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Mario Party 8


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So, I have been playing this on and off during this weekend and I have to say this by far the worst Mario Party game to date.


The single player mode is shocking in that you dont get to play minigames at the end of each round. Instead you have to land on a VS square to battle and the fact that you cant save a single player game until you finish the board is shocking.


The mulitplayer mode isnt that fresh either. I played on it with my nephews yesterday and we got really bored and that was only a 10 round game! The game just seems to move a hell of alot slower than previous versions. Also, the minigames themselves arent very inspired at all. Did this start off as a Cube game? Just seems like the controls were put on as an after thought thats all.


The series really does need to get a makeover and I dont think even online play could have helped due to the slow pace of the game. I loved the series but I think its time they let someone other than Hudson take a crack at it.

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Apparently this game has been pulled from the UK for a while because it had the word "spastic" in it. Any chance of confirmation Hero of Time? (presuming the EU version still has an English language option)

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;498961"]Apparently this game has been pulled from the UK for a while because it had the word "spastic" in it. Any chance of confirmation Hero of Time? (presuming the EU version still has an English language option)


LMBO. Really? If you can tell me where it is supposed to be said I will check it out for you. Oh and yeah its all in english so if its in there I should be able to find it.

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Yeah according to the Nintendo rep.


Although wasn't another game recalled because it said "spastic" in it recently? Maybe he got mixed up if it was.


Regardless. It resulted in someone asking when they would have said it, so I jokingly said when you lost Mario says (in his voice) "You're a spastic." (you know with an italianish accent and everything...) and he laughed and said he'd have to mention that to "Charles" next times he sees him. Would be a kind of geeky cool if he did.

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;499100"]Although wasn't another game recalled because it said "spastic" in it recently? Maybe he got mixed up if it was.


Yea, some crappy Brain Training rip-off called people "Super Spastic"


It's due to lack of British localisation - the word is fine in American English.

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;499394]Hmm could have been that. Though I doubt it as Im sure he probably just knows about 1st party games. Ah well' date=' whatever.[/quote']


I think it's been both games from what I've heard. Here's some more info on the Mario Party one.




Oh and I need to say this now

"It's not Spastics it's Scope now dear."

10pts for reference :smile:

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Supposadely 2% of the games manufactured in the UK are in fact the US version which contains the word!


Also theres rumours going around that Bowser calls Mario a f****** C*** in it!

















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what is the deal with this?! anyone know why this was pulled from sale. we had it on sale today in GAME but it was pulled later in the day due to some copies having an "offensive word" in it.


I read it wasn't all the games manufatured just some.


The game has techinically in some-places been delayed again! Poor UK...:D

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what is the deal with this?! anyone know why this was pulled from sale. we had it on sale today in GAME but it was pulled later in the day due to some copies having an "offensive word" in it.



I think it is "retard"


"spastic" apparently.

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To be fair, it'd be a PR disaster for Nintendo to have not recall the game. However, is there any need for the PC brigade to continually create new offensive words - whats wrong with the word Spastic exactly? I thought it was hillariously used in The League of Gentlemen!




Oddly, however, no one has told the marketing department that the game's been recalled... i've just seen an advert on Channel 4.

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However, is there any need for the PC brigade to continually create new offensive words - whats wrong with the word Spastic exactly?


"Spastic" means someone who suffers from spasticity; which is a disorder within the body's motor system which results are contiunously contracted. In itself its fine, its the demeaning abuse of the word to imply someone is phsycially or mentally impared, rarely actually referring to spasticity.


Its like calling someone retarded if they have a speech impediment.

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;502530]"Spastic" means someone who suffers from spasticity; which is a disorder within the body's motor system which results are contiunously contracted. In itself its fine' date=' its the demeaning abuse of the word to imply someone is phsycially or mentally impared, rarely actually referring to spasticity.


Its like calling someone retarded if they have a speech impediment.[/quote']


As a games veteran with Asperger's I applaud Nintendo for the recall. At least they are responding to terms which people with learning disabilities find offensive.

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;502530]"Spastic" means someone who suffers from spasticity; which is a disorder within the body's motor system which results are contiunously contracted. In itself its fine' date=' its the demeaning abuse of the word to imply someone is phsycially or mentally impared, rarely actually referring to spasticity.


Its like calling someone retarded if they have a speech impediment.[/quote']


I'm glad they recalled it too, I stutter when I talk and get called that word all the time. Good nintendo, I can wait a little longer the game.

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ROFL whoever decided to include the word "spastic" in a Mario Party game, is like a God to me...


Sorry, i don't mean any offence to anyone but I have to agree with this guy^. It's hilarious that Nintendo managed to do this :p I for one will never be trading in my "Spastic special edition" :D I wondered why GAME didn't have it out and HMV was also lacking of it...I finally found a copy at ASDA but had to ask for it and the sales assistant said "Strange...no one has put it out on the shelf!" Yer...I wonder why LMFAO!


BTW, as for the criticism of the game I personally really enjoy it, me and my g/f played for 3 hours and no boredom...made her bareable :p Its no Mario Strikers beater though for multiplayer.

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Hey good first post and welcome to the forums!


I agree with you aswell,I find this spastic thing a bit funny and all the fuss about it,i'm happy I got mine sent before the recall now,I was the spastic edition :heh:


Also a delay again just for 1 word is a bit harsh,could of stopped shipments instead of recalling,would only take a few days to get everything sorted.


Also I haven't properly played a Mario Party since the N64 days,so i'm sure i'll like this one.

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