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Life. Death. Purpose?


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Ok I've created this thread because Im curious on what other people feel about this particular topic.


Ok so I was thinking about dying, I get these really weird shudders or gut feelings when I think about being "not here". And that lead to me to think, what is life? What's the purpose? Do we live to die?


Ok so when I think about it hard, everyday you are one step closer to dying. Why do we live our lives when death is the only possible outcome? Why do we build up our lives with so much joy and excitement when it all ends in nothing?


Obviously some people believe you go to heaven, reborn, become an animal etc.


So I want to hear from you people, what do you think about death and life. And what are its purposes?

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I don't feel anything, we live because we were randomly created in the vast and complex cosmos and as everything that's created, there's a necessity to move on keep existing, so we procreate. But, since we evolved so much and have such complex brains we need to have leisure and luxuries that other species don't. We even spend time thinking why the hell we exist.

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Bloomin' 'eck, whats with this board getting so deep all of a sudden.


Anyway, I suppose the simple answer is that there is none, or that each person creates there own reason. I suppose that's the atheist point of view. Then again, I can't really think of more of a reason.


Why do we build up our lives with so much joy and excitement when it all ends in nothing?


Isn't that basically the answer as well, though. You are born, 70 years later you die. You have to find a way to waste the time in between.

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The best thing isn't to think about when you're gunna die or what you don't have. Life is about doing what you love and being with who you love. Thats all there is to it.

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One By One We Bite The Dust

We Kick The Bucket And Begin To Rust

Give Up The Ghost When Your Numbers Up We All Fall Down

Ashes To Ashes, Bones To Paste

You'll Wither Away In Your Resting Place

Eternity In A Wooden Case We All Fall Down

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I believe the two rules of. Loving your neighbour and loving God being a christian. I would be an athiest if I wasnt a christian but I find the fact that as humans we ask why and how to make me believe in something rather than nothing and the most logical something I find is christianty.

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Guest Ford Prefect

i got over the fear of death thing a long time ago. you have to realise that its totally unavoidable and as much a part of life as breathing is. you can't do anything about it much as you can't do anything if you're out and it starts pissing it down on you. once you're wet you're wet so why care? same with death, once you're gone there's fuck all to experience, except on the off chance there is some kind of afterlife, in which case i will plan out something involving haunting some folks and making whats left of their lives totally fucking miserable just like they made some part of my life shitty....



ask for purpose, reproduction, same as any life form and i don't really see much of a problem with that. if you're that worried about all this shit then really you've got too much time on your hands, get a hobby a job or something. right now i don't even have time to buy any clothes nor fuck all cos i'm that bastard busy. i've been on the road now working away from home since early august and i won't get another break until the 22nd of december. i don't have time to worry about life death or other shit and thats good! its when you've got the time that you become depressed....

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Our purpose in life is reproduction, to perpetuate the species, to transmit your genes to the next generation, just like every other species in existence.


Since we obviously can't spend all of our time making babies, in the meantime, you can spend your time making the world a better place for yourself and the species as a whole, thus improving the species' chances to survive in the future.


Everything else is just background. Happiness is all about egoism, although the feeling of fulfillment is necessary to keep a balanced mind. If you don't feel fulfilled, just get something interesting and productive to do - just don't spend all of your time wondering about "your purpose", since the answer is simple and clear, as stated.

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Our purpose in life is reproduction, to perpetuate the species, to transmit your genes to the next generation, just like every other species in existence.


I'd appreciate your input... but as far as I'm concerned...


You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals....

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I'd appreciate your input... but as far as I'm concerned...


You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals....


That's why I wrote the second paragraph. Culture, technology, social work, family, an organized society - those are all things that work towards ensuring the species' future survival. A "secondary objective", if you want to call it that.

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The purpose of life is to live the way you enjoy. Screw this 'Social Responsibility' rubbish, its how to die bored. Live for the moment and die on the edge!

I wonder how people on here want to die? In your beds? Being shot? Falling from a cliff whilst scaling a mountain? Or do you want to live forever?

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haha ok guys thanks. Cheered me up abit ^^


And yes supergrunch I get the same feeling when I think about when I wasn't born. All those years......But then that makes you think. If there are all these babies being born. How do you know whether your going to be one of them in the far future?


But obviously we won't know as we won't remember our past life :P


But It would be cool to have an afterlife. I really wish heaven was true. But all these people that have had near death experiences saying they could see a light.


And remember that 5 year old? Who said he seen a white light when his heart had stopped. Weird but very interesting.


I talked to my science teacher today about what she thinks about death and such, she said well as we are only 3 dimensional creatures we can only see the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimension. She said scientists say there are many more dimensions that we cannot see. She said there could be many things going on around us which we just can't see. Ghosts anyone?

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I live on solely by hoping that one day I'll be old enough to be ready to die.


Until then, it's fucking scary.


I'm agnostic, as agnostic as they come. The only way I can find an glimpse of faith in my pessimistic mind is with the question "why?" ie, why are we here if we're going to die? Why have we created so much, why do we exist, why do planets, stars, air, rocks, life, plants, love, hate, music, dreams etc. etc. exist? The fact that there's no obvious answer is the only tiny chunk of a testamant to faith I can stumble accross.


But I think it's basically easier not to worry about it, try not to think about it and live life as best you can :)

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