that's the story with many a comic book movie) and the acting was painful. Seriously I hope they do a Punisher v Spiderman crossover just to watch the Punisher slap Peter Parker into manhood.


Bring on the Dark Night.

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Sweet, but why sandman? There are much better spidey villans that could have been used.


Sandman is one of the all time greats, but they shouldn't have made him Uncle Bens Killer.


Wasn't Venom supposed to be Johna's son(Peter Parker's boss in the newspaper he works in), the astronaut who was engaged to Mary-Jane?


John Jameson is Man Wolf, not Venom.


I'm probably the only person in the world to think this, but i really, really can't stand Mary-Jane (played by Kirsten Dunst).


No, definitely not. She is just wrong for MJ.

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I agree. Sandman is brilliant. And who can't say they're really looking forward to seeing him fight? the stuff in the trailer alone looks fantastic.


oh and as for Venom: They're obviously saving him for the film. I certainly wouldn't want to spoil the moment. Think back to that LOTR trailer where they only just let a glimpse of the balrog out, despite it being the first thing everyone wanted to see.

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Why is gollum in the last pic?


Looks more like Chucky to me.


Yeah, that's right. More Child's Play. Now you've got the little Good Guy in your head you'll be just fine locking thoughts of that scary doll away, then tonight when you're falling asleep tonight he'll pop right back in and slumber will elude you.

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Looks more like Chucky to me.


Yeah, that's right. More Child's Play. Now you've got the little Good Guy in your head you'll be just fine locking thoughts of that scary doll away, then tonight when you're falling asleep tonight he'll pop right back in and slumber will elude you.


Hey, another good spot! :)


I've only seen the second film twice, but from memory, i did prefer the first film. Maybe it deserves another viewing?

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I don't look forward to much in my meaningless life, but this is certainly something for me to look forward to in 2007.


What do we have here:


- Mario Galaxy

- Spider-man 3

- Halo 3

- New Evangelion Movie

- Halo 3

- More Lost

- More 24

- Halo 3.


Nope, not nerdy at all.


you said halo 3 twice. just to point it out.


Methinks you need more maths lessons!

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Those who said bad thing about Kirsten Dunst for MJ, why do you think this?


I think the character is poorly written, MJ is supposed to be feisty, not scream all the time and be totally useless. She's also supposed to come across as a little more unobtainable and commanding. But... this is the writing, not the actress. All KD can do is read the script and follow the directions.

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