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We Have 10 Years To Save the World


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"With over 26.5 billion tonnes of CO2 emitted globally every year, with an added annual increase of 0.5 billion tonnes, it is predicted that we are fast approaching the climatic tipping point – that is the point at which the global climate will become irreversibly unstable.


The general consensus amongst scientists is that in 2006 we are only a decade away from this point and only by reducing our CO2 emissions by a minimum of one billion tonnes per year, can we push this point far enough into the future to buy us time to develop long-term solutions to the problem."


So basically, in 10 years time there will be no turning back. The human race will have - in less than 200 years - doomed the Earth and every single species forever, unless we can get change.


As this forum seems to have some of the most intelligent conversations I'd like to see the thoughts of the most important and threatening thing that has ever happened to the planet.


Personally, I feel that there is little chance we'll be able to avoid the climatic tipping point. Humans - imo - can not make the sacrifice. When thinking of this, human life seems terribly pointless and meaningless - though this kind of thought doesn't make me sad for some reason. I never thought there being no point made life any crapper.


Anyway, I look forward to the views of some folks here. Post away.

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I think it's impossible for us to achieve it, specially since the only ones trying to stop it is us Europeans. Other developing countries don't give a crap about it, and even worse, so does the US. But I don't believe it to be irreversible, technology grows at an exponential rate, specially when it's more needed.

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Do you honestly think the average businessman is really gunna do anything? Every person on this planet has to join in, including the US government who seem more to support rich oil tycoons to make money rather than save the planet.

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"gunna" is not a word;)


Even though I live in the US I still blame the US for this. But I really do not think there is anyway to prevent this which is sad... Because every one is for themselves. Oil people and such just want money they don't care if they destroy the planet. They just want all the damn money. The government isn't going to do anything because they make Billions off oil and all those things.


I don't know much about the subject so I won't say much besides the obvious:D But this is really bad.

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They actually posted the results of some research recently, and apparently it would be a positive thing for the economy if we all switched to other energy sources (solar, wind etc.). Actually trying to meet the Kyoto protocols would also create thousands of new jobs, again something that would help the economy.

The biggest switch right now that we have to make I think, is to stop using our cars. Take a bus, go by bike... or buy a car that doesn't use gas.


Also, there was a short documentary on tv today about how these two people (an American architect and a German chemist dude) were basically saying that we should make it so all our waste become nutrient. Basically, every thing you buy has to either be made so that when it's thrown away, it can become soil, or that it can be taken apart and every single piece of it will be used again. Also, none of the materials used are allowed to contain things that could harm nature or humans (I just remembered that they call this cradle-to-cradle). And they actually had some big companies working with them, like Nike and Ford and some American furniture company (Miller?). What it comes down to is that the companies made more money and were more efficient, while actually helping nature too at the same time. This may all sound weird (I'm sorry, I'm not good at explaining things), but look it up; it's really cool.



But yeah, big changes have to be made soon. And I'm not sure we're capable of that.

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Twilight Princess is out before this. I don't give a crap about this world after that.


That made me roffle! I agree too. Thing is, the whole world has a "let someone else do it" attitude. I pollute by driving. I see everyone else polluting. I don't see the point on stopping driving to cycle just to prove "I did my bit". Is anyone going to follow my example? Are they fuck. Why make myself late for college/work just to prove to myself, and it would only be to myself, I did something to help this world. You cannot expect people to choose to want to make sacrifices. I'm afraid the only way you're going to sort things out is to strip away choice and make polluting illegal. This, obviously will not happen. Why? Because governments are too shit scared to enforce it. People will inevitably complain about not having the right to drive huge fuck off, diesel guzzling, 4x4s in the middle of a city. The whole world needs a huge kick in the ass now and stop all this fannying about. All I hear is "this is what might happen if we don't cut down now". No, get it right. This IS happening. It WILL end up like this. Stop fucking around with facts and figures and wake up.


As I said, I pollute in my way so i'm hardly one to preach. I'm still sick of this passive attitude to it all. It'll get to a point (not long as suggested above) where we'll no longer be able to say "oh that won't happen for a while yet" because it will have happened.

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You're right Eenuh. There's a whole industry and a whole bunch of jobs in ecologically positive technologies.


To be honest, this is all needless scaremongering. Yes, global warming is a problem but we do not have '10 years to save the world'. :rolleyes:


Might as well get on it now though, eh?

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So basically, in 10 years time there will be no turning back. The human race will have - in less than 200 years - doomed the Earth and every single species forever, unless we can get change.


As this forum seems to have some of the most intelligent conversations I'd like to see the thoughts of the most important and threatening thing that has ever happened to the planet.


Personally, I feel that there is little chance we'll be able to avoid the climatic tipping point. Humans - imo - can not make the sacrifice. When thinking of this, human life seems terribly pointless and meaningless - though this kind of thought doesn't make me sad for some reason. I never thought there being no point made life any crapper.


Anyway, I look forward to the views of some folks here. Post away.


Bit of a melodramatic take on global warming. The Earth wont be doomed for eternity to be a barren wasteland with all species dying out if nothing is done. Sure there might be a domino effect of the earth heating thus releasing methane and CO2 trapped below oceans and in ice, which will accelerate the warming, but there have been plenty of times in Earth's history when it has been in a far worse state and recovered fine. For example the Permian- Triassic boundary when 95% of all life was wiped out, this is pittance compared to that. Humans will probably be pretty much buggered, but life will hang around and adapt until the Earth rights itself in a couple of million years time.


As for what we can do, frankly I can't see much hope. Unless America, India and China with their massive world population percentage get on board with cutting down on fossil fuel use and CO2 emissions, Europe can wave our hands in the air and throw hissy fits all we want, it'll only make a tiny dent in delaying the inevitable. Don't get me wrong, at least people are starting to see what is happening and attempting to right it, but unless it becomes a global effort and not, as it seems now, just a European effort little will be achieved.

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To be honest, this is all needless scaremongering. Yes, global warming is a problem but we do not have '10 years to save the world'. :rolleyes:


Except global warming is not a problem. Maybe I stand alone, but I have not seen any evidence that global warming has a human cause. All you ever see is what is going to happen when global warming is upon us and how the entire problem is America's fault. Just because the Earth is warming does not mean that it's the error of man. I recall, about 30 years ago, when every scientist the world over was hysterically screaming about how the next ice age was upon us and we were all doomed. Now the problem is the Earth getting warmer? Unless they present me with undeniable, unarguable, indisputable evidence that global warming is caused by humans, the scientific community can take a nice long look at my middle finger.

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The way this world is going today. I think we will blow up each other with in 10 years. WORLD WAR III!


Just as long as I get to play the Wii and GTA 4 before that happens.


It is good that you care so much about this problem. If only their where more people like you.

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Guest Ford Prefect
The human race will have - in less than 200 years - doomed the Earth and every single species forever, unless we can get change.



er, no, there have been plenty of times in past history where there have been much larger amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere or the climate has changed dramatically, more so than the result likely if we don't change our ways and yet life persists.


this is not of course an excuse to carry on regardless, mearly a point that we don't be turning the world into a lifeless void.....

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Scientists are all doom bringers anyway. They said the oil would run out in the early 80s, early 90s, early 00s...has it? No


Really they put glib statements out just to get the government to fund their research. I highly doubt it is anywhere near as bad as you said. They always do this. The polar Ice Caps were meant to be completely melted by 2002 if I recall correctly

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